
'W… What have I done? I've promised myself that I will never let anyone hurt Bai Gege, let alone make him cry.'

'But in the end, I am the one who makes him cry instead?'

'Han Shun… what did you do?'

Seeing Bai Gege crying was so surreal for Han Shun that he wished this was just a dream. Because the last thing that he wanted to do was hurt his Bai Gege. 

"Bai Gege…" Han Shun called his Gege again. 

"Han Shun, did I ever wrong you?"

"… No, Bai Gege…"

"Did I ever treat you harshly?"

"… No…"

"Then I have no regret ever raising you, Han Shun," Bai Shijue stated. "I've raised a good little boy, feeding him, teaching him much stuff, and even brought him here with me, hoping that one day, he would be as strong as I am."