Chapter 67: Face Slapping

Due to continuous favorable comments on the Internet, after 12 noon, the box office of The Line of Life and Death started to grow crazily.

During the period from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., a peak appeared, an increase of 12 million in an hour.

When the first day's box office statistics came out, everyone was thunderstruck.

With only 14% of the screening, the box office of the movie reached 60 million on its releasing day!

Previously, Liu Jia'an had been actively contacting the cinemas, who were basically not optimistic about this movie because the director's blank period lasted for seven years, plus he chose an unpopular theme after returning.

Even if Liu Jia'an's contacts accumulated through these years were still there, they had to put interests in the first place.

Under such circumstances, it was really not easy for the movie to achieve such a result.

The discussion about the movie among the media and netizens was boiling!

In recent years, domestic films had been constantly criticized. Many film review websites had commented on domestic films only because of their poor performance, scattered plots and the confusing stories from the directors.

Although Orange had gotten a good reputation, its popularity was limited because the subject was not so widely-accepted.

The appearance of The Line of Life and Death was like a hurricane, which immediately set off a stormy wave across the country and triggered a heated discussion.

The cinemas were best known for their sense to sail with the wind. The next day, many cinemas adjusted the film screening of the movie to 40%. Such a big adjustment was unprecedented.

However, even with such an adjustment, the newly released tickets could far from satisfy the audience's need. Basically, after 11: 00 p.m. on all major ticketing apps, all tickets for the movie would be sold out.

The Line of Life and Death really became a hit.

Discussions around the movie could be heard in office buildings, residential areas, and public buses and subways. Many people even went to the cinema to have four or five re-watch.

In any case, the film crew could not have imagined that the audiences would spontaneously act as 'a public relations agent' for the movie to help publicize it.

The day after its release, the cumulative box office of the movie reached 300 million yuan. On the third day, 520 million; And on the fourth day, 830 million!

And there was no sign of growing fatigue, the growth continued in spurts.

Liu Jia'an had finally fought a beautiful turnaround. 'You don't give a sh*t about me today, I make you eat your own sh*t tomorrow', he had repeated these words in his mind these days.

By virtue of the popularity of the movie, the fame of the director, starring and supporting actors all rose with the tide.

Yu Qinghuan's Weibo followers rose by 2 million overnight because his last act was so amazing that # Ye Sheng's death # even ranked among the hot topics.

Previously, Yu Qinghuan's fans were mainly female group, but The Line of Life and Death brought him a large number of male fans.

The second-generation rich, who was arrogant and afraid of death, sacrificed himself in order to save others. Such contrast made this role even more impressive.

After entering the entertainment circle for only over half an year, Yu Qinghuan had gained great popularity with only two movies.

New movie scripts and endorsements were handed over to him like snowflakes. The prices they offered were all high and he was even given the right to adjust the scripts.

"This one looks good." Yu Xin recommended a romantic comedy to Yu Qinghuan and said, "This is something you should try. Such a movie is easy and relaxing. The box office wouldn't be bad, I can tell."

He then added, "Remember the perfume I talked to you yesterday? Their offer is quite sincere. What do you say?"

"Take it easy." Yu Qinghuan said vaguely, with a throat candy in his mouth, "Let's wait for some time first."

"My holy ancestor!" Yu Xin beat the fat on his thigh, "What are you waiting for? Once a deal is gone, it is gone for good! Popularity corrodes quickly over time. It's high time for you to star more movies while you're on the rise!"

After a pause, he looked at Yu Qinghuan, "Don't tell me you're still waiting for Kenn's endorsement, aren't you?" He said, "There is no chance for you, since you have told them everything."

"No." Yu Qinghuan smiled helplessly and explained to Yu Xin patiently, "I'll start filming How to Love You soon. Even if I have to consider new chances, I can only pick up one endorsement. As for movies, I don't think any movie crew would like to wait for me till next year."

"How do you know if you don't fight for it?" Yu Xin was actually not confident with his own words.

Yu Qinghuan added, "And I also want to have a good rest."

"What? You want to have a rest??? I won't allow it!" Yu Xin gave him a stare. How he wished he could cut off a part of his entrepreneur spirit and stuffed it to him!

Encountering with such good chances, other stars would have already made used of every bit of it to climb high without the push from their agents!

It happened that this one was different from others!

In such a precious period of rising, how could he say he wanted some rest?!

Today he must give him a good ideological and political lesson!

As Yu Xin cleared his throat and wanted to speak, he heard Yu Qinghuan who was sitting on the opposite side sigh.

His eyelashes lowered slightly, his beautiful lips pursed and he whispered, "Ge, serial filming is really exhausting. I haven't had a rest for a long time."

Yu Xin was stunned and could not continue the words which were always on the tip of his tongue.

Yu Qinghuan had always been very tired. When he was young, he had to struggle for money. After he grew up, he had to rush about for work. He hadn't really had a moment to relax yet.

Now he was not short of money and even had a boyfriend. He wanted a proper rest. This was not a particularly excessive request.

Yu Xin sighed. He knew himself not professional and without much ability, but what he really wanted to see most was his artist could live happily.

"All right, I'll postpone your work."

"Thank you, ge." Hearing Yu Xin's words, Yu Qinghuan immediately raised his head and looked at him smiling.

