Lynn's Mother

Leticia was about to stand up, her body and energy is okay and it's like Lynn's Blood was perfect just for her she even felt powerful that she inspect her body,

"Oh, so Lynn was right your awake now.." Suddenly a voice resounding from the open door, Leticia glance at the Woman with a beautiful Emerald eye and perfect beautiful face with fairy-like Robes,

Leticia was somehow didn't react, the woman was beautiful but she didn't even know she's not attracted and somewhat shock to herself.

"Oh Hello.." Leticia said and kinda daze like her mind was busy thinking how many beauties there were.

"Oh my Daughter is sleeping right next to you, how stubborn of her for disturbing you" she even shocked to know that it's Lynn's mother, their beautiful faces that even others will believe that they are just sisters she even great nces at Lynn who is sleeping peacefully.

"Oh not at all she's exhausted for giving me blood" She explains the situation her mother was slightly shock, "Oh that's new Lynn is not that friendly and wow she even gives you some of her blood huh" Lynn's Mother Replied Leticia just smile.

"oh, I'm Celine by the way" Lynn's Mother introduces herself,

"Oh hello, again I'm Leticia" Leticia introduce herself,

"Hmmm mo, the" Suddenly they heard a soft moan Leticia glance at Lynn's side who is finally awake, "You stubborn child why are you sleeping here," Celine asks her daughter who is completely so beautiful in Leticia's eyes right now even in her messy hair,

"hmmm you're mesmerized again" like a snowy husky after sleep voice was resounded on Leticia's ear, she didn't even know she feels like this all of a sudden.

"Stop teasing her, " Lynn's mom said Lynn even chuckled and slowly standing up,

"Are you hungry again?" Lynn asked that making Leticia shakes her head, she's so confused why they are so soft-spoken but teasing at the same time,

"You should rest for now Leticia," Lynn said and just nod, and Lynn and her mother left the room she's so questionable how she was so attracted to Lynn all of a sudden.

"What's the meaning of this.." she said and even cupping her face, she's so confused about what's happening to her eyes.

"Jeez I don't even attract to handsome men in our Vampire Society, maybe I was just envious of beautiful women just so beautiful as I am" she softly mumbled, Leticia was so confused that she's so attracted to Lynn that it's her 1st time, so many handsome young men and beautiful young women in there Vampire Society, but Leticia didn't even bother to take a second glance at them.

"Jeez, maybe I'll just figure it out soon.." Leticia whispered to herself and tried to sleep.


on the other hand, Lynn was casually talking to her mother,

"What is your planning to do really.." her mother asks Lynn, "What? I don't have any plans" Lynn just shrugs and smiles while watching at the window outside, she seems smiling dreamily.

"Your smile is like your planning something wicked," Her mother said it again Lynn just glance at her with a frown on her beautiful face,

"Really mother I was just helping her" Lynn replied, her mother shakes her head she's not believing her daughter in the slightest.

"You've got to be kidding me Lynn you even giving your blood like it's a candy, you know your Royal blood is important it's too precious" her mother was a bit angry her daughter was so stubborn and hard-headed for ignoring other fairies, then suddenly she rescues a Vampire and even helps her to recover it's so like her daughter's habit.

"I just find her interesting,.." Lynn said that her mother was shocked to hear.,

"and what I'll just leave beautiful women lying down in there, anyway when I was silently watching the night sky that time here.." Lynn continued and watch the forest outside the window Lynn was like.




*Back at the time when Lynn rescue Leticia*

"What a Beautiful Night.." Lynn was standing at the window watching the night sky,

"Fairy Lynn hello" one of her little fairies was evident out of nowhere, Lynn was not even shocked because she's been aware from the very start.

"Hi, little Shane" Lynn replied to her little spirit fairy, Little spirit fairies are a kind of fairies that didn't go to be big and they have to choose their human form fairies to be their master.

"you look so upset fairy Lynn" Little Shane reacted, Fairy was her master but Lynn insisted to not call her master she wants to just call her fairy Lynn,

"I was just enjoying the night sky little Shane" She replied,

'ahhhh' suddenly a beautiful helpless voice resounding on Lynn's mind, Little Shane and Lynn glance at each other.

"Did you hear that too?" Lynn asks Little Shane, Little Shane nod shock to she didn't even know if that voice was just their imagination, they even shrug but honestly, they are not ignoring it but waiting for the voice to resound again.

'Help' the Voice resounded again on their minds and they glance at each other again,

"What was that?" Little Shane asks, Even Lynn doesn't have the slightest idea.

"She needs us.." Lynn just suddenly said it.,. "Can you locate the voice ?" Lynn asks Little Shane.

"I'll Try.." Little Shane said and close her eyes, Spirit Fairies can Roam the Forest within their spiritual powers, cuz they are created from the forest they can sense all human spirits in the forest.

in a matter of minutes, Little Shane opens her eyes.

"It's a Human form Woman but she's not a human spirit.." Little Shane said, Lynn was shocked to know.

"what do you mean by that she's like us it is our fairies?" Lynn asks again, Little Shane shakes her head.

"No she has a dark spiritual essence I think she's a Demon or arrrg a Vampire..but she's wounded so wounded that her Spiritual essence is disappearing.." Little Shane said but to her shock to Lynn was flying into the air with her beautiful Pink wings outside the forest,

"Where are you going Fairy Lynn it's dangerous we didn't even know her" Little Shane was catching up flying with Fairy Lynn.

"I don't care she needs us that why we heard her.." Lynn just flying there Little Shane was slightly shocked but she said the location of the human form Demon that she thinks it's a demon,


