15.167 (R-18)

*Hot Hole, Cold Cock (3)*

"You still dare to tease me when you're the one who's so hungry with my cock right now, Bai Yunyu," Han Ye said, much to Yunyu's pleasure.

Yunyu chuckled and used his hand to caress Han Ye's cock instead, "Well, I just want to test how much you want me right now."

"How much do I want you right now?" Han Ye smirked and kissed Yunyu's lips while his finger circled proactively around the rim of Yunyu's hole.

Yunyu also did the same. He stroked this evil god's big cock while they were kissing. Han Ye's cock started leaking precum that wetted their cocks at the same time, while Yunyu also magically secreted a wet lube from inside his ass, making sure that Han Ye Gege's cock would be able to fuck him without a problem at all. 

"Do you want it now?" Han Ye asked.

Bai Yunyu nodded, "I can't wait, Han Ye Gege…."