Chapter 86: “Wow, I Feel the Aura of the little Koi!”

The weather in early October had taken on a chill.

The Taurus Award Ceremony was approaching. Yu Xin had already prepared a suit for his artist for the ceremony. A pure black advanced-customized suit went with a limited edition watch sponsored by Ada.

In the past six months, many world-famous brands had offered their olive branches to Yu Qinghuan, but his preference was very fixed and he chose Ada every time.

As a result of Qinghuan's unwitting move, Ada had achieved a large sales volume, making Evenson kept on smiling. Whenever there was a traditional festival in China, Ada would definitely give Yu Qinghuan a red envelope.

"It shouldn't be cold over there," Yu Xin said as he helped Qinghuan pack. "But we need to bring more clothes to avoid catching a cold."

Every time he picked out a piece of clothes, he would pass it to Huo Qu. Huo Qu would fold it up and put it neatly into the suitcase. The two cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding.

Only Yu Qinghuan sat idly on the stool beside and occasionally turned over the script, feeling very boring.

He took one look at Huo Qu who reached for the clothes. While Huo Qu was not paying attention, he quietly folded the corner of the well-arranged clothes and quickly withdrew his hands, pretending that nothing had happened.

When Huo Qu turned around and saw those clothes, he immediately tilted his head in confusion. He clearly remembered that he had just folded them neatly. How did this happen?

He took the clothes out of the suitcase, carefully folded them again, and checked them especially to make sure there was not even a wrinkle. Only then, did he turn around satisfactorily and start folding another one.

What shocked him was that when he looked back again, the clothes in the suitcase were out of order again.

What was going on?

Yu Xin didn't know what had happened yet. After waiting for half a day for Huo Qu, he could not help urging, "Huo Qu?"

Hearing this, Huo Qu returned to absolute being, leaving the question behind and continuing to work.

Seeing Huo Qu's gawking appearance, Yu Qinghuan tasted the fun of pranks and secretly smiled while holding out his hands again.

Just as his hands were about to touch the clothes, Huo Qu suddenly turned around.

"Ahem," Yu Qinghuan was caught red-handed. He coughed embarrassedly, hurriedly retracted his hands and pretended to be seriously reading the script with his head bowed.

Huo Qu looked at him steadily for a few seconds, then suddenly came up. He clasped the back of Yu Qinghuan's head, bent down and kissed him on the lips.

Yu Qinghuan was unable to dodge. Seeing Yu Xin's widened eyes out of the corner of his eye, he hurriedly pushed Huo Qu away, "What are you doing?"

After a pause, he added, "Get to work!"

Huo Qu smiled shyly and imitated what Yu Qinghuan had done before to stretch out his hand and touched Qinghuan's head, "Don't be naughty."

Huo Qu's palm was warm, gently patting Qinghuan's head. Yu Qinghuan didn't know why, being kissed by Huo Qu in front of others never make him blush with shyness, but now, his face turned red instantly and his heart thumped heavily. After some murmur, he immediately bowed his head.

"Can't you pay attention to your behavior?" Yu Xin looked at the two men with a helpless face, "Do you need me to emphasize it again?! I! Yu Xin! Thirty-eight this year! Still a bachelor!"

Yu Qinghuan was going to comfort Yu Xin when he heard Huo Qu saying in his ears, "You can find a boyfriend."

Huo Qu's expression was very serious and his words were literally. His thought his suggestion was the most reasonable one given Yu Xin's condition.

Yu Xin, "…"

Yu Xin, "Sorry, I like women, thank you."

"Then you can find a girlfriend."

Yu Xin, "…"

If he could find a girlfriend, he would not stay here watching the two show mutual affection.

To him, girls were like stars in the sky, dazzling but unattainable. He felt a headache every time at the thought of it.

Yu Qinghuan was afraid that Huo Qu would go on talking and push Yu Xin's anger out of control. He hurriedly put out his hand and gave Huo Qu a push. "Go and fold your clothes. Don't talk until you have finished folding!"

Huo Qu looked at him with grievance and mumbled with an 'umm'.

"Why did you bully him?" Unexpectedly, Yu Xin, who had just been choked by Huo Qu's words, gave Yu Qinghuan a stern look when he heard the words, "You're spoiled by him. Can't you fold your own clothes?"

"He wouldn't let me do it," Yu Qinghuan lifted his chin to Huo Qu and asked him, "Would you?"

Huo Qu did not quite understand the meaning of their dialogue, but he knew the last sentence of Yu Qinghuan and nodded, "No."

What Huo Qu actually thought was Qinghuan was so bad at folding clothes, far from reaching his standard.

Yu Qinghuan showed off in an ostentatious manner and turned to Yu Xin, "You see, bro."

Yu Xin, "…"

Yu Xin, "…"

Was it too late to strike? Thought Yu Xin.

The award ceremony happened to be on the weekend, so Huo Qu flew to City Gao with Yu Qinghuan. After they arrived at the pre-arranged hotel and had just rested for a while, Yu Xin's phone began to ring.

Phone calls came one after another, like a collective arrangement of the callers

"What is the situation?" After Yu Xin finally hang up the phone and switched his mobile directly to flight mode, Yu Qinghuan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Yu Xin was a man of good temper, and there were few reasons for him to do so.

"You should take the blame," Yu Xin slumped weakly on the bed with a trembling circle of fat hanging on his stomach. "Many people were asking me where you would be sitting and if you had any companions on the red carpet."

