Wake Up Grace Of The Death

Zolius is standing at the workship room, in front of all Trojan kingdom's warrior and Livana queen, ya... The Goddess of Aphrodite bring him and Grace back to his country, The Aphrodite land... beautiful place and full of peace, now as his primus before, he will give back the blood of The Giddens who running in his blood, its mean, he willn't be immortal again, he will back like fast time... Led the war, felt the hurts, bleeding and felt how is the between life and die because a war but it is a pride as a warrior, last time... sure, he make a mistake, a sense of trauma because of tortured of Holorus king for him, make him to be wafraid about death... thats why the reason why he stole the crystal bottle with The blood inside... who will drini it, they will be immortal... ya immortal but felt lonely all the time is a horrible course because whenwhere and whereever, someone need other to life and spending life.

"Are you ready, zolius...? The Godress of Aphrodite said.

"Yes, My Goddess... "

After that, he sit down.

"This is will be hurt... like your heart is cutting, calm down..." The Goddess said.

Then, The blue light of The Giddens of Aphrodite's fingers... like a thousand swords that stabbed his heart many time...reflex, he open his month....

Now all parts of his body has change to blue because all of the blue light is gi inside and secrete something like a liquid, its shining like a diamond and After that, Livana Queen is opening the crystal bottle and it is coming inside and back to full like last time, its mean... Livana queen just save it, maybe she dont have ambition to be a queen forever or may be all this time, she felt lonely as like he felt more than 297 years.

Now, its Grace time... all people look her, her body who lay in bed that fuled of many flowers, a little cold who never know anything about a war in the fast time, now felt it, too.

In this kingdom, a forgiveness always taught to prevent a lot of bloodshed,

Livana Queen, waliong near her, open her clothes and look an incision that cut open his chest,

"Oh... my Goddess, i can believe it, they take out his heart, i fe lt so sa d look her, if we are not stoping Honoris king, he will kill peoples anymore, he will broken a portal who limit a last and a future and world and another world, its mean... a war, A great war !"

After said it, she is opening the crystal bottle and and drink it to Grace,

"My Goddess, this is yours... and mine is yours, too... i give it to her, save her as you had saved all of us." She said.

"Atau away! The Giddens will perfect her back..."

The Livana Queen, step back and stand beside zolius.

One more, a Blue magic is come and rolling Grace's body... until lost away...

"She was not doomed to die, and all of you must protect her until she grow up."

The Goddess said.

All of they sit down... and said "yes".

"zolius... i have give you a sign before, from the window, in the bed room of Grace, why did you ignored it?"

" Give me your forgiveness, my Goddess... its my careless..." zolius said.

"someone has been awakening Holorus king,its mean a war... he will invite his allies to attack us and the future...

A woman from the future involved in this war... and your job is look after your future world, inside the lake, there is black rock, its a portal, someone has been making it to bad purpose, you must attack it to prevent a broken future." She explane anything.

"Zo...." a little child is coming from the blue light...


She call again,

Zolius is running out and hug her...

"I am sorry... i am sorry, Grace..." zolius said and stiil hug her.

" where is my father, i felt have a long dream... i look a heaven, i look a beautiful tooth fairy." She tell.

"A tooth fairy is like her..."

Zolius is pointing to The Goddess but The Goddess was go on,

"you are Dreaming, too." Grace said.

Zolius just smile and hug her again.