

"Queen mother are you okay?" i ask my mom when she was gripping her hand, it was burned and my heartache how can they do this to us?

"im fine my daughter" my queen mother said and glance at the war, "how can they rebel let me help queen mother" i said and ready to fight but my mother stop me with her free hand.

"You need to go to south border go help them they need a leader there" mother queen said then i nodded so as quickly us possible i flew in a fast pace, south border is to far from the north border that i came from so i need to be fast.




after an hour of travelling I've arrive at the south border and other high rank fairies greeted me,.

"Princess Lynn the situation is not good its so many rebels at this moment and even Assassin's from Human Land was there alliance, we report it to lady immediately but the the situation now is to dangerous" a worried commander from higher rank said, i nodded and contemplate for a moment how can i help? how can this rebel be subdue.

"Just defend and be carefully with the Assassin's okay, go command others to do it and let others know im here to help dont lost hope" i said and then commander Fairy nathan from 2nd rank commander fairies nodded the 1st rank commander was on queen mother's side.

Then when other's follow i shake my head and worried consumes me, how can we do this? assassin's on human land is so skilled on killing but lower mana of power but higher Assassin's from human land can kill a powerful cultivator with Lord cultivation.

" i hope that there is no higher rank Assassin's on this rebel alliance we cant afford to kill that" i murmured to myself and exhale and create my stance,.

"ahhh!!" once i heard it i turn and saw the 2nd commander was being captured by an assasin, i was stunned and frightened at the same time i can't move its the aura of a higher assasin on human land.

Is it my end? then my body was trembling when his body and hand turns to me, i know its a higher Assassin's because of there clothes with a black cloak all higher Assassin's are so mysterious.

is it my end? my eyes even shed a tear, 'fairy lynn are you okay?' Little fairy shane ask. 'little fairy im sorry i guess this will be my end' i sadly said and i heard her sigh when there master died, the fairies like little shane will not die with me but the memories with me would vanish.






I was so worried so i go out yes i didnt do what Lynn said, i dont know were Lynn was right now.

Then i use my powerful ears to hear 2 kilometer radius as a Immortal cultivator, yes my cultivation was lock because of the poison but my senses and other powers is not lock at all.

'I heard Princess fairy lynn was captured by one of the higher Assassin's damn how can we help ?' i heard some murmured from other guards so i walk onto them with a worried face, "am excuse me can i ask were Princess fairy lynn located right now?" i ask of course i didnt ask the exact, cuz it will be suspicious.

The fairy guards look at me.

"am she is now in south border" the fairy guard hesitate a bit but i sense that he is not lying, so i nodded and walk onto a dark side of the building when nobody was near i vanish.





"How can i kill this beautiful fairy princess haha" a terrifying laugh from a high ranking assasin said and he said he is blackkiler that i dont really care at all, he didnt kill me yes but he captured me by using a rope that bended with special power for there captured to cannot use any powers to unbind it.

His face is still hidden but the aura of lust onto me was overwhelming that i want to poke,.

i didnt talk or even find any help because i know no one can rescue me in this state right now, only our elders can who is Lord levels but they are not present right now that's why they are so brave to attack at this moment.

How can a mere 5th heaven ranker like me can kill a high ranker lord level killer assasin can do,.

"ahh!" then i heard a screams from the Assassin's and rebel side, like what happen? who is attacking ? did the elders came?.

"Who are you?! ahhh!!" i heard a scream again and again.

"what is happening?" darkkiller ask his subordinates and one of them report.

"Lord Assasin someone is invading our troops, he will appear and kill then disappear he has a cloak that we cannot see his face only his red eyes" then other's was shock and also me but red eyes? i want it to be her but im worried that he cant defeat black killer.

'hey my beautiful princess' then Leticia's beautiful voice resounded on our telepathic power it will only use when were near, then i glance at my surroundings and didnt see her.

'Just hold on there my beautiful princess, your vampire princess will rescue you later' i heard it again then i smile.

'ill hold unto that my vampire princess but there is a lord killer assasin here, you cant defeat it' i answered her but no one answer me back what happen?

The screams was continued then the black killer was just there waiting, and there she is standing in front of black killer.

"Who are you?" the black killer ask i was just starring at Leticia who is mysteriously wearing cloak.

Then a fire carving on the air written says 'you have no right to know my name' it was Leticia's power so she is fire attribute cultivator.

"You.." then the black killer was angry and was ready to attack Leticia when, suddenly the black killer collapse.

What? what just happen? i was so shock.

"Wew that was easy" i heard leticia says and i saw her put down the hood of her cloak, then a view of her beautiful smile resurface i smile to.

Then she pull me onto her arms i didnt even know that my rope is undo, "How was my beautiful princess doing? i told you your vampire princess will rescue you right?" she said then i hug her and nodded.

"i though i would be dead" my tears came out when she hug me tightly.

"i wont let that happen we must go" leticia said then i nodded again and in a second we vanish from the rebel site.