
The relationship between Gaius and Clarke cooled after that night. Maybe in Clarke's perspective, nothing was wrong. He was still working daily in his office, with his new secretary. However, he hadn't told Gaius that he had a new secretary.

Well, not yet, he planned to when the critical project was done, so Gaius wouldn't complain. 

Meanwhile, Gaius stopped making lunch boxes for Clarke upon his request. He didn't know what Clarke was eating outside, but it wasn't his problem anyway, he asked a few times, and Clarke only replied with 'Just some food outside.'

So he had nothing to ask anymore. 

Gaius felt that Clarke was too busy on his own, and he didn't know why did he feel that Clarke was trying to separate himself from the family. As if his life outside of their house was a lot more important.

So he tried to find some work by knitting a few stuff while taking care of Hermes and Artemis.