Extra 6: Love

As winter was drawing to a close, Yu Qinghuan took Sixteenth to the hospital for sterilization.

Sixteenth, who lost its balls, were lying in the cage wearing an Elizabeth Collar. The poor little creature crouched into a ball in miserable because of chill during and after the surgery. Such appearance made Yu Qinghuan feel very distressed. He took Sixteenth directly into his arms, not willing to put his pet in the bag.

Huo Qu silently looked at the two for a while, took off the scarf around his neck and wrapped it around Sixteenth carefully and awkwardly.

Sixteenth moved slowly, nuzzling the scarf still tingled with body Huo Qu's temperature. And leaned on Qinghuan's arm.

Yu Qinghuan gently fondled its head, and bowed his head to smooth its fur, saying, "Sixteenth, don't be afraid, kiss papa."

He was worried that the cat would be afraid so he thought his comforting words could make Sixteenth feel his existence. Unexpectedly, Sixteenth responded to him.

Hearing his words, Sixteenth actually slowly raised its head, eyes half-opened, and touched Qinghuan's lips with its own.

The tip of its nose was cool and moist, rubbing lightly on Yu Qinghuan's lips, like a small piece of jelly.

Yu Qinghuan immediately felt heart melted, rubbing Sixteenth with his chin. How he wanted to warm Sixteenth with his caresses.

The pet hospital was not far from their home, but Sixteenth was heavy. After walking for a while, Huo Qu turned to ask Yu Qinghuan, "Let me."

"Don't worry," Yu Qinghuan shook his head. He was afraid that they would cause larger wounds on Sixteenth. So he endured the arm sour and said, "We'll soon arrive home. The boy is not heavy."

Before coming to the hospital, Yu Qinghuan had already cooked a king pigeon in a casserole in order to supplement Sixteenth's nutrition.

After returning home, he asked Huo Qu to take care of Sixteenth, while he went to the kitchen to steam the duck leg and a small portion of rabbit meat and mince them together with the deboned pigeon meat.

Worrying about Sixteenth's surgery would result in water loss, he drenched the minced meat with several spoonfuls of golden pigeon soup. After mixing evenly, he put them into the cat bowl. His cat could have a feast when it woke up.

However, the fragrance of meat made Sixteenth completely forgot the sadness and pain of losing eggs, he endured the discomfort caused by narcotic drugs, stretched out his head desperately to the cat bowl and stuck out his tongue to lick the meat. As long as he could touch a little, he would never give up!

This made Yu Qinghuan feel helpless. He even thought that this guy, even if not a Maine cat, could weigh more than 10kg.

Over the next few days, Yu Qinghuan took Sixteenth to the hospital for injections.

Sixteenth had tenacious vitality. Before its wounds had fully healed, it became alive and kicking again.

What made Yu Qinghuan confused was: After the surgery, Sixteenth was even more clingy to people than before. Sometimes, Yu Qinghuan sat on the sofa reading the scripts, and it would walk over and put its two front paws on him, stretching its body to rub his head with its own, a posture of seeking for pampering from Qinghuan.

Qinghuan could only put down the script and helped Sixteenth smooth its fur as it wished.

Not only that, Sixteenth also spontaneously became Qinghuan's alarm clock. Every morning, it would jump onto his chest. Buried under its dozens of pounds of body, Yu Qinghuan would wake up from sleep instantly.

"Why don't you jump onto your dad Huo Qu?"

Yu Qinghuan got up from the bed in pain with his hands were still limp. It took him a lot of effort to catch Sixteenth and shoved the little naughty into Huo Qu's arms.

"You know how to bully the weak."

Sixteenth looked at him with an innocent face, and his big tail swept across Huo Qu's face, meowing. Then he climbed onto Yu Qinghuan's legs just like sticky candy.

What a grinding little goblin! Yu Qinghuan hugged the cat silently, listening to its happy purrs, and endured all it had done.

At the age of ten, Sixteenth's weight had already exceeded twenty-five catties, and that year, Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu had known each other for seven years.

Their wedding anniversary was very close to Zhao Qingyuan's birthday. So, they chose a day to party in Qinghuan's house.

Zhao Rui took Wang Ruirui there and put his present on the tea table. He suddenly realized something when eating the fruit, "Oh no, I should bring two presents here today."

Zhao Rui was no longer the broken director as when he was filming Orange Yellow. His last movie was a collaboration with Zhao Qingyuan. It was an art film, and the results were still gratifying with the successful domestic box office and even the nomination of Cannes. But whether it would win the award was still unknown.

However, he had no consciousness as a well-known director and was as stingy as before.

Zhao Qingyuan arrived long ago and showed the whites of his eyes when he heard this, "Sounds like you would really prepare me something good."

Having said that, he took Wang Ruirui to his side. After sitting down, he took out a small shiny hairpin from his pocket and put it on her hair, saying, "This is a gift for our little princess. See if you like it?"

Wang Ruirui had been living with Zhao Rui over the years. Her parents wanted her to star in more movies, but Zhao Rui used some means to make their idea abortion. When they found their daughter could not help them make more money, they entirely handed her over to Zhao Rui as if they had never given birth to this daughter.

