Human Vast Land


So I remember my Vampire friends once give me a potion for us to be normal humans for a day, Fairies is allowed on the Human Vast land so no need for her to take the potion or something that she can hide her identity.

When we enter the human borders, although Lynn is a fairy her beauty is exceptional so Humans was turning their heads when they saw Lynn, I felt proud that she's with me but felt jealous at the same time how can she be so beautiful with just her ordinary dress.

"They are looking at you so intently" I whisper to her she giggles and looks at her, "Silly they are looking at you, you're so busy looking at me that you didn't realize they were looking at you" she whispered back,

"Okay fine we're both been looked at, crazy we didn't disguise so we can be just lowkey".

She just shrugs and walks on the market where the potion is located,

" How can this humble one do to help these beautiful ladies?" a man wearing an apron with an eye patch approach us,

"We would like to buy a cleansing potion," I said he smiles and walks to the potion area, "Here," he said then put the potion on the counter.

"Soooo anything else?" he asks I shook my head, Lynn didn't even talk but the eye patch man was always looking at her I know she's beautiful but it's too much so I glare at the man and pay him.

'Next time we will disguise your beauty is to shine in their eye' i murmured but in our communication link, I heard her giggle when we came out of the store.

'Says to a gorgeous, like a goddess beauty we need disguise next time then' she said then I look at her she smiles sweetly.

I roll my eyes and walk into a restaurant Lynn needs to eat food so again when we enter, everybody's eyes are into her or me.

What is wrong with these humans? is there the first time to see a fairy?.

"Don't be angry it's fine I'm used to being stared at" Lynn said then walks I followed her, she sat in the center because that was the available table, and now we were the center of attention.

Why do I have this feeling that we were going to be in trouble because of our faces? but maybe I was wrong.

When Lynn's food was served I drunk the cleansing potion then I meditate.

I saw some green particles which are Lynn's power or something, Then the last part of the poison was now cleansed by the potion my cultivation was now back to Immortal 1 maybe later if it's done it will be finished to Immortal 2 source power.

"Hello, there 2 lovely ladies" I'm back in my senses when I heard a man's voice, he was wearing a Royal dress and he has a royal family crease, we know cause we were studying Human royalties.

"Oh Hi," Lynn replies with politeness, she's polite and charmingly beautiful the man smile and it's not a normal smile it's a smirk I ignore him and back to my meditation.

"I'm Prince William County, Human Warrior" I heard him my sense is outside but my consciousness is inside my source power.

"Oh hello, I'm Lynn hmmm Conventry," Lynn said made me open my eyes I saw her beautiful smile looking at me, 'I didn't know I have a lost sister' i said in our link.

'Silly I'm your present wife I don't want to be your sister' she giggles which makes me shook my head, Conventry is a famous Vampire's last name in our Vast Vampire Land but here in Human Vast Land it's ever known.

'Tss User' i said and roll my eyes, the man who was talking to us is confused and look at me.

"I'm Leticia Conventry she's my Si-" Lynn cut me off, "I'm her wife" she continues and I laugh at the man standing his face color became so white that his blood was drained from the news, what a 2 gorgeous woman wife and wife? haha.

"So what brought you here Prince?" I ask and as if he was back on his dazed he looks at us again, "Ju-Just Ahem welcoming yo-you two here" he stammered, it almost made me laugh.

'Haha god his pale as white' Lynn's laugh resounded on my head, I smile.

'Yeah haha he didn't imagine 2 beautiful women in a relationship' I replied.

"Thank You for welcoming Prince William" Lynn's beautiful voice replied to Prince William, he smiled and bid goodbye.

"Well Royalties on human Vast land is one of the powerful ideas they have, they can make a loyal subordinate by using royalties card in them so if you're a royalty you have the power and be as loyal as you could or else" I pause and look at Lynn she nodded.

"Well Royalties in Fairy Vast Land is just us with our heritage wealth but other than that no one and I guess Royal families herein human vast land has no blood to blood royalties if you loyal and powerful you can be one of them," Lynn said I nodded.

"Go on finish eating and will go to the market for staff that we want, Demon Land is so far from here it cost us 1 month but there are so many inns that we can stay".

" So we need to hurry then.." She said and eat her food at her fast speed I stop her midway and she looks at me.

"Relax okay even if we hurried still we will be arriving there within 1 month, and I need more supplies of food," I said and put some blood on the glass her eyes went wide.

"What are you doing what if someone saw you with a glass of-" I stop her and chuckled.

"Silly relax they won't notice it the color of this blood is like red wine, so it's not a big deal and the blood was into a bottle so no one could suspect it" I explain she inhaled and nodded.

"Relax okay even if they will know no one can stop me here" I smirk and her eyebrow furrowed.

"What do you mean," she asks I smile and drink the blood on the glass.

"Simple the strongest Human here is Just Immortal Lvl 2 just like your Elders and grandparents," I explain with a smile then she nodded.

"So let's go?" I ask then she nodded and stands up okay next stop Market.