Chapter 90: “Huo Qu, I can Drive!”

It was already late at night when Huo Qu came back. During waiting, Yu Qinghuan involuntarily fell asleep, leaning the bed head with a warm bedside lamp on.

Afraid of disturbing Qinghuan's dream, Huo Qu hurried to take a bath and then uncovered the quilt and lay beside Qinghuan stealthy after the moisture on his own body was almost dry.

Unexpectedly, Yu Qinghuan woke up. He opened his eyes in a daze and asked, "What time is it?"

"Eleven thirty-six minutes past thirty seconds." Huo Qu looked at his watch and answered. Like holding a big infant, Huo Qu gently helped Qinghuan move his position and cuddled Qinghuan into his arms.

Between sleep and wake, Yu Qinghuan subconsciously found a comfortable position in Huo Qu's arms, "Have you eaten yet? Do you want me to help you heat some food?"

Huo Qu pulled the quilt up until it completely covered his bare shoulder. Then he tucked the quilt corner and stretched out his hand to turn off the bedside lamp. "I've finished my meal."

As long as the time for dinner came, Huo Qu's assistant in the research institute would help him get one from the canteen.

Huo Qu was not a picky eater. But recently, he felt that the food in the canteen was getting worse.

Rubbing Huo Qu's flat and firm lower abdomen, Yu Qinghuan felt addicted to doing so since the touch was so great. He didn't stop until Huo Qu held down his restless hand. "Have you slept well recently?" asked Qinghuan.

Huo Qu told the truth, "Not very well." After a pause, his tone became lighter, "Our dean said he would give us a day off tomorrow."

Yu Qinghuan yawned and again felt sleepy, "Cool, but I have to go out tomorrow."

He had only signed a one-year contract with Ada, and now it would expire soon. Evenson was actively contacting him, hoping to renew the contract with him.

The two sides talked for a long time and finally agreed on the price and length of the endorsement and would sign the contract tomorrow.

This time, Yu Qinghuan was not only the spokesperson for Ada's low-priced watches but also the global spokesperson for all its products. This was also the first time the brand had such deep cooperation with an artist. Not only that, Evenson even wanted to set the contract period at three years.

Yu Qinghuan's commercial value was on the rise. If the brand failed to seize this good opportunity at the moment, it may cost twice or more to cooperate with him later.

However, Yu Qinghuan did not accept the three-year contract, but extended the previous contract and fixed the term as one year.

Evenson had no alternative but agreed.

Qinghuan would not be at home tomorrow!

Huo Qu instantly woke up since the plan already drawn up in his mind was disrupted. His arms tightly clasped with Yu Qinghuan, and his voice smacked of ambiguity, "Absent all day?"

Yu Qinghuan's drowsiness surged up and he didn't hear clearly, "Maybe."

Then the next second, Qinghuan felt a little suffocated. A warm body pasted on his from the top, and a pair of hands quickly stripped off his pajamas.

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Only then did Yu Qinghuan react that he had made a mistake for saying so. Feeling he can save the situation, he added, "I'm not sure. I'll sign a contract. Maybe I'll be back in the afternoon."

However, Huo Qu's ears blocked his words.

After the condom incident, Huo Qu had learned to shop online. Since then, condoms and lubricants in his home were piled like mountains. Huo Qu even set aside a cabinet to store these things.

A few days ago, Yu Qinghuan was still thinking about whether to equip the cabinet with a lock. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if the guests to his house accidentally saw them.

After a long time of abstinence, Yu Qinghuan's heart filled with expectation and fear. After Huo Qu was ready and slowly inserted his body, he grabbed Huo Qu's arms and gasped, "Huo Qu, once… only once, ok?"

Huo Qu sipped his lips and did not answer.

After Huo Qu moved up and down for a few times, Yu Qinghuan got used to it and the uncomfortable expression on his face disappeared. Then Huo Qu straightened up and moved quickly.

The words reaching Qinghuan's tip of the tongue was then instantly knocked into pieces and Qinghuan could no longer speak.

The next morning, Yu Xin came to pick up Yu Qinghuan to Ada. Seeing his eyes slightly swollen and listless, Yu Xin could not help but scold, "Why were you staying up late last night? You should take care of yourself while you're young. Otherwise, you'll suffer when the age comes."

After a pause, he added, "You must adjust yourself quickly, or you will make a bad impression!"


Yu Qinghuan and Evenson had cooperated for one year. Although they were not so familiar with each other, they knew the other sides' work style. After reading the price and contract terms as well as confirming there were no problems, Yu Qinghuan signed his name.

Evenson breathed a sigh of relief when the matter finally settled. Although it was not the expected three-year contract, he did not mind making some concessions as long as he could keep Yu Qinghuan.

After seeing off Yu Qinghuan in the garage and watching him leave, Evenson took out his cellular phone. When he was about to call Fang Zhongxi, a message popped up on the screen.

"Surprised! Fang Zhongxi, the best supporting male for Taurus Award, another sugar baby in the circle!"

Evenson's hand trembled and paused for a long time before he clicked the news.

The news was obviously carefully written. Its writing was very infectious, accompanied by a photo of a rich businessman's hand on Fang Zhongxi's thigh, which could be said as irrefutable evidence.

The comments under the news from netizens soared up, some of which were even not fit to be seen.

Evenson's face instantly turned livid. He clenched his cell phone tightly, pressed his temple, and turned his direction. Then he pulled open the door and got into the car.

The wheels rubbed against the ground, making a harsh noise. He raised the speed to the highest and sped home.

In fact, he and Fang Zhongxi had already lived together and their relationship was no longer so tense. Evenson even fantasized that they might go on forever.

