Chapter 71: Indian Divine Oil

Due to early strong publicity and the excellence of the movie itself, The Line of Life and Death was like a rocket soaring with hundreds of millions of growth in box office every day. This was indeed an unprecedented miracle in the movie industry.

Both the film crew and audiences were excited. The latter even spontaneously opened various posts on different forums to update the movie's box office every day. Such enthusiasm was like clocking in at work.

The comments that Liu Jia'an was at his wit's end had long disappeared without a trace. Those anti-fans were lurking in the deepest pit despondently and never dared to pop up their heads again.

After half a month since its release, the box office of The Line of Life and Death had already exceeded 4 billion yuan. This figure even surprised Yu Qinghuan, who had experienced a previous life and already psychologically prepared for the box office explosion.

One should know the box office of this movie in his previous life only reached 5.5 billion yuan. Judging from the still fierce rise, it was definitely not a problem to exceed the previous record.

"Well, am I good?" Zhao Qingyuan's career had soared on the wings of the cyclone and his commercial value came straight toward Qin Zheng. All kinds of big-budget movies came like snowflakes, but he did not give any of them an affirmative answer immediately.

On the contrary, as soon as the publicity was over, he ran to Yu Qinghuan's house, rummaging through the refrigerator while bragging before Yu Qinghuan. "When I decided to enter the entertainment circle that year, my dad almost whipped me to death! Now, everyone says The Line of Life and Death stars his son. Hahaha!"

Yu Qinghuan didn't pick up on the topic for fear the other side would get dizzy with his huge success. He just leafed through the scripts of How to Love You as if he hadn't heard Zhao Qingyuan at all.

Zhao Qingyuan had long been accustomed to Qinghuan's attitude towards him, and he just didn't care. He took two steamed dumplings from the refrigerator and stuffed them into his mouth. Only then did he sit down beside Yu Qinghuan contentedly and poke him with an elbow. "Stop looking at it, hey, I'll tell you something serious. I bought Kenn's super run the other day, the one you spoke for."

"You bought a car again?" Yu Qinghuan looked up from the script and asked.

Zhao Qingyuan was a car fanatic. His garage was lined with all kinds of luxury cars. However, he was lazy and seldom drove himself, but only appreciated his collections occasionally. What a rich and willful boy!

"As a friend, I have the obligation to support you," Zhao Qingyuan smiled. Seeing Yu Qinghuan's frowning eyebrows, he hurriedly added, "And the car is truly beautiful. Many of my friends outside the circle have already placed orders."

Zhao Qingyuan's words were not false. Since Yu Qinghuan spoke for Kenn's passion series, the sales volume had increased dramatically, both the passion series and other series!

Everyone tended to foster a good feeling toward Yu Qinghuan. Among so many sports cars, the main reason why they chose Kenn was that Yu Qinghuan was the spokesperson.

Zhao Qingyuan's friends were even crazier. These idlers imitated the tone of little girls to leave comments under Yu Qinghuan's Weibo, urging him to post more contents and selfies. They would buy whatever Yu Qinghuan spoke for, from watches to cars, whatever. They were more star-struck and hot-blooded than anyone else.

What's more, they even coerced Zhao Qingyuan into introducing Yu Qinghuan to them.

At the thought of that, Zhao Qingyuan touched the small bottle in his pocket and said to Yu Qinghuan, "It's really weird. You are a gay while you are so popular among a group of straight men! This is unbelievable!"

Zhao Qingyuan then took the small bottle out of his pocket, smiling obscurely, and then slipped the bottle into Yu Qinghuan's hand, "Indian Divine Oil! Am I worthy to be your best friend? I never failed you!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Why was Zhao Qingyuan's being worthy to be his best friend shown in that aspect?

"Qingyuan," Yu Qinghuan took a deep breath. Brimming with the urge to beat someone, he put aside the bottle of the so-called Indian Divine Oil, and stared at Zhao Qingyuan for as long as a full minute, until the hair on the other side stood erect. Then he slowly opened his mouth, "Don't you think you pay too much attention to the fact that I am gay?"

Zhao Qingyuan was baffled by what he said and spat out one syllable, "Ah?"

"This…" Yu Qinghuan pointed to the small bottle, "How do you know this kind of thing? And those little dirty videos. Where did you get them?"

Zhao Qingyuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "This… Isn't it quite simple?"

Yu Qinghuan clicked his tongue and almost frightened Zhao Qingyuan into wetting his pants with only one sentence.

"Someone who has no idea what is going on here would think you are the gay."

Zhao Qingyuan, "!!!"

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense! I am only into women!" He hastened to defend for himself. In order to prove his innocence, he was trying to show Yu Qinghuan the pictures of beautiful women he had saved in his mobile phone. Suddenly, there was a clicking sound at the door.

It turned out that Huo Qu came back.

"Why do you get back so early today?" Looking at the hour hand pointing to 4 o'clock in the afternoon in his watch, Yu Qinghuan asked doubtfully.

"I'm on vacation." Huo Qu replied and nodded at Zhao Qingyuan while bending down to change shoes.

"Huh?" Being interrupted by Huo Qu, Zhao Qingyuan already forgot the former panic. He looked at Yu Qinghuan in surprise and asked, "Am I going nuts or what? Your Huo Qu took the initiative to say hello to me?!"

