Chapter 13- Torpefied

Those who don't love themselves, will never love all.



JULY 17th, 2018.


I stay on the ground, staring at Davina then the group of six people behind her.

"Davina, who are they?"

"Oh umm, I'm sort of part of a group...? We're shapeshifters. Or deceivers other people call us."

I grimace slightly at a jab of pain in my stomach, looking down to see that I'm still bleeding.

"Alec, you have to come with us now."

I look between them before standing up, my vision blurring before I back away.

"No...I don't..."

"Shhh, it'll be okay..."

Davina walks slowly towards me with her hands extended, and I continue to stumble backwards until I feel someone grab me harshly, steadying me.

"Silly little boy, you think you can escape us?"


My eyes widen when I hear a shot, then silence.


I wake up to the sound of ringing.

I open my eyes, looking around frantically.

"What the hell...? Where am I?!"

"My house."

I snap my eyes over to Davina, who's sitting awkwardly on the side of the bed.

"Everyone else is out in the living space. I decided to stay here in case anything went wrong. Not to sound too creepy or anything...but you tasted really good. Not in that way! No! I mean your blood. Your blood tastes good, yeah. That still sounds creepy, doesn't it?! I'm sorry—"

"No. Don't sweat it. I'm used to weird at this point."

I lift my arm up to remove the sheets when they catch on the ink staining it, and I jump slightly.

"What the hell?! Are those...tattoos?!"

"Comes with becoming a shapeshifter. They're like a mark. More of an insignia if you must."

"Tattoos?! I look fucking ridiculous."

I drop my arm before sitting up, grumbling under my breath.

"There's one on my fucking stomach too?!"

"And your neck. But don't freak out! You look great!"

I give her the look from the corner of my eye.

"I look like of of those narcissistic bad boys from a cliche teen movie. I hate it."

"I don't know. It fits you. Along with the green."


"Your eyes."

I sigh heavily.

"Awesome. So I figured out my parents set me up to get kidnapped and harassed by a group of deceivers, whatever the fuck those are, I now have tattoos everywhere, green eyes, what's next?! I'm a different fucking race?!"

Davina's eyes widen.

"I can assure you you look the same otherwise, Alec. Trust me. You look okay. Just maybe don't—"

She cringes when I let out a yell, cursing under my breath.

"Ow what the fuck?!"

"Stand up. I accidentally cut you too deep and might've hit something. You should sit down."

I sit down and she smiles awkwardly.

"I'll get you something to drink...or eat...I'm sure you're hungry. Maybe."

Davina scrambles out the door, and I stare at myself blankly in the mirror in front of the bed.

I look wack as hell.

What is going on in my life?!

Honestly at this point I'm done.

I need to find that son of a bitch I call my father.



My eyes shoot open, and I look around frantically.

Something isn't right. At all.

I look down.

Oh. I'm in a bed.

I look up, and grimace.

That's it.

I'm in a bed but also hovering above it because I'm fucking chained here.

What the fuck.

Now that I think of chest and arms are cold. Colder than the rest of my body.

I look down, frowning at the fact that my shirt is no longer there.

Something happened.

But I don't remember what.

I sit there for a moment, when I remember that Stella handed me over to some random ass dude.

That's what.

My neck and the skin right above my chest are also aching for some reason.

I look down and through the dim lighting I make our small bruised marks.

Why can't I remember anything past the point of Stella handing me to that guy?!

I stare blankly at an armchair in the corner of the room, immediately getting a whack in the face. A flashback.

I was there, he was slowly teasing me before pulling my shirt over my head.

He had told me everything would be fine, that all I had to do was close my eyes and sleep.


I feel asleep?!

I snap my eyes over to the door as it opens, seeing a tall shadow come through the doorway.

"Miss Weiss, you enjoyed your rest up there, I suppose?"

A small chuckle.

"I bet you did. I was giving you some affection."

I make a repulsed face.

"You didn't."

"Oh no, dear. I didn't. I didn't do anything of the sorts."

I look down at my bare skin and the marks on them.

"Then what're these?!"

I see a grin stretch across his face.

" maybe I had a little fun with you, sugar. But you can't blame me! It's what I do."

My eye twitches.


It's then I realize it.

"Oh gosh, you're an incubus, aren't you?!"

He claps slowly.

"Ahh, yes! You have figured it out, my good friend! With benefits. Your skin is quite soft against ones hands, I may say."

I grimace.

"You are creepy as fuck."

The man crosses his arms across his chest.

"Actually, my name is Oakley, if you remember, dearest. My good friend, Thanatos, said I could do whatever I please with you. But let's be honest, more pleasure is there when your partner is awake."

I shake my head.

"Oh no. I'm a virgin and it's going to stay that way. Mind letting me go?"

"I do, Miss Weiss. You'll stay here with me for the remainder of your stay...but since I'm a nice little lovemaking demon I'll give ya a bonus. Ask me anything you want. I'll even tell you my dark plans and fantasies. If you're up for the challenge, baby girl."

I try to adjust myself to a more comfortable position under his intense stare.

"This seems like a scam. Wanna help me out first? I'm uncomfortable."

"Of course. They'd be no way for you to escape anyways, child."

Oakley slinks over to me, reaching to unlock the chains on my wrists, not before purposely brushing his slender fingers over my arm.

"I'm so very sorry, sweetheart."

He laughs quietly and I simply track him with my eyes, staring into his.

"You have cool eyes."

He moves them down to mine, grinning.

"Really? Nicer than the cats?"

"Nothing beats green eyes. But yours are interesting."

Oakley narrows his eyes.

"Nothing beats green my ass. The boy had brown eyes like me before he transformed into a total hunk."

I snort and he rolls his eyes.

"Serious. I am straight, but not a liar. I can't outright lie and say he isn't gorgeous. The boy looks like a supermodel."

I land with a soft thud on the bed below me when he unchains the last one, looking down at me.

"Oops. But besides that little gossip section...what would you like to know?"

I scratch my head.

"Umm...maybe what the fuck you're planning to do with me?"

He smiles.

"Easy! Keep you. As entertainment. As a nice, juicy, snack. Us incubi get a little hungry after a while."

My eye twitches.

"But if you want what I really need from you, dearest, you will become my little slave. And maybe a personal dancer...I'll get to focus more on those delicious curves of yours."

"You can't make me your slave!"

"I can, honey. And I will."

I look at him in fear as he pulls out a dagger, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Come to think of it, babe. I see no other way then to start your torture right here on this very bed."



We all stare at each other blankly, and I blink a few times.

"He just took Aiden—"

Ryder gives us a look.

"And Alec's gone—"

Davina grimaces.

"This is a mess."

Mal nods.

"I can agree with that. But who the hell do we find first?! Do we split up or something?!"

I nod silently.

"We should probably split up. There's six of us, so three of us go try and find Aiden while three of us go and try to find Alec. How does that sound?"

Stella rubs her head.

"Okay. I'll go with you and Ryder, Myra. Mal, Ryan, and Davina can go try to find Aiden while we go get Alec. Does that work?"

Ryan nods.

"Yeah. Okay. Davina? Mal? Let's go to the left first." She looks at me and smiles. "Good luck."

They disappear into the trees, and I look down at Stella on the floor.

"You okay?"

"I'm...I'm's just—whatever he did to me is taking its toll. I feel a little like crap. My mind is foggy and my vision starts spinning every now and then. Like when you have a hangover from drinking alcohol."

She stands up, staggering before steadying herself.

She points ahead.

"It must be that way. It seems to have gotten a little overgrown since I've last been here...but perhaps the bunker is somewhere north."

We all nod, before going into the north area of the forest.



My eye twitches, and I back away into Alaric.

"Umm...I don't think he's yummy? And I don't think I'm yummy? Or Thea? Or Pandora? Listen, we're just little people on our merry way to escape this damn forest! Not a snack!"

Sakura licks her lips, white and Orange eyes sparkling.

"Little girl...I don't think you understand! We're omnivores...we eat anything! And to us you look like the perfect little snack. Your male friend has more meat on his bones. Tell you what, I'll let you three go without a scratch if you give me the hunk behind you."

I look at Alaric who's still bleeding, then the two coyotes.

"No. Even though I just hated this guy about two hours ago I don't anymore. I will not tolerate you eating my teddy bear! And kissing partner. No!"

Kai grins.

"Very well. We'll eat you all."

"What?! No!"

I let out a screech when they both advance forward, and Pandora looks mortified, frozen in fear.

"What do I do?!"

Althea starts panicking too.

"I don't know!"

I let out a scream, dodging one of their large claws before looking back at them.

"I don't know either! I'm scared! Alaric?!"

I turn around, and let out a large sigh then a yell.

"That dumb bastard left us behind!"

"What?!" Pandora and Althea turn to look at me at the same time, and I let out a shriek when I get dragged backwards by Kai.

"Let me go you fox!"

"I'm a coyote, dumbass!" He grumbles, biting my arm.

I let out another scream, and Pandora runs over, whacking his head multiple times with a stick.

"Get. The fuck. Away!"

Althea projects a large ball of magic from her hands, throwing it into Sakura who goes flying in a different direction.

Pandora then kicks Kai in the face, grabbing me when his grip loosens, dragging me and Althea behind a large tree.

We all look at each other, and Althea struggles to catch her breath.

"Where the hell did Alaric go...?"

I shake my head.

"I thought the bastard was on our side. He's just a dumb, egotistic—"

"A dumb, egotistic what, Hazel?"

We all snap our heads around, and I stand up abruptly, storming towards him.

"Listen to me, you selfish piece of shit, I almost lost my beautiful life because of you! I'm bleeding, I'm in pain, they're in pain, everyone's in pain, and guess what?! What are you doing?! Sitting there like an annoying ass duck while looking pretty?! News flash, bitch! Other people's lives matter too!"

Alaric yawns.

"You finished? Good. While you were busy yelling your ass off, babes, those sneaky coyotes had enough time to fucking get away. Happy now? And no, I do not care that you're in pain, Hazel. I'm actually quite happy you're in pain. Because news flash, bitch! I hate you!"

"Oh shit."

Pandora says, and I give him a tight smile.

"Nice to know. But guess what?! I don't like you either. I only kissed you back because—"

Alaric flicks my head.

"Just shut up already. We all know you love me."

He grins and I make a face.

"Here we go. Back to the beginning."

Althea and Pandora stand up, looking at us blankly.

"I think we should try and go now..."

Me and Alaric look up to the sky that is almost pitch black.

"It's getting back to nighttime...and I'm starting to hear things."



I stare wide eyed at my father and his face softens.

"Don't worry, child. As long as you listen to your father, you and your little goth girlfriend will get out of this alive."

I try to pull myself up, leaning against the wall.

"What do you want me to do?"

I say tiredly, looking into his red eyes.

Thanatos grins, ruffling my hair.

"Good choice, son. I'm glad you are finally taking your old man's side."

He crouched down to my level, cocking his head to the side.

"You see, Alec, there is a balance between good and evil."

I look at my father blankly.


"Your little friend, Aiden, happens to be part of the good side. You are on the bad. And, as everyone has met their balance, if you were to be with her it'd create a large unbalance, perhaps even blue the lines between. The world would be ruined, and after you agree on the Styx to not interact with her physically, everything will be well."

"Interact with her physically? What the fuck is that meant to mean?"

"No kissing, hugging, or any of the weird ass things you guys do."

I let out a sigh.

"What does this do, necessarily?"

Thanatos smiles.

"Keep the Titans from arising again."

"Fine. I'll do it."

"Great! Come with me, son. We have things to do."


My father teleports us to the deep black waters of Styx, grinning.

"Go ahead, son. Make your oath to the gods."

I stare down at the dark running water, before back at Thanatos who looks almost too happy that I'm agreeing to help him.

"There's some secret catch that I don't know about, right?"

"No! Aren't you a silly little boy! I'm just so happy that my favorite son is deciding to help me!"

I give him a look and Thanatos chuckles.

"I'm just playing with you."


I look down at the river, then up at the night sky.

"I swear on Styx, that I will not touch, kiss, or do anything physically or lovingly related with Aiden Weiss to keep the balance between good and evil stable."

I look back at Thanatos, who nods solemnly.

"Now come here."

I take a tentative step closer to him, and he holds out his hand.

"Give me your hand, son."

"I don't like this."

I extend my hand, and Thanatos grins.

"Trust me, I don't either. The thought of this is making me want to regurgitate that little fiery red head."

I jerk my hand back.


Thanatos shrugs.

"Ria I think her name is?! She's friends with the blueberry."

I give him a bored look.

"Sia, you mean."

Thanatos nods.

"Yeah, her. I ate her."

My eye twitches and he takes my hand again, producing a knife from his pocket.

"Uhh...what're you doing?!"

"Taking your blood. It's part of the procedure."

He takes my ring finger, marking an X on the top of it with the knife before squeezing some of the blood out.

The blood drips onto the floor, and I switch my eyes to his.

"How much blood do you need?!"

He seems to snap out of something.

"Sorry about that. I got distracted."

"I can tell."

"Don't start with that." He drags me over to the river again, letting four drops of my blood inside before pulling my hand back.

"There you go. All done."

"If you only needed four drops, why the hell did you make such a big mark?!"

"Because I wanted to. It gave me an excuse to cut your skin."

Thanatos grins like a shark and I grimace.

"Remind me to never agree to help you again. Ever."


After being teleported back to the bunker, Thanatos begins to talk to me again.

"So this is simple. You are going to go to Oakley's dark mansion and collect the girl. Bring her back here without any trouble and I'll do the rest. Got it?"

I nod, inserting a sharp dagger into its sheath on my belt.

"Yep. Got it."

