
'It's simple… destroy the Imperial palace for me, burn them all to the ground, including Huang Shu. So I can rest.'

Xu Jiansheng was stunned by the request from Yunyu, not because he disagreed with it. In fact, he was a hundred percent agreed with Bai Yunyu's request. He just didn't expect it to come from Yunyu's mouth.

Because after he dug deeper into Bai Yunyu's background as Empress Xiuying, he finally knew that Bai Yunyu was really dedicated to helping that bastard Emperor rule justly and rose to be a Golden Emperor. But fortunately, he got banished more than two years ago. Because around that time, Xu Jiansheng's family got massacred by Emperor Xianlaing because they tried to protect their homeland from the soldier conquer.

So Bai Yunyu didn't partake in that massacre, or Jiansheng might not be able to see Yunyu in a good light.

But it still surprised him that Bai Yunyu wanted to burn everything to the ground...