Chapter Ten: Carmen

"I'm exhausted," I groan, taking off my flats as we enter the house and plop on the couch in the living room.

"Tell me about it," Cammi responds rubbing the soles of her naked feet as she also sits on the couch.

"Hey girls, how was work?" Mami asks coming into the living room from upstairs.

"It was tiring. I was a teacher. Me! A teacher! Can you believe it?" I say in disbelief, throwing my hands up to emphasize how unbelievable the entire situation was.

"Well, you've always been a good role model. I don't know why you think you can't teach," Cammi says with a confused expression.

"Your sister is right, Carmen, you are a great role model."

"Cammi was the real model today. She saved me every time I stumbled on my words, which was almost the entire time,"

"Well I wasn't THAT great," she says modestly.

"Well think you guys were both great, even if I wasn't there," Mami says with a warm smile.

"Where's Papi?" I ask, noticing his absence.

"He's picking up our takeout, we're having poutine tonight," she says, getting the table and we get up to help her.

"Are we going to do table etiquette and walking today?" I ask, and instantly regret it as Cammi glares at me.

"No, you guys are all set, you have the perfect form when walking and your table etiquette yesterday was perfect. Besides, the ball is tomorrow, I want to concentrate on looks today."

As if on queue, Papi walks in hands full.

"Let me help you, Papi," I say chuckling.

I take one of the bags he was holding and set them on the table before emptying them.

"Who wants the meat lover poutine, there's two," I ask reading the label on the containers.

"I'll have one," Papi says, sitting in his chair.

"I'll have the other one," says Cami, setting down a pitcher of Mami's special pink lemonade.

"Mami, do you want the vegetarian one?" I ask after placing Papi's and Cami's food in front of them.

"Yes, please," she says setting down a pot of steaming Arroz con Leche.

"That leaves me with the pizza poutine, my favourite."

The pizza poutine is like normal except that there's pizza sauce instead of gravy, cause I'm allergic, and extra cheese, and various meats.

"Let us put ourselves in the presence of the Lord," Papi says when we are all seated.

"And praise" we all respond, closing our eyes.

"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

"Lord, thank you for this beautiful day, thank you for this food and for the hands that have made it. Thank you, Lord, for giving us another chance to sit at the same table and eat around each other, for another day, we are extremely thankful for your grace. Amen,"


"Oh, I completely forgot about that bag," I said, spotting the other bag Papi had in hand. I get up and take out its contents, an ice cream cake.

"WHat's this for, Papi?" I ask.

"What? I felt like eating ice cream cake," he says sheepishly and we all laugh.

I put the cake in the fridge before sitting down and eating my food like a 'proper' lady, to prevent getting a lecture from Mami.

We eat in comfortable silence, until dessert time when Cami finally burst.

"Why is no one talking about the ball? I mean isn't it nerve-wracking?"

"Well, what's the to talk about? We're going to a big event that gives perverted men a chance to stare at women," I say, a little harsher than intended.

"Carmen! I will not allow you to use that foul language in this house," Mami says.

"What? It's true. Honestly, I think the prince is a pervert who only wants to sleep with girls which is why he will probably pick more than one to be his 'queen'," I say, doing air quotations.

"Carmen, go to your room," Papi says, hitting his hand on the table.

"Fine! Whatever," I say grabbing my bowl of Arroz co Leche and my plate of cake.

I sit at my desk and angrily eat my dessert. I can't wait until this stupid ball is over, then I won't have to think about the stupid prince and the stupid rich men. After finishing, I take a shower to wash away all thoughts of the ball away and wear my fluffiest onesie, then I brush my teeth. That should clear the stress. I went to bed in tears of shame at the thought of what I did, my parents had never sent me to my room, I was always a good kid.

Two hours later, my parents came into my room and I ran into their arms, red-faced and ashamed.

"I'm so sorry I said those things," I sob in their arms. "I didn't mean a word, I swear."

"It's ok sweetie," Mami said

"We know you don't like social events, so if you don't want to go you don't have to," Papi sid petting my hair.

I opened my mouth to say I didn't want to go, but then I saw the saddened look on Mami's face and the thought of Cami being at that ball alone with all those men.

"No, I'll go," I say and Mami's face brightens, although she tried to hide it.

"Ok. Well, you should get some sleep. Tomorrow is girls day!" She says excitedly as she grabs the dirty dishes on my desk.

"Good night, kiddo," Papi says, kissing my head before they both left.

I sit on my bed, happy that I had cleared the air with my parents, now I can sleep peacefully without waking up every 20 minutes thinking that my parents are dead. I throw my hair in a messy bun and get under my blankets hugging my favourite blue poop emoji stuffy, I had him since I was eleven, he is like my emotional support animal except with no hair because Cami is allergic.

"Good night, Beasty," I say hugging him tightly, before drifting to sleep.