

Little Jean heard the familiar voice of the guard who often stood in front of his Big brother's door. Jean got excited, thinking of this as a game. Thus he yelled, "Jean is hiding! Find Jean! Hihi~"

Wolf was stunned when he heard Little Jean, who suddenly yelled out loud. Wolf thought that Little Jean was scared of him. That's why he yelled.

But when he saw Little Jean's expression, Little Jean looked so excited.

Little Jean grabbed Wolf's arm and tried to pull him deeper inside the cave. They nestled together, and Little Jean said, "Shush, Big meanie guard is trying to catch us! Let's play hide and seek together with him, hehe~."


Wolf was still wondering about what Jean was thinking right now. All he needed to do was just screaming louder and louder, just like what the rest of the people caught by his big brother did when they got kidnapped for the first time.