Leticia's secret


"Grandma i remembered i read it on a history books that rare flower is located in Tayong Mountain, and i-its in the Demon Territory" i said and slowly not had a eye to eye contact with them yes its true that its located at tayong mountain, and lecitia said it but the lie is that its not on the book i read.

"hmmmm demon territory its to risky beautiful grandchild, we are still on war with the rebellion fairies and we cant go there" My grandma said in a slow voice, my face became solemn how can we get that then and Mother queen is in danger.

'Volunteer to go there lynn ill be with you' Leticia's voice resounded in my mind again, then i was shock how can we go there the demon Territory is to dangerous to risky.

'Silly leticia its to risky' Little fairy shane said in our mind link yes she can hear leticia, 'hmmm what ? who will go then? and really you didn't trust me? i just need your help for someting on the human territory and were ready to go then' Leticia said again and im confused.

When i was talking to them my grandparents was so busy thinking of a ways on this war to end.

"Why is this happening to us we need an immortal source power we dont want to risk our own power houses that easily, if our enemy knows that we deploy one of our power houses in this mission they might kill it so they can invade our territory" grandma said in a worried tone i felt helpless when she said that i can't even help,.

Then i heard that the Vampires has a 8 immortals power sources on them and there leader is a Lvl 3 immortal power source, so the vampire was not being invaded cuz yeah like leticia said they cant reproduce that much so they didn't have vampire counts.

The Human warriors has 3 immortal power sources and the Human Mages has a 2 immortal power sources and lvl 2 at that, then the Demons has a 5 immortal power sources and again a lvl 2 at that same as us my grandfather was just lvl 2 immortal power source, So yeah the Vampires were much powerful but they didn't invaded the other teritories.

Then i was clueless at some point then yeah i heard that the vampire is so silent this time, there reputation is high and mighty but now i didn't hear some news.

'Leticia i have a question' i ask on our mind connection and i know she allows me to connect to her, no one can connect with your mind when you wont allow it 2nd time around which is if you hear some enimies on your mind you can block them.

'Go on' she simple reply and i smile then look at my grandparents who is busy with there discussion.

'The vampire was the most powerful in this Vast land but they didn't invade other teritories that demons do, why is that?' i ask then i waited for her answer.

'are you that curious?' she ask 'yes' i simple answered her.

'ill tell you later then we were alone and i sense your body is weakining you need to rest' she said in a worried tone then when she didn't tell me that i wouldn't realize it.

When i was about to talk to my grandparents my grandma talk 1st "My beautiful grandchild you should rest, i heard that your father was taking the south border so rest and ill call you when we decided on what to do with your mother's situation okay"

And with that i nodded and kiss my grandparents goodbyes, when i got out of the tent i felt the weakining of my body somehow but i need to go so i go use little shanes power to fly me up.

When im far from the tent i felt some warm hand grab my waist softly and i felt at ease, and i know its leticia when i smell the radiants, on her body she has this powerful radiant smell that can cause me to feel at ease.

"Little shane" she just said it and the power that helping me fly gone, and i was carried by her soft firm hand bridal style.

'my power is weak to thanks for leticia that she carries you' little shane said then i nodded and rest my face on her soft chest.




When Leticia carried Lynn she carried it in at most care like a baby, the porceline doll like beauty on her care now is the most precious living thing she cares about besides her parents that she lost she have Fairy lynn that she didnt know she would care so much.

She use her immortal speed to float like she's flying but when she was using it she needs to transforms into a vampire, a very beautiful ruby red eyes that she has inside the cloaked she wear.

Leticia wants to pass by the guards but she doesn't want to tresspass the palace that she lives in right now, so when they arrive little far from the gate of the floating palace she put the cloaked at her storage necklace that there family heirlom got, its can store so many items that she wants and that cloaked was her mother's gift for her when she reach her 18 and ready to train as a vampire elites, her eyes was back to deep blue color and her fangs was no way to be seen.

She slowly walk at the gate and when the guards saw Princess Fairy Lynn on her hand and they knew that, it is the woman that with the princess this past few days they let her pass and even volunter to help but she shakes her head slowly.

Then Leticia put Lynn on her room instead at the fairy princess room she wants to monitor Lynn so she decided to put her there.






When Fairy Lynn woke up she was hugging the pillow on her side she was not opening her eyes but she felt the pillow she feels is a little bit hard and she smells the familiar scent she always smells this past few days, she hug that pillow so tight and make herself comfortable and she wants to sleep again she felt the ease on it.

Fairy Lynn heard a chuckled but she didn't even care and hug that pillow she was so comfortable with.

