Her first time

Leticia was so curious when she reach Fairy Lynn's thighs she saw a beautiful pearl of a woman, Fairy Lynn's face plastered in embarrassment when she saw Leticia admires her Jewel down there,

"Stop starring at it it's embarrassing," Fairy Lynn said in a slow but shy manner she heard Leticia chuckled, "I'm sorry I'm so fascinated by it it's beautiful," Leticia said when Fairy Lynn heard it her face turn red,

"You're making this scene more embarrassing Leticia stop starring at it" Fairy Lynn shyly said and Leticia realizes it in an instant,

"I'm sorry," Leticia said and move her head to meet Lynn's head, Leticia admires the beautiful Fairy so much her beautiful emerald-colored eyes her pointed nose, and her beautiful kissable yet innocent lips, She could look at her all day.

Leticia didn't know why but starring at the fairy princess was her hobby now, Lynn Snake her hands on her neck slowly she kiss Lynn again on the lips she ruined the mood seconds ago but she wants to bring the heated moments again.

They kiss passionately lip-locking mouth sucking and tongue licking, making it like they need each other's lips.

When they are out of breath they stop Leticia was looking at fairy Lynn's beautiful red cheek face, "How come your so beautiful My princess" Leticia ask then held Lynn's beautiful face softly, Lynn just smile at her. "You? how can you be so beautiful?" Lynn asks her back she laughs and kisses Lynn's forehead.

She leans again on her beautiful fairy princess and kisses her she likes kissing Lynn so much, she feels that tickling sensation on her stomach through her veins.

Leticia slowly kisses Lynn's neck she loves the softness of the skin Lynn has the natural fragrances that she was addicted to right now, Her kiss went down to Lynn's stomach to her waist she softly kisses and even licks it.

"Ohh" she Lynn moan when she kiss Lynn's thighs, slowly she put Lynn's left leg on her shoulder for more view of Lynn's beautiful wet Pus$y she even throws a glance at Lynn who was now biting her lip with anticipation for her next more it motivates her so she leans in and softly smells it she closes her eyes when she smells the sweet fragrance after she smells it she slowly lick it lick she's examining it out of curiosity.

It's her 1st time but she loves the smell and the taste of the sweet juice that's going out of Lynn's beautiful pinkish Pu$$y, "ahhh Leticia~" All Lynn can do was moan in pleasure, Leticia was staring at Lynn while she licks her sweet spot she saw how Lynn close her eyes and open mouth while moaning, it gives her more courage to pleasure her.

"ah your licking it good ohhh Leticia~" Lynn's soft moan resounded on Leticia's ear that making Leticia hornier and wants to hear her name being called while moaning, she loves the arousing voice that Lynn release.


I can't even stare at her anymore, her tongue is invading my most private part I didn't know she can do it sensually like she's a pro I moan even more when she teases her finger in my hole how did she know this?.

My body is not me anymore my body moans in pleasure and desires Leticia to do it more, I felt the electric shockwaves again on my veins I felt my core became her favorite spot of her tongue she can't get enough of it after I come she even swallow my juice.

"You shouldn't swallow it" I softly said I heard her laugh and kiss my cheeks," I'm sorry I'm just curious about how it tastes like" she even said it like an innocent one how can she be innocent and a pro at the same time? how can I resist her?

"Unfair your all dress and I'm naked" I pouted she laughs again and slowly taking off her favorite black polo shirt that the one she wore when I rescue her, of course, there is no stain of blood on that black polo anymore.

Then after a minute I saw how beautiful her naked body is, but not naked her breast was covered with some soft cotton encircled in it, it was like preventing her breast to came out proud I was starring at it until she slowly takes it off to.

"I'm sorry it was on our training purpose, the breast is kinda hindrance on our training so I used to keep it like this, I was like a man when I'm on my cloaked Vampire didn't want a weakling so that's our disguise" she explains and I nodded and smile, I didn't ask but again she was innocently said it like she always do it.

I was staring at her beautiful body again the size of her breast is like mine, my face heated turn red when my eyes landed on her pinkish pearl I saw it was wet too I smile.

"aha, your wet" I tease her she laughs and kisses my lips, "of course how could I deny it your moan is turning me on" she sexily said I laugh and snake my arms onto her neck we kiss lip-locking, our body collides.

She was on top of me then my mouth open she slide her tongue in to meet mine,

"Ohhh Leticia "I moan between our kisses when suddenly I felt our body being collided can make me more heat up, I didn't know this but she holds my left leg up and like she was positioning ourselves.

"what are you doing- ahh" I didn't finish my question when our wet pearls collided, she was humping on top of me like her pearl was giving mine a soft spot I heard a sticky liquid noise when our wet pearls collided,

I was moaning and I saw her mo-an in top of me, our body was so near I didn't even close my eyes just watching her body on top of me her head was on my neck inhaling my cent but she's moaning it's like she was doing this bravely but she's shy to moan in pleasure.

"Ah, Lynn~"

"Hmmm, Leticia~"

Our moans and groans resounded in her room, she was humping her hips meeting mine so she did the work and I was just there hugging her neck.

"Lynn~" she sounded like a mad wolf but then she stares at me, I was moaning in pleasure when she kisses me again on my lips tongue to tongue we enjoy each other's saliva I'm moaning between our kisses.

"I'm near" She softly said it and stop kissing me and stared at me, she even moves fast on top of me and when I was near my peak I moan loudly and reach my climax I knew she reaches it too,

She was on my left side not moving like her energy was drained, I couldn't see her face because she was hiding her face on the soft mattress I only saw her back I chuckled and kissed her back I knew she was tired.

Then her body turns to me she put my head on her shoulder and I hug her naked body, somehow I like near her hot body.

"Let us sleep will talk it later.." her soft voice resounded I nodded she kiss my forehead and I decided to close my eyes.


