
Wait! There is someone peeping on me from outside the small window.

I dashed towards the window to see who the peeping tom was, but whoever it was, escaped before I could have seen him. The only thing I can see over there are the small broken pieces of glass from my window.

[Why would anyone peep on me? Wait... Yess... Thats it... He probably wanted to peep on my sister while she took a bath, but unfortunately for him, I was in here instead of her.]

"This is a serious matter, I shall warn Onee-Chan about the peeping issue." I returned back into the bathtub.

[Was it a peeping Tom or did those guys follow me to my home? Since it's only Onee-chan and me, it would be a big trouble if this is the case. Should I call the police or wait to see what happens? Whatever, let's wait and see. I won't sleep tonight... at all.]

"It's time to get off the bath."

"Shall I wash your back?, Touya-kun!!" Onee-Chan slid opened the door a second after I rose from the bathtub.

... ... ...

"Nooooooooo!, Go away!" I threw whatever water was on my hands and jumped back into the bathtub.

I am embarrassed... She saw me naked... How embