Chapter 1: The New Girl.

/Songs for the Chapter:

Nightcore – Savages

Shawn Mendez – In my Blood/

"Beeeeb! Wake up you a**hole wa–" I slam my palm of my hand on the alarm. I lamely looked at the clock. I slept late, again. Damn work.

"Jar, wake the hell up!" That's mom she call me that 24/7. She can be annoying but I still love her.


After I was finished I stomped down stairs.

"Morning." I don't talk usually but only with people I trust. Like my mom, dad, siblings, and Dylan my best friend.

"Morning baby, the bus' coming in 10 more minutes."

Its monday, yay! (Note the sarcasm.) Now I'm in junior year. How annoying. I wish I could finish so I can talk again as normally.

"Bye mom!" I yell as I shut the door. I jog towards the bus stop. Two minutes later I see Dylan running as his short life depends on it. And its true: his mom was was running behind him with a freaking spatula!

"Sup dude! No time," he said running, "run for your life nigga!!" I laughed under my breath.

'Halo miss Bush,' I wrote, 'why's he running like a maniac?' She laughed coldly.

"Well your best friend, Dylan failed a job!" She said smiling bitterly. "Well it was still funny how he whined this morning as Isabella Cullen scolded him..." I nod.


"Bye Jared!" Yelled Miss Bush.

I waved, I ran in the bus. Everyone gave me a face of awe. Since I am the 'most popular kid in school' everyone gives me those looks. I'm a 'nerdy bad boy' huh, I don't know why. I'm only in boxing club. And I don't talk, I'm not interested in dating anyone, and I don't walk fighting every idiot I see in the hallway. So why?

I sat in the back if the bus next to Dylan who 'safely escaped the mom who got possessed by a spatula!' That's is every Monday quote. "Jared," Dylan called, "there's a rumor that there's a new student coming today..." Then he wiggles his eyebrows, "and that she's sexy!!" I smacked him in the back of his head.

"Moron," I whispered hissing, "stop being such a stupid player! It's annoying!"

"Relax — and I'm no moron, moron!" I groan, this is gonna be a looooooong year! I really need to get my car license.


I was sitting on a table in art class. I was talking with Dylan Bush, Zachary Taylor aka Zack, and Jasper Johns who is still whining about yesterday's assassination. Pfff, that was an easy task.

'Sorry dude.' I wrote and thought.

"Okay class! Settle down!" Says our art teacher Mr. Armour, "today we have a new student!" He says, then he calls her in; she had long straight brown hair. Weird gray eyes. That had like a weird spark of blue in it. "Please introduce yourself..."

"Halo everyone, my name is Lizabeth Amore. I'm 16." She says giving a small smile.

"Can you tell me from where are you?" A random kid asks.

"Well I was living in Australia but I was born here." She says smiling.

"You look oddly familiar Lizabeth." Everyone turned towards my direction. Wait! Scratch that! To the dude in front of me; Cole Fishermen.

"Why do you say that Mr. Fishermen?" Asked the teacher who rose a brow with curiosity.

"She looks a lot like Elisabeth Amore," my eye widen, Elisabeth Amore, 30 years old, female a mother, sister, daughter, aunt. I just killed her 2 weeks ago. In Australia. Its true that Lizabeth looks a lot like her but not only younger but Lisa had green eyes. Plus Lizabeth doesn't has that slutty way of standing. Well Lizabeth is more like an emo version of her. Since she wore a black leather jacket and black jean, and black ankle high boots, she wore fingerless gloves with her hair in a high ponytail.

Lizabeth's eyes widen in surprise, but had a glint of pain in them too. But hides it with a smile.

"My, my," she started with a low dangerous voice, "you should actually learn to see your spot in people's lives Mr. Fish." giving him a sly smile. I heard some wow's and gasps. and one groan; Cole's he groaned in annoyance, "so teach, where do I need to sit sir?" Her dangerous voice changed into a sweet one.

This girl's gonna be interesting.


Sheesh cute me some slag.

"W-well," he looked around, "Sit next to... Jared; lift your hand Mr. Daal." I did what he said, and she did the same. 

She said next to mee and I saw a weird tattoo on her right side of her neck a gang mark? Since the the neck of her leather jacket was high I couldn't see it good. I only saw a '9'.

 Since she was sitting on my right side, "Hi," I heard, I snapped out of that small trance, "name's Lizabeth Amore, what's yours?" She asks stretching her arms towards me,  I took it with pleasure. Well now that i look better into her eyes their gray with a tint of blue in them. Their pretty. 

I then grabbed a pen and wrote: 'Names Jared Daal' I showed her, 'nice meeting ya'. 

She gave me a weird look, a surprised one. But smiled, "Well Jared nice meeting you too." Then the class started.

"CLass today's art will be: Draw the person next to you!  Good thing is that your getting the chance to do it at home since it'll give you more time since I have you two times a week. And no copying it. So 3...2...1.. Start! And the deadline is in 3 weeks!" the teacher explains everything of the 'test'.


Next Chapter: Where are my Weapons.

This is my new book I really hope you like it!