Looking at Huo Qu's alert ears, Yu Qinghuan coughed, "What are they doing asking about this?"

The organizer had already arranged all, it was impossible to have any changes even they wanted to.

"They…" Yu Xin's face was awkward. After a long pause, he continued, "They want to get closer to you, draw some luck from the koi to see if they can win a prize tonight…"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

What the hell! Why was everyone so superstitious about luck?

Just then, his phone rang. Yu Xin shivered as soon as he heard the phone ringing and wormed into the bed with a conditioned reflex. Yu Qinghuan took out his mobile phone in distress and looked at the screen. Seeing it was Zhao Qingyuan, he picked up the phone without hesitation, "Qingyuan, are you here?"

"Yes." Zhao Qingyuan's voice came from the microphone. Probably because he was walking and talking, his breath was a little unsteady. "Your room number, please. I brought some food. I'll go to your room later."

Hearing this, Yu Qinghuan immediately understood Zhao Qingyuan was banned from snacks by his agent again, so he advised, "Don't eat snacks. Tomorrow you will walk on the red carpet. Eat salad with me tonight."

"Nope!" Zhao Qingyuan was anxious. "I risked my life taking these snacks here. How can I not eat!" Thinking of the red carpet, he added, "Do you know many people are asking me about your seat and want to be closer to you?"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"


"They have gone too far. Koi? Luck? What a nonsense…"

Zhao Qingyuan said regretfully, "Well. If it weren't for you having to sit with the film crew of Orange Yellow, I would have taken the place next to you. Maybe I could win another movie king with your good luck!"

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Like him, Zhao Qingyuan was also nominated for the Best Actor this year.

The Line Between Life and Death didn't sign up for Taurus Award in Yu Qinghuan's last life. Many things in this life were completely different from those in his last life. Zhao Qingyuan did well in the movie, and it was really possible for him to win the award.

Zhao Qingyuan added, "Well, we'll walk the red carpet together then, don't forget."

Yu Qinghuan held his forehead, "I know. Hurry up to the hotel. Talk to you later."

That night, Zhao Qingyuan sneaked into Yu Qinghuan's room to eat and drink without telling his agent, so that when his agent found it out the next day, he almost put Yu Qinghuan on the key monitoring list.

Each year's Taurus Award was a spectacular show. As early as two days ago, the organizer had opened the voting for The Best Actor, with Zhao Qingyuan and Yu Qinghuan ranking first and second respectively.

Seeing the results, netizens were all laughing.

"Da Yuan and Qinghuan are really good friends, nothing can separate them."

"I don't know why. Every year, I felt there was a shady deal behind the vote. But this year I don't think so. These two people are freaking awesome."

"This afternoon, I saw many stars taking photos at the airport, except for them. How low-key these two people are!"

"Well… Will they walk the red carpet together?"

What did not disappoint netizens was that Yu Qinghuan indeed walked the red carpet with Zhao Qingyuan.

There seemed to be a particularly harmonious aura between these two. Even if they were not close to each other, the atmosphere was not embarrassing at all. The two of them seemed to have a good relationship.

Zhao Qingyuan was originally a showman. Since he met Yu Qinghuan, he had kept a low profile. In the past, he would definitely have stayed on the red carpet for a long time, but now, he just followed Yu Qinghuan through the whole process quickly.

After that, they separated and went to their own seats.

Zhao Qingyuan was seated with the film crew of The Line Between Life and Death in a very central position, while Yu Qinghuan followed the Orange Yellow in a slightly remote place.

The ceremony hadn't started yet, so the stars were talking to each other in their seats.

Yu Qinghuan didn't have a large network in the circle, so he thought no one would come to talk to him. However, as soon as he sat down, almost everyone around him stopped talking and began to greet him.

At first, he thought these people were coming for Zhao Rui, but soon he knew what was going on.

A smiling and amorous woman who was nominated for the Best Actress was the first to come up. Her beautiful face almost rested on Qinghuan's shoulder.

Yu Qinghuan frowned and wanted to move aside. Then he saw the actress suddenly took a deep breath, "Ah! I feel the aura of the little koi."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

"Hello, little koi, I'm Miao Jiaqian. You can call me Sis Qian."

Yu Qinghuan looked at her with a straight face, "Nice meeting you, Sis Qian."

Miao Jiaqian stared straight at Qinghuan's hand, "Can I shake hands with you?"

This was her third time to be nominated for the Best Actress. Unfortunately, she got nothing for the first two times. This time, she wanted to win the trophy by all means.

Since there was a fabled chosen one who could bring good luck, she needn't worry! Keeping a reserved manner as a public figure? Forgot about it! She only wanted luck that time!

Yu Qinghuan hadn't agreed with her behavior yet, but other actors from Miao Jiaqian's film crew also crowded around.

"I want it, too!"

"Qinghuan, quick! Give me a hand shake!"

"Then, well, I want it, too."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

The author has something to say: My readers complained that my description was not erotic enough! It's time to show you my real capabilities! Follow me up when I speed up! You can also find more from my column, Little Red Lock → _ →

I didn't interrupt San Er (Huo Qu) intentionally, and I've been writing according to the outline. Qinghuan would be squeezed dry underneath Huo Qu if they always do that kind of thing, you know. I have to let him learn the preparation before driving. At least, San Er is walking on the track now!