"Okay, good. Now that you do, you may go. Don't disappoint me, Alec. Be the son I've always needed you to be."

I purse my lips, before frowning slightly.

"I won't."



After a little while on the trail, I stop abruptly.


"What?!" Ryder tiredly moves her eyes over to me.

Myra rubs her temples.

"You've been saying there to every single thing for the past hour!"

"Sorry! My memory's a bit foggy...but...I'm sure that's it."

"You're sure you sure?"

I give Ryder the side eye.

"Yes. Now let's go."

I walk forwards, almost slipping and falling into a ditch when I catch myself, looking down.

"Jesus. That was further than I thought."

Myra laughs and I glare at her.

"I could've snapped my neck!"

"Silly little moon nymph. Come on now."

Myra braces herself, sliding down easily on her feet like a skateboard.

Ryder looks down.

"Guess I'm gonna jump."

She jumps off, flying down before landing with a wet splat on her feet.

"Ewww! There's so much mud down here!"

I sigh, floating down before landing on my feet.

"What the hell?!"

"I can fly. I know."

"No...not that...Stella, look!"

I move my eyes to where Ryder's pointing, seeing a large metal door, and a shadow in front of it.

"Ladies! Glad you could make it to my little party. Where's the rest of y'all? The grape and the demon?"

"Going to find Aiden. Wait a minute—"

I squint, and the person comes out from the darkness to reveal—


Myra looks paler than she usually is. Which is pretty damn pale.




After around an hour of Oakley torturing me with his mouth and that damn knife, he stops.

"Okay, chipmunk. I'm done with you for now. I've gotten a request by a special someone."

I weakly lift my gaze to his, grimacing.

"And you did this for what?"

"For my own enjoyment. Give me a moment, hon."

He disappears out the door, and I see two large shadows through it.

Him and someone else.

I hear the echo of deep voices, but I can't make out what they're saying.

Definitely two males.

I look down at my bare torso, covered in slashes and bruises and marks of all kind.


I stare torpidly ahead, zoning in and out when I hear the door slam, jumping out of my thoughts.


I see someone, clad in all black, come towards me, crouching down at my level.

"I have to take you back, Aiden."

I pause at their voice, somewhat muffled.

They're wearing a mask.

And their hands are covered by black leather gloves.

"Back where?! Who are you?!"

"It doesn't matter."

The person hands me a clean shirt which I take in shaking hands, wincing.

I drop them at my sides, and the person cocks their head to the side.

"You need help?"

"If it's not a problem. Sorry."

The person shakes their head slightly, mumbling something.

"Oakley, you bastard!"

I hear a noise of irritation coming from the other side of the room.

"Ahh, save it for someone else, boy!"

The person sighs, before gently putting the shirt over my head.

"There. Better?"

"I'm okay..."

They hold out their gloved hand, lifting me up.

"You can walk?"

"I'll manage. But I'll ask again. Who are you?!"

No answer.

I glare at Oakley who's still smirking.

"Until we meet again, chipmunk."

He winks and I shiver, turning away to follow the mystery man.

I follow him weakly out of the building, and when we begin to go further I reach out and grab their wrist, flipping them around to face me.

Their good falls down, leaving me standing there.

Jet black hair.

Could be anyone.

But then I see their eyes.

Emerald green.

I let out a small gasp, stumbling backwards.


His eyes spark with an eternal sort of sadness before they go back to being vacant, and he turns away again.

"Hey! Don't just turn away from me! Talk to me! What's going on?! Why won't you talk to me?! Alec?!"

He continues walking, and I grab the hem of his shirt.

"Alec! What in the world is happening?! What're you doing?!"

He pulls down the mask, turning around to face me.

"Don't talk, Aiden. Please. You make it harder then it should be."

"But—how do I know you aren't brainwashed?! That you aren't going to kill me?! How do I know you still love me?!"

Alec looks like he's about to snap.

He did.

"Please, sweetheart! I'm not right for you, I never have been! Let me say it in simpler words for you, Aiden, you don't love me! I don't love you! It's lust, not love."

I stand there, stunned, and in complete disbelief when he begins to turn away.

Not thinking, I grab his face, staring into his green eyes.

"What would you know, Alec Walker?"

I pull him closer, crashing my lips against his.

Alec freezes, pulling away as rain starts to pour down from the sky and the ground starts to shake.

"What's going on?! Alec?!"

He looks at me, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from a brick that falls from the building's roof.

"We'll be okay, Aiden. Just—just stay with me."

"You didn't answer my question! What. Is. Going. On?!"

Alec gives me a worried look from the corner of his eye as deep laughter begins to ricochet through my ears.

"The beginning of the end."
