Chapter 25

Before I start I want to give current and future readers a heads up. First as you can see I don't plan on making a typical novel, at least I'm trying not to. I'm sorry but I am tired of seeing the typical kingdom novels where the MC is loved by all and other BS. In my novel people will hate and love the mc, humans rights will be violated and stripped if he needs to do it. Suppress the natives of colonies. This isn't an MC where he falls for a beauty just from seeing her. She could be the most the most beautiful person he sees he will still kill her if he has to. He isn't going to feel sorry for every single body especially outside of his country because why. If your not under him, an ally or vassal then why care because its more realistic. Ask your self when was the last time you thought "damn the people in Country A are aren't doing good, why doesn't my government or my self go help" (i know its not everyone but its just an example.)

People being enslaved, killed, hanged, executed and other stuff. Might see some gulags or concentration camps. (maybe, depends on if citizens or people in government and others want to act up). So if these are things you don't like or want to see then just drop the novel at this time. Its sad to see readers go but I would rather this than have complaints because you guys think of situations with moderns minds. From the medieval to the 19th century low class were treated as shit especially when they are at.

Once again if these are things you don't like or want to see then drop the novel


"Fire!" an officer shouts and shortly after the sounds of cannons go off. The artillery soldiers move their fingers from their ears and push back the cannon into place after the recoil. The shots were aimed at the gates and they went through, making holes in the gate. Through the holes of the gate, you can see the soldiers had but debris behind the door to fortify it.

The light infantry moved up closer to the wall of around 200 meters where the Dreyse needle gun would be most effective for them. They could have been farther away but didn't want to waste ammunition.

They spread out and started to fire on their own. They aimed for archers, mostly. The other infantry were taking a break because of the long march. Some are even talking casually.

The same can't be said for the soldiers on the wall. An archer took his bow and as he is pulling back the string to shoot he his body soon fell with a thud. Others saw the body, and they noticed a hole in his neck that is bleeding. Fear is what they felt when they saw this. Others feel with headshot wounds, while the lucky ones were only shot in the arms or shoulders. The soldiers just kept low and out of sight.

As for the shooter, he is currently pulling back the horizontal bolt, loading 4 grams of gunpowder and 16mm ball. After closing the bolt, he looks around for or another kill. "cowards" he says under his breath from not seeing anyone.

A similar situation is happening at the other falls. Vladimir meanwhile is standing and watching at a safe distance.

"It really can get smoky," he says, seeing the white smoke that stays a while after the guns and cannons go off.

While watching, he allows the general and officers to command as they wish. A soldier soon comes to report that they captured some villagers from villages that resisted. Vladimir starts to think about what he should do with them.

"take the young men from teens to middle age that aren't wounded or sick and the rest you can let go." He plans on using them for free labor to help build the railways. As for getting their freedom in the future? he will think about.

Time passes as three of the four gates fall. The cannons fire at the debris to clear it. Some missed and fired into the city, hitting some buildings. Screams follow some of them. The soldiers on the wall turn pale seeing the gates fall, which means the city will fall soon. Earlier they thought it couldn't get worst until the 12-pounders came and started to shoot the walls. The walls shook and started to crack.

"send the cavalry in and have the infantry follow close behind. Kill those that don't surrender and make sure the baron doesn't escape," General Lev gives the order.

The cavalry soon started to charge through the open gates, clearing a path for the infantry and cutting down those in the way.

The line of infantry follows in. Some rush to the baron's manor while some stay at the wall. They asked the soldiers on the wall to surrender. Some did as some of them were just peasants called to defend the city but they don't want to die, especially after seeing the opponent's loud and weird weapons that can kill from a distance.

Not all surrendered because they were the baron's men, and in turn they ended up as cold corpses. General Lev rides over to Vladimir with a smile on his face "your majesty we have taken the walls and are advancing to the manor of the baron. Do you have any orders?

"yes, general. Once we fully occupy the city will sack it for anything valuable and also the male population."

"as the Tsar commands" Lev then rides off.

A man with short black hair is pacing back and forth while in front of a woman and child who looks to be around the age of 7 or 8.

This is Baron Burk and his family. He had heard earlier about the situation at the gate but thought nothing of it. It wasn't until the army showed up and the siege started is when he started to worry. He wasn't expecting for the gates to fall in a day. Most armies would have stopped the assault when they see that's getting late and the sun may set soon.

He couldn't leave because the gates were blocked and there are no secret tunnels.

"My lord, we are surrounded!" a servant rushes in and shouts. Baron Burk looks at his wife and son, wondering who was also scared. He sighs and walks past them and to the front of the manor. He steps out and sees the soldiers all aiming their weapons at him and the manor.

"I am Baron Burke and I surrender!" he shouts as loud as possible. Two soldiers seize him. The soldiers then at each other before firing their guns in the air and shouting.

"Victory!" it spread from inside the city to the outside as the artillery crew are celebrating as well.

Orders were given after to loot anything valuable. Vladimir didn't have the thought of keeping security in the city since he doesn't plan on occupying it.

Vladimir stands in the manor watching the soldiers carry boxes with gold and silver, taking paintings off the walls. Even rugs were rolled up and carried out. Similar things are happening in the city. The soldiers are robbing shops and even blacksmiths for ore.

"carry out my order guard. Let the men know that when all the wealth is carried out the soldiers will get a share. The guard runs off and lets others know. It started a frenzy because they thought that if the loot is more then there will be more to give out.

Vladimir doesn't plan on talking to the Baron because he has no reason to. Vladimir walks out of the manor and looks around. He decided to walk back to the gate. While walking, the soldiers will make way for him. He wasn't walking alone though as guards are behind him. Once at the gate, he looks up and sees a body hanging. It was the gate guard from way earlier.

"who did this?" he asks the jagers nearby. One young man rushes out "It was me and my friend, your majesty," he says while kneeling "we heard he was the one that has disrespected you and we found him alive so we hung him,"

Vladimir looks down on the young man and realizes he looks familiar "if I am correct your Alexander from the 17th Jagers right"

"thank you for remembering a soldier like me" he was shocked because he didn't expect the Tsar himself to remember

"you and your friend defended my honor so to thank you, you both will go to officer school and will be new officers. So congratulation. Go and give your friend the new,"

"Thank you, your highness!" he shouts excitedly and runs off to his friend.

Vladimir has his reasons for doing this and it is because he wants to have more loyal officers in the army, especially when they are young. The old ones will leave while he gets older.

Alexander runs over to a part of the wall where soldiers are resting "Peter! Peter!" he shouts out a name. Another young man stands up.

"Alexander, why are you shouting?" he says sounding annoyed but isn't upset since they are friends.

"We are going to be officers!" Peter heard him but didn't understand until Alexander explained what happened. They hugged each other and jumped out because an officer doesn't just get better treatment but also better pay. This also represents a rise in your military career.

Peter was shocked at first because he didn't want to hang the man, It was Alexander that wanted help and he casually did it, but now they will be officers. They thanked the Tsar in their hearts.