
Huang Shu returned to the Imperial Palace, still with Yunyu in mind. He kept thinking about his own choice and how it would affect him in the future. 

He was raised as an Imperial Prince, everything that Yunyu wanted, freedom, denying the tradition, and not wanting to be a good housewife. If his other brothers heard this, all of them would be fuming in rage. Thinking that Yunyu had insulted their views.

But for Huang Shu, he thought that Yunyu had a warrior trait. He was a fighter who denied his 'fate' predetermined by his birth as a Ger man.

'A Ger warrior…' Huang Shu pondered. He imagined Yunyu in a horse with light armor, commanding the army. It made Huang Shu grinned stupidly, and his grin became even more apparent when he imagined the same thing, but now, with him riding the same horse. Hugging Yunyu from behind.

He imagined Yunyu and him riding a horse together. Yunyu rested his head on Huang Shu's chest while they rode through the sunset.