He admitted that he was in love with Fang Zhongxi. Even if he knew that the latter was only for the benefit, he was willing to give all the resources he had to him.

However, what happened today gave him a blow.

It turned out that he was not the only one.

When Evenson arrived home, Fang Zhongxi was speaking to his agent via the phone, frowned. A stack of scripts was put beside him.

After winning the award, Fang Zhongxi's resources were much better than before. Even the path of the director was lying in front of him.

He was no longer the one who could sell his body for the endorsement of an affordable luxury brand.

The sound of the door aroused his attention. When he saw Evenson, his frowned eyebrows loosened unconsciously, and he tried to finish the call quickly. However, his mobile phone was suddenly pulled out of his ear.

Evenson cut off the call, tugged Fang Zhongxi by the collar, gnashing his teeth and pressing the latter against the wall, "What's wrong with you? Are you really this cheap? Am I not enough so you find another one?"

Fang Zhongxi looked at him with calm. The smile in his eyes faded quickly and he said nothing.

Evenson took his silence as acquiescence.

His eyes suddenly turned red and his breathing was rapid, like a mad bull.

Anger surged in his heart and almost burst his chest. He involuntarily raised his fist and wanted to vent his emotions. However, when he saw Fang Zhongxi unconsciously closed his eyes, he suddenly became somehow discouraged.

His body seemed to have been slashed, even his anger had vanished without a trace, leaving only deep pain.

His fist could punch on the wall, on himself, but never on him.

But now, he had no trust in Fang Zhongxi.

There was a quirky silence in the room. After a long time, Evenson's breathing finally calmed down.

He let go of Fang Zhongxi, turned around and did not want to see him. His voice, which had always been loud and wanton, was full of fatigue. "Zhongxi, should I congratulate you on finding your next home?"

Fang Zhongxi sneered. His lips trembled twice before he said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you, but I don't need it."

There was another silence.

"Then, I… I plan to return home."

Fang Zhongxi's face turned white, "Huh, good luck."

Evenson's Adam's apple rolled a few times, and his eyes were blurry, with a thick nasal sound in his voice, "Well… I wish you the best."

Finishing his words, he turned and strode away without looking back.

He also knew that he shouldn't have treated Fang Zhongxi that way at first. But he had tried his best to make up for it. Why did Zhongxi find someone else?

The first time he fell in love with a man, who gave him a heavy blow in return.

With the huge door shutting sounded in his ears, Fang Zhongxi looked up blankly. Yes. The man had already left.

All his strength suddenly poured out. He collapsed on the sofa with his heart empty.

He once resisted, but still could not change the fact that he had fallen in love with Evenson.

That bastard once treated him as a toy and humiliated him. But he became so gentle afterward and gave priority to Fang Zhongxi's happiness every time.

The feeling of being held in the palms made Fang Zhongxi sink rapidly.

But he dared not to believe Evenson's feelings and resisted his feelings for the man.

In fact, he didn't find anyone else and nothing had happened between him and the man in the photo. It was filmed long ago.

Maybe it was his fate.

Without mutual trust, how could they have future?

Fang Zhongxi's eyes were red and he couldn't help thinking of the scene that day at the award ceremony, when Yu Qinghuan smiled with his head down at the audiences, brimming with happiness.

He had long known from Evenson that Yu Qinghuan was not the sugar baby of Huo Rong, but his lover was Huo Qu.

He didn't understand before what's so lovely about a man like Huo Qu who didn't know anything and couldn't even provide his lover with powerful resources. But today, he suddenly began to envy Yu Qinghuan.

Huo Qu must have given him an unparalleled sense of security. Thus, Yu Qinghuan had the courage to go ahead to openly express himself at the award ceremony.

Fang Zhongxi's clenched fists almost turned white. His career gradually got rid of the shadow and ushered in a golden period. He got everything he wanted.

But in his life, he could no longer have such pure love anymore.

After signing the contract, Yu Qinghuan had finally finished his work. Then, learning to drive became the focus of him for the next period.

After spending a full month, he was able to start the car without any obstacles. Yu Xin was so happy and almost ran outside to buy a string of firecrackers to celebrate.

"Huo Qu, have you reached the gate yet?" After receiving a call from Huo Qu, Yu Qinghuan's face instantly took on a touch of involuntary pride. "Wait for me at the gate and I'll pick you up."

Hung up the phone, he could not wait to start the car, slowly drove toward the gate.

Yu Xin still worried about him and sat in the co-pilot seat even if he was going to be a third wheel.

Yu Qinghuan did not have a driver's license and did not dare to hit the road. Moreover, his speed was extremely slow. It took more than ten minutes before he reached the gate.

At first sight of Huo Qu standing there, Yu Qinghuan waved at him and opened the back seat door for him.

"Huo Qu, I can drive!" He was in a good mood and can't wait to show off to Huo Qu.

"Really?" Huo Qu's eyes widened in surprise as if Yu Qinghuan had accomplished something great. "Qinghuan, you are so excellent!"

Yu Qinghuan pursed his lips and smiled, and his eyes and brows were full of pride.

After his mood finally calmed down, he prepared to drive towards the underground garage. However, something suddenly hit his mind, "Where's your driver? Have you been taken to the gate?"

"No," Huo Qu sipped his lips, revealing a round dimple on his face, "Qinghuan, I can find my way home."

Yu Qinghuan was stunned and couldn't help turning his head back. When their eyes met, both of them smiled, making the air seem to smell sweet.

Yu Xin, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, tried to crouch himself into a fat ball and bowed his head.