
Yunyu was currently swallowed by the snake, his bone was crushed, and his skin melted gruesomely. He was crying as he couldn't handle the pain. It was nothing like he ever experienced before.

[Pupa! Help me, it's really painful!]

[Pupaaaaa! I can't handle this!]


Pupa stared at Yunyu, who was in so much pain, it seemed to contemplate whether it was a good time to use this or not. But Pupa sighed when it saw how Yunyu was in so much pain.

[Pupa: Code 119 – Pain Absorption.]

Yunyu suddenly felt his pain was lifted until he couldn't feel any pain. He knew his skin was still melting, but he had zero pain.

[Eh? I feel no pain at all?]

Yunyu darted his gaze at Pupa, wanting to ask about what just happened.

[Pupa, is this—]

Yunyu was astonished when he saw his system floating in front of him. There was a wire connecting his heart with Pupa's shell, and Pupa was in standby mode. So it couldn't respond to Yunyu.