Chapter-2 Mom's Boyfriend

Mom: y/n get up or you will be late for school!!!

y/n: mom 5 min more pls ."she said sleepy voice"

mom: no!!! you already late for school so get your a** and get ready for school.

y/n: alright mom "I shouted back."

While jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom for a shower. 15 min later I came and wear my school uniform and I run downstairs grabbing my backpack along the way. I see my mom cooking my favourite dishes so decide to scare her. I silently walk towards her. Her back facing me.

y/n: boooo!!!!

Mom: aghhh y/n!!! you almost gave me a heart attack and when did you get here?

y/n: sorry mom. I didn't mean to give you a heart attack I just want scared you "she said playfully and try to hold her laugh"

mom: you little come here I will beat your ass.

y/n: sorry mom I won't do it again.

Mom: okay!! come and sit here and eat your breakfast.

She come and took the site beside her mom and start to eat her breakfast quickly.

Mom: y/n sweet heart, I want to tell something I've been meaning to tell you for a while.

y/n: what is it mom? "she ask curiously"

Mom: I'll just tell you when you comeback home, I don't wanna make you late for school. I love you honey bye.

y/n: I love you too mom bye see you later " she said and kiss her mom cheeks and left the house"


I running to the school because I already late for it, I finally stop running, and I saw my school building few mitre distance. then Suddenly it started to rain.


oh god!! what will I do now. I just sign then start to running faster than before but once I reach my school hallway suddenly I bump into someone.

???: are you blind bitch!!! Watch where you're going!!!

I immediately look at the person who is the owner of that voice and I was shocked to see his face. its v one of the bts member

y/n pov

fuck y/n, you will death now I mumbled into myself and I immediately stand-up from the floor and apologize to him.

y/n : I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. I just-

V: I don't care and also. I have no time to waste on you. It's your last warning, if I saw you again I will kill you.

After that he left the hallway I just frozen in my place, I really don't know what happened now, suddenly bell rings I come back to my sense. and I start run into my class

When enter the class I saw mrs.park already their, and she noticed my presence.

Mrs.park: your 5min late for my class y/n.

Y/n: I'm sorry mrs.park.

Mrs.park: I don't need your apologize go to your place, and this time I forgive you, but if you repeat this again, I'll give you detention. Got it. "She said rudely."

Y/n: yes mrs.park. " I immediately respond and go to my place and set with my friend Lisa."

Lisa: yah!! Why are you late today? "She ask curiously because " I was never late for school."

Y/n: I'll tell you during the break.

Lisa: okay.

After that we start to listen the class, 45 min later the class end, and now break time so Lisa unnie turn to me, and ask about reason why I'm late today, so I said everything in the beginning, then her eyes are winded, and she started to check on my body.

Y/n: yahhh unnie!!! What are you doing huh? "I ask annoyingly."

Lisa: oh!! I just check my friend is okay or not. "She said dramatically."

I rolled my eyes and replied to her.

Y/n: your so dramatic unnie, and I'm okay, he didn't do anything to me.

Lisa: I'm so glad that your okay y/n. "She said worried tone."

Then we started to talking random saffs, suddenly one random boy come into our class and said bangtan fight with newbie's. Some of girls started to scream in excitement and run into the hallway, rest of the people got scared, and I decided to go and check what happened there, but after I reach hallway I truly regarded my decision.

I saw BTS maknae's are beating some innocent people's, they just struggling and their face full covered by blood, and maknae's are beating them no more tomorrow.

I saw jungkook punching a guy in the stomach and he was crouching blood and groaning in pain.jimin took his hair and puched him so hard which made him blackout. And I look up to v he was busy with another guy he just begging for his life.

???: pls stop!!! I really don't know about that's was your car pls!!! forgive me this time

But V didn't care about his apologizes he took hold of that guy hair and drag him to the nearest locker and smash his face forcefully. the blood drop in his face. All student went silent and shock's. I just frozen in my place I couldn't move in a inch. My eye's turn into V's face he just satisfied that guy's condition. Poor guy lying on the floor half-conscious.

Jimin was punching a guy mercilessly his nose lip were bleeding but he kept punching him again and again like human machine. Jungkook kick that guy's stomach and he started to cry in the pain. I just want to stop them but lisa stop me.

Lisa: what are you trying to do y/n? Do you want to get in trouble again?.

y/n: lisa let me go, I can't take this anymore "I said demanding tone"

lisa: No !!! "she started to drag me into class but she stop when my eye's met in jungkook"


i heard someone conversion, so i immediately turn my face into that direction, where is the voice coming, and i saw y/n standing in the crowd. then my eye's are winded. i staring at her for a few sec and then I quickly turn to that guy again and start to kick him.

Jimin: this for your punishment bitch!!! "he said angrily"

???: stop!!!

He was kick that guy again but suddenly we heard some familiar voice. everyone turn to the direction and we saw the hyung's line walking to the crowd

Jin: that's enough! Now everyone go to your class.

He shout at loud and everyone went silent jungkook, v, and jimin leave that's guy's and started to walk on the opposite said.

Lisa: are you okay, y/n?

y/n: I'm okay let's go to the class.


after I reach my next class.  we were sitting and waiting for our dance teacher come. and also I meet my rest of friends jinne,jisoo,rose there. I was sitting with them but I couldn't focus on my class because my mind fully covered with that fight. I have never seen this much of violence in my entire life. i was in my own thoughts suddenly the door burst open and jungkook and his friends come inside tha class. The girls start to fangiling. I just irritated by hearing that bullshits. He just passed by me and set with his friends and teacher come into the class and start the lesson.

mr kang: ok class today we just see some solo and group performance.

