
Long Shen felt his head had been hit by a hammer many times. He shook his head few times to lessen the dizziness he had. He opened his eyes slowly and found out that he was in his apartment, sitting on the sofa with wine bottles cluttered everywhere.   

Long Shen saw a man sleeping on his embrace. It took him a while to finally process that he was hugging Tian Dong in his sleep. Long Shen gritted his teeth and pushed Tian Dong away from his body.

Tian Dong's back hit the floor, and the guy was also awakened, "Ouch—" Tian Dong rubbed his head that hit the wine bottle on the floor. Tian Dong opened his eyes and saw Long Shen was trying to get up and wash his face.

He was still a bit drunk, though, so he staggered and slumped few times when he was walking towards the bathroom.

Tian Dong hurriedly tried to prop Long Shen with his hand, "Brother Long, you had drunk too much yesterday, let me help you…"