In should know Huo Qu turned a blind eye to anyone in the past, including his elder brothers. The man nodded to him first today? Was it the magic from the koi boyfriend?!

Zhao Qingyuan felt much flattered and waved at Huo Qu. "Hello, Professor Huo."

"Hi." Huo Qu came over and sat down next to Yu Qinghuan. Looking at Zhao Qingyuan, he said earnestly, "You are not going nuts."

Zhao Qingyuan, "…"

Still feeling moved? Nah! He never stood a chance to make friends with Huo Qu!

Using the excuse of going back to try out his new car, Zhao Qingyuan did not even stay for one more minute and ran away as fast as he could, leaving Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu a world of two.

"Why do you suddenly take such a long vacation?" Yu Qinghuan hung Huo Qu's coat on a hanger while asking him.

Huo Qu mentioned this matter a few days ago, but it happened to be a night at that time. Yu Qinghuan was in a daze and did not ask more. But recalling it now, he kind of felt Huo Qu was behaving a bit abnormal.

Did Huo Qu want to spend more time with Qinghuan before the latter joined the new film crew?

Yu Qinghuan waited for a while but still got no reply from Huo Qu. When he looked back and asked him again, he nearly got scared out of his pants on seeing the stuff in Huo Qu's hands!

Huo Qu came back suddenly before Qinghuan could put away the bottle of Indian Divine Oil! The bottle was found by the boy! Had he seen it?

Fortunately, it was printed with Indian characters, not Chinese.

Yu Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief and dare not have a second's delay. He hurriedly ran over and stretched out his hands to grab the bottle, but Huo Qu just dodged.

"Be good! Give it to me." Yu Qinghuan coughed and said guiltily, "This is medicine. It would make a mess if you spill it." No one could understand the words on it, thought him. So he could talk whatever nonsense as he wanted in all seriousness.

Huo Qu stared at the small bottle for a full minute, then raised his head in shock, "Qinghuan, is this for you?"

"No," Yu Qinghuan felt daunting, so he didn't pay attention to Huo Qu's expression. Afraid of Huo Qu's suspicion, he didn't dare to take it onto himself, so he had to rack his brains to tell a lie. "Well … It's…It's for Zhao Qingyuan."

"No way." Huo Qu flatly refuted his words. His face was tight and he seemed to be a little upset.

"Really." Yu Qinghuan continued his efforts and tried to throw all the blames onto Zhao Qingyuan, "This is his…"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Huo Qu's cold voice:

"This product can effectively prolong sex time, increase hardness and length, and help you regain self-esteem…"

He looked at Yu Qinghuan incredulously and continued reading it, "Wash away after applying it for 10 minutes, it won't affect oral sex? Oral sex, what does this mean?"

Although there were still some parts he didn't understand, Huo Qu already knew the function of this thing. How could Zhao Qingyuan carry it around with him?

Since it neither belonged to Zhao Qingyuan nor Qinghuan, then the product was for Huo Qu himself.

Huo Qu looked at Yu Qinghuan with an expression of injury and couldn't believe that his Qinghuan not only rejected him but also bought this kind of thing for him!

"How is it possible that you know Indian characters?" Yu Qinghuan was stunned. He looked at Huo Qu, completely didn't expect he could understand the above instructions, which led him to make a deadly mistake.

"I knew Hindi long time ago." Huo Qu sipped his lips and didn't want to talk about this topic. He looked at Yu Qinghuan with faint eyes. "Qinghuan, do you think I couldn't last long enough?"

"No!" Yu Qinghuan finally realized the seriousness of the problem and quivered hearing this. Thinking of the fear of being crushed on the bed by Huo Qu in those years, he hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong. It's not the truth."

"I don't believe it." In Yu Qinghuan's horrified gazes, Huo Qu threw away the bottle and pounced at him directly.

"Huo Qu, calm down," Yu Qinghuan struggled feebly under Huo Qu, cursing Zhao Qingyuan in his heart.

How could this man bring such a dangerous thing to his house? He would be tortured to death in bed by Huo Qu!!!

"I mean, really, it's for Zhao Qingyuan!"

But he was answered by Huo Qu's increasingly fierce kisses.

On that night, Huo Qu was completely gone wild. Yu Qinghuan felt that he had been drained out all his inventory of more than 20 years. When he got up the next morning, he was even walking with trembling legs.

In contrast, Huo Qu was still so energetic and even had the strength to wear that cold face as usual!

This was the first time Huo Qu getting mad at Yu Qinghuan. He was sipping his lips and his aura was fully manifested. His dark eyes were staring at Yu Qinghuan as if he was about to jump onto him and swallow him at any time.

Yu Qinghuan was terrified. After a quick breakfast, he rolled and crawled out of the door, intending to escape to the film set to keep himself safe. When he looked back, he found Huo Qu following him.

"Are you coming with me?" Yu Qinghuan asked lamely.

"Hmm." Huo Qu gripped Qinghuan's hand tightly with a still cold face, but his tone was sour, "I won't put you and Qin Zheng together!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

It is like eight hundred years go! How could the boy still be so jealous of him? Professor Huo, seriously, are you sure you are not the one who is going nuts?!