
Mamoru drove the car through the busy street, he took a few familiar shortcuts, these shortcuts were what Yukio showed to him once he was still in police force. It was convenient if they were chasing a criminal or hiding from them. 

"You still remember the narrowest road shortcut I told you before, impressive," Yukio praised. Which made Mamoru laughed embarrassedly;

"I always take Amano-San's teaching in heart! You are really a great cop, Amano-San. I strive to be like you!" Mamoru said. He glanced at Yukio who didn't seem to like what he just said. 

"Don't be like me, you will get beaten by the people in power. We are just small ants to them," Yukio sighed, "I really appreciate your dedication, Mamoru. But I want you to have a good life first in Neo Yokto. Besides, you are already twenty five, right? You might already have someone you love, maybe someone you plan to marry. You should focus on that first."