Yu Xin was struck dumb. "Were you… just pretending to be miserable in front of me?"

"Of course not," Yu Qinghuan immediately assumed an innocent face.

He did not realize that his attitude towards Yu Xin had become much more relaxed. Even all kinds of pettish tricks that would never be used in front of others had been applied by him in front of his broker unconsciously.

"I'll not mind your business." Yu Xin rolled his eyes at Yu Qinghuan and got up to tidy up the house.

In the afternoon, Zhao Rui called Yu Qinghuan and said he would invite the latter to dinner.

Yu Qinghuan was free at night and was going to take Huo Qu to buy a new mobile phone, so he accepted the invitation.

In the evening, he went to the research institute to pick up Huo Qu and took him directly to the shopping mall.

Huo Qu's phone was lost, which was not a big deal. Anyway, without a password, the thief could not use it, so they were not afraid of the information leaking out.

But Huo Qu was unhappy. He kept all the messages and information for such a long time, and now all of them were gone.

Yu Qinghuan comforted him for a long time and promised him that he would send him messages frequently. Only then did Professor Huo rest assured.

Fearing that Huo Qu would feel not at ease with a new phone, Yu Qinghuan bought him the same model of his previous cell phone. When he arrived at the appointed box, he unpacked the package and handed the new cell phone to Huo Qu, "Come on, give it a try."

Huo Qu only had one requirement for his mobile phone, that was, to be able to contact Qinghuan and search his information. Seeing Weibo had been downloaded, he entered Yu Qinghuan's number and saved it in his new phone.

His bowed head and his slow typing looked so cute that Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but want to make fun of him, "Can't you memorize my number? Why do you still have to save it?"

Huo Qu's cheek was reddish, "It should be saved."

Yu Qinghuan continued to cross-examine with a wicked heart, "Why?"

He slowly turned the straw inserted into the corn juice in his hand, and raised his eyebrows. His eyes fell on Huo Qu's face like small hooks. Each glance was stirring.

Huo Qu's heart beat fast and his face was almost burning.

He didn't know why he insisted on saving Qinghuan's number, but it was right to obey his instinct. He gave Yu Qinghuan a quick look and his Adam's apple moved slightly.

Yu Qinghuan still persisted in asking, "Huo Qu, why don't you talk? Are you… Um…"

The straw on the touch of Qinghuan's lips was unceremoniously pulled down. Huo Qu stretched out his hands to buckle his head, and then his lips severely blocked Qinghuan's chirruping mouth.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Zhao Rui led Wang Ruirui into the room. Seeing the scene, he quickly covered the little girl's eyes and shouted at the two, "Can you two pay attention?"

Being caught on the spot, Yu Qinghuan felt a little embarrassed. He coughed and took Wang Ruirui into his arms unnaturally, pretending not to hear Zhao Rui. He bowed his head and said hello to the little girl, "Ruirui, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Qinghuan, and Huo Qu, how about you two?" After such a long time of absence, Wang Ruirui still felt them familiar. Her big smiling eyes was greeting to them.

Zhao Rui raised her with his full heart. The little girl was wearing a pink windbreaker with a red face and a healthy luster. She looked lovely. Yu Qinghuan couldn't help kissing her chubby little face, and his heart was stirring.

The girl was so adorable! How he wished to rob her away!

"Brother Qinghuan," Wang Ruirui touched her own face, raised her head and looked at Yu Qinghuan with a pair of big black eyes, "Why did you kiss me?"

Yu Qinghuan said smilingly, "Because I like you."

After a pause, he met with the gloomy and murderous look of Zhao Rui and quickly added, "But Ruirui must remember that no one else can kiss you, okay?"

Wang Ruirui nodded, "Uncle Zhao Rui tells me this every day."

The little girl leaned against Yu Qinghuan's arms and turned her sights several times between him and Huo Qu. Suddenly, she said, "You kissed Huo Qu because you like him too?"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

He seriously suspected that Wang Ruirui was a spy sent by Huo Qu!

"Well…" He wanted to use his ace of changing the subject but accidentally ran into Huo Qu's dark eyes.

Yu Qinghuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and hesitated for a few seconds. Then he just gave up and finally spit out the few words with difficulty, "Well, yes."

Dimples immediately revealed the on Huo Qu's shy cheeks. He affectionately held Yu Qinghuan's fingers from under the table and smiled with satisfaction.

After the interlude, they stared to order food and chatted over dinner.

Yu Qinghuan told Zhao Rui about Kenn's endorsement, "But I may have no chance. Bro Xin urged me to receive another new endorsement, and I still have to pay attention to new chances."

Hearing this, Zhao Rui clicked his tongue and said gloatingly, "Oh, it seems that your good luck is coming to an end. I feel pity for my 50,000 yuan!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Would it be too late for him to defriend this man?

Suddenly, the phone at Qinghuan's hand suddenly rang. He picked it up and looked at the screen. It turned out to be Lu Feng, "Mr. Lu?"

Lu Feng's cold voice came from the microphone. He hadn't softened his tone even when saying good news, "Qinghuan, are you available tomorrow? Come to our company to sign the contract. Congratulations on becoming the spokesperson of Kenn Passion Series."

Zhao Rui, who was just about to have a drink to celebrate the end of Qinghuan's luck, "…"

He seemed to hear the sound of his face swollen by a succession of slaps…