OG 1.20

After Yunyu calmed himself down, he stared at the sticky notes on the wall and nodded assuringly, "It's time for the next step."

"Next step?" Pupa asked. "What's the next step?"

Yunyu smiled and walked to the sticky notes. He pulled it one by one and tore the notes to shreds. He scattered the shredded paper all around his room and wrote something on an open book, which he put at the dining table, the same table where Long Shen ate just an hour ago.

Then, Yunyu opened his wardrobe to prepare for his departure.

Pupa observed the torn notes, Yunyu really destroyed everything, including the pink notes that were supposed to be this world's Bai Yunyu's most heartfelt message for Long Shen, "I thought these messages are supposed to be quite important for Long Shen, but why did you shred these to pieces?"