
Sakuma continued his completely idealistic and unrealistic speech about justice and world peace, it made Yunyu tried so hard not to roll his eyes over this stupid speech. Once he stopped talking, he looked expectantly at Amano-San. He thought, since Amano-San was a vigilante, he would agree with his plan.

However, completely out of his expectation, Amano-San laughed at him and insulted him with one word, "Ridiculous."

Sakuma felt that his heart had been shot by a cruel word and he gulped nervously. He sat on his seat again, trying to calm himself down. However, his AI translated this as a signal of danger, a flat voice came out of a floating ball near Sakuma's seat, "Warning! Master has shown a symptom of nervousness, preparing assault."

[Pupa, is this AI happens to be your wife or something?]

[Pupa: I am a single and free system, what about it?]

[I'm just wondering, since Sakuma's AI is as vicious as you.]