Zhao Rui was a traditional man. He stopped all her commercial activities and sent her to school regardless of her acting talent.

Fascinated by the entertainment circle, few minor stars could settle down to study. However, Wang Ruirui was sensible and obedient. She was never absent from school and got first in every exam.

Therefore, Zhao Rui showed off in front of Yu Qinghuan in the group chat every day. In Zhao Qingyuan's words, Zhao Rui was like her biological mother who gave birth to the girl.

Littles girls all liked beautiful jewelry. Wang Ruirui touched the hairpin on her head with joy, thanked Zhao Qingyuan and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

Zhao Qingyuan waved at Sixteenth and looked up at Yu Qinghuan, "Why hasn't Yu Xin come yet?"

"Sis Cheng goes abroad today. He went to the airport to see her off."

After being single for 39 years, Yu Xin finally fell in love with Cheng Miao at the age of 40 and successfully entered the palace of marriage. Cheng Miao was the top broker in the circle, two years older than Yu Xin.

Thanks to Zhao Qingyuan's agent, the two met each other.

Yu Xin, being afraid his qualifications would pull Qinghuan back, followed Zhao Qingyuan's agent to learn. Over time, he and Cheng Miao had a crush on each other.

Zhao Qingyuan snorted, looked at Huo Qu, who was beside Yu Qinghuan, and said, "Another wife slave."

Yu Qinghuan, "…"

Before Yu Qinghuan retorted, Sixteenth revenged for him:

Zhao Qingyuan held out his hands and bared his teeth in an attempt to attract the cat's attention. Sixteenth, however, turned a blind eye to him, swaying its tails and putting its head on Qinghuan's thigh after jumping onto the sofa.

Zhao Qingyuan was so angry that his nostrils smoked.

"Well done," Yu Qinghuan touched Sixteenth's head and rewarded his boy with a small dried fish.

The doorbell rang when they were talking. Huo Qu walked over to open the door and Yu Xin's smiling fat face squeezed in through the crack of the door, "Sorry, I'm late. My wife won't let me go."

The people in the room all rolled their eyes at him. How was that possible? Cheng Miao, the iron lady, would be so clingy to Yu Xin? That was bullshit! The real situation must be Yu Xin tearing her sleeves and begging her not to go!

The dinner could finally begin since all expected guests were here.

They hurriedly served the food onto the table. Before having a bite of the food, they poured the wine first.

"Everybody, cheers!" Zhao Qingyuan stood up, holding the wine glass.

After a pause, he turned to Yu Qinghuan, "Congratulations to Qinghuan for starring in the supporting male in Hollywood movie."

Over the years, Yu Qinghuan had enjoyed a sharp rise in fame in the entertainment circle. Huo Qu's speech had once impressed many foreigners, unexpectedly paving the way for Qinghuan to open up foreign markets.

This year, thanks to the efforts of Cheng Miao and Yu Xin, Yu Qinghuan finally appeared as the male No.2 in a Hollywood movie. Such a grateful result was always worth celebrating. His close friends were all happy for him and drained their glasses. But Qinghuan could only filled his cup with tea, rather wine.

Since the last time he accidentally learned from Huo Qu what he had done when he was drunk, Yu Qinghuan had never touched wine again.

In recent years, these several people all ushered a peak in their careers. Thus, the time they could spend together had decreased. This time, they took many efforts, finding the chance to gather together and letting Zhao Qingyuan, their funny buddy, to be the main character. The carnival lasted until midnight. In the end, everyone was drunk and staggering.

Having been drunk like this, they could barely walk let alone go home. There were only two bedrooms, so Yu Qinghuan gave the other one to Wang Ruirui and let the remaining three huddled together. Anyway, the weather was not cold in the early autumn. Even if they slept on the floor, they would not catch a cold.

In the bedroom, Yu Qinghuan just finished taking a bath, wiping his hair and tucking Wang Ruirui's quilt.

He was relieved to see the little girl sleeping comfortably and showing no signs of not getting used to it.

Just as he was about to straight-up, his towel was taken by Huo Qu. He pressed Yu Qinghuan's shoulder to let him sit down on the bed, while he stood opposite and gently wiped Qinghuan's hair. Having been lived together for so many years, Huo Qu was familiar with these things.

Sixteenth looked at Huo Qu, then at Qinghuan, who enjoyed himself with eyes narrowed, then it climbed onto Qinghuan's legs, purring.

With Qinghuan's hair almost dry, Huo Qu stopped his movements.

"Let's sleep," Yu Qinghuan said softly, helping him to put right the crooked pajamas button.

Huo Qu nodded, took Qinghuan to lie down on the bed, and pressed out the bedside lamp.

That year when they came out of the closet, they made the whole world as their witness.

But then, they kept a low profile, quietly focusing on their own life, and never showed it on Weibo.

Yu Qinghuan had never expressed his love for Huo Qu since then, but he knew that Huo Qu knew everything. Love could not be hidden. For the rest of his life, he just needed to love the man as much as he could.


The End