"Your hugging me tight my princess" she heard a whisper that cause her sense to awake, she open her eyes slowly and a beautiful woman with a beautiful set of deep blue eyes seen on her vision she even close her eyes and open it again repeatidly that make Leticia her human pillow laugh.

"Why are you on my room..?" Fairy Lynn ask but she didn't even care that she was embracing Leticia so tight, "Fairy princess your so tired and then i want to monitor you so i put you on my room" Leticia answered and then Fairy Lynn nodded and close her eyes again as if she didn't even care and want to back asleep.

"dont disturb me then" Fairy lynn said and hug Leticia, Even leticia was kinda shock that lynn was hugging her but didn't care that she knew she wants to laugh and wake the princess up but she likes the feeling of Fairy lynn's embrace.

'Silly Princess fairy lynn your hugging Leticia and your not even reacting hmmm' When fairy lynn awakes the senses on little shane on her fairy world was awake to, so shane knew what is happening.

'What? its not an illusion?" Fairy lynn ask innocently like she wasn't that fullly awake, Little fairy shane smack her little face and realize that Fairy lynn has that kind of innocent habit when she wokes up and so sleepy that she thought it is an illusions or imaginations she was scene or worst she though it was a dream.

'Silly so your imagining Leticia by your side then?' Little Fairy Shane ask and that sudden question shock her and make her red in embarrassed, 'arrrg so its not an illusion so im hugging leticia right now wahhh what can i do then oh jezzz, this habit of mine is to cunning' a panic voice resounded on the fairy world that little fairy shane was resting.

'again just act like your now awake and greet her that's it' Little Fairy Shane said and Fairy lynn nodded and decided to slowly open her eyes.

"So you decided to open your eyes?" Leticia ask when she saw Fairy lynn open her eyes, "hi leticia" Fairy lynn shyly said that make leticia smile even more.

"hello my princess are you fully awake now i love the thought that your hugging me but Princess i can't breathe" Leticia said and Fairy Lynn realize that she was hugging Leticia so tight, she slighty let it go but leticia hold her hand to stay like that.

"its okay to hug me okay you look comfortable but not that tight okay," Leticia said then Fairy lynn nodded.

"Hmmm okay so i can you now answer my question?" Fairy lynn ask out of nowhere shes so curious what happen, and what is the motives between the vampire.

"hmmmm okay but please hold onto me" Leticia said then automatically hold her hand, Then Leticia took a deep breathe and look at Fairy lynn.

"In the past our ancestors just wants peace, so my father just create an elite vampires to protect our Territory to protect our kin and kill the over evolve vampire that became monsters killing humans, He wants just to multiple us my father was the strongest Vampire in history he can invade other territories but he doesn't want to risk our own kin, we are smaller in numbers but we are stronger" Leticia said in a sad tone Fairy lynn saw it and her other hand held leticia's cheeks.

Leticia close her eyes and open again she regain her peace with the hold of Fairy lynn so she continue, " His a Lvl 3 nearly reaching lvl 4 Immortal source power.." When Fairy Lynn hear it she was shock, she didn't knew that this beautiful vampire princess was the daughter of the famous Strongest vampire in the history.

"But my mom and my dad was killed.. by the by the.." The anger on Leticia's face was very evident and Fairy lynn hug her so tight she even comb her beautiful her.

"Calm down shhhh its me Leticia calm down im just here.." an innocent soft voice resounded on Leticia's ear that makes her body trembled and calm, then leticia realize she was so angry that she was about to get involve into vampire.

"Thank youu.." she thank Fairy lynn and fairy lynn just nodded and cupped her beautiful face, "its okay if you cant continue if its hard for you its fine" Fairy Lynn said and Leticia shakes her head and hold the hand that holding her face.

Leticia grab Fairy lynn into embrassing her, Fairy Lynn was shock but she let leticia do it she hug leticia and burried her face onto Leticia's neck.

When Leticia again feel that she's been calm she was just hugging Fairy lynn she likes it very much and she didnt know but she loves the feeling of her soul wakes up and continuesly pumping like a heartbeating so fast.

"When the time you rescue me that night we are just camping with mom and dad, we are having our family camping bonding we celebrate me reaching my lvl 2 immortal source power" Leticia said and Fairy lynn even look at leticia in shock when she heard it.

"What! your lvl 2 immortal Source power!?" Fairy lynn ask in shock and Leticia just chuckled.

"HAHAHA yes my princess i was the legendary vampire cultivator that reach Immortal source power at the age of 23" When Leticia said it she saw Princess lynn was shock.

"Youve got to be kidding me.."