After that everyone stat to dance one by one and it's my turn to dance so I went to the centre of the classroom and started dancing.

Mr kang: that's was amazing y/n you can go back to your place.

I thank him and move to my previous place but suddenly someone said I want to see more. Very one turn to their face to see who is that person. It's jungkook, who want to see my performance again.

Jungkook: I want see more. "he said demanding tone"

Mr kang: y/n can you pls dance one more time "he ask panic tone"

y/n: okay sir "I said and glared at him then start to dance another song."

Once I finish my dance he repeat again the same thing I have no chance left so I dance again.



It's was my 4th dance I was too tired but he didn't stop, he ask me to dance again and again. I don't know what I did wrong to him. Finally I finish my 4th song but he said same thing again,

argh!!! he irritating me. I just thinking how to stop this, so decided to dance some sexy, I know it's funny but who knows it's will stop him.

I start dance then everyone started winded because I never dance like this before and some of boys start to cheer me

Boy12: damn she so sexy I never see her like this

Boy21: y/n!!! Be my girlfriend.

Then I look at jungkook who already shock. And he give death glare to those boys.

After I finish my dance I look at jungkook and ask you. you want to see more with small smirk on my face. Everyone is shock what just say now. He just smirks and walk towards g my direction. He wants say something but suddenly bell ring

Mr kang : okay today class over and next class you have to dance duo so find the dance partner for you and prepare choreography. see you in next class then he left class.

Everyone start to find their dance partner, I'm just stand like a statue because I don't have any guy friend in this school and also no one talks to me. I don't know why? But one guy come to me and ask for his partner but suddenly jungkook yelled at in his place, and walk towards us.

Jungkook: she will be my partner.

I just shock and look at in his face. he just smirk at me, then the boy say sorry to us and run to the entrance. I took long breath and turn into his side, where he was standing.

y/n: I don't want to be your partner so go and find another girl.

I try to walk to the entrance but Jungkook come and took my hand harshly and push me into the wall.

y/n: let me go jungkook. it's hurts "tears streaming down my eyes."

Jungkook: first you will be my partner and the second I'm elder then you so you should start to call me oppa!!" he said angrily"

y/n: please let me go!!

He just looking at me with his threatening eyes, and his grip start to titer. i feel strong pain in my hand.

y/n: o-oppa , pls let me go.

jungkook: good girl.

He smiled and patted my head before going away. After he was out of the class, I look at my hand it's had purple red marks, then go to the women's room and change my cloths went to the cafeteria, where my friends are.

Once I reach cafeteria I saw my friends waved their hands, so I went to there place and set with them. Then jennie unnie noticed my hand and she start ask quastions.

Jennie : y/n....what happened to your hand? "she ask worriedly."

Now everyone eye's are on my hand.


shit!!! what should I do? then I look at them they are just waiting for my answer, so I just sigh and tell everything what happen in dance class after they left.

Jisoo: what!!! He told you to call him oppaaaa!!

y/n: oh unnie pls clam down.

Rose: how can we clam down? You know what jungkook hate that word most. He always angry girls call him oppa, but he told you to call him oppa how stange.

y/n: I just hate this day.

Lise: it's okay y/n....let's have a launch.


We just eat our launch peacefully then the 7 devils are come into the cafeteria and some of their sults start to scramming their name.


Jimin : we all entered the cafeteria and the girls started screaming. After a while we all sit down on our table.

j-hope: hey!! did anyone see y/n today? " he ask curiously"

bts except j-hope and jk : no

then everyone turn to jungkook. Who was busy with his phone? He look at his hyung and says

jungkook: what!!!!

Bts except jk : did you see y/n?

Jungkook: I did "cold tone"

Rm: when?

Jungkook: moring, while I was beating the guy in a hallway and also we attend same dance class today.

V+jimin: you mean when we fight, that time y/n also there. "plain tone"

Jungkook: yeah "looking at his phone"

Jhope: What are you doing? he ask while looking at jungkook phone

Jungkook: seeing y/n's dance performance.

Jhope: I'm also what see it.

He took the phone from jungkook hand and placed into middle of table and everyone start to watch the video after 4 song finished they amazed her dance skill but when the 5 song played the everyone get shocked and anger too

Jin : what the hell is this!! How can she dance like in front of everyone.

Jhope: I want see her now "he said angrily"

Jungkook: then turn back "he pointing at y/n"

Rm confused jhope and others looked behind and saw y/n sitting with some girls.

Jhope stand-up from his place

Yoongi: where you're going?

Jhope: y/n's place. I want to talk to her.

Jin: no!! you'll meet her in the dinner, so just sit-down.

After that he took his place again.


Finaly school ended i went to home then I saw my mom waiting for me in living room.

y/n :hey mom

mom: y/n are you back?

y/n: yeah mom, I'n just super tried. I'm going to take a nap now.

I started to walk towards my room.

Mom: y/n wait.i wanted to tell you something.

y/n: yes mom, what is it?

Mom: y/n ....i have a boyfriend." She said nervously"

y/n: what!!!

I stared at her for a few sec, to see if she was not joking with me. her facial expression slowly turned to guilty, so I went to her and hugged her.

y/n: mom, I'm happy for you.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at her with excitement look. she has been alone for a long time. After my dad left us, she is the only one rising me and took care of me

as a single mother she played two roles in my life, yes she is my mom and dad too. I'm so lucky to have a mother like her, and I don't know who is my dad. I asked her many times but she never says anything about him. only thing I knew that he left my mom after mom gave birth to me.

y/n: when will I going to meet him?

Mom: today! He invites us for dinner so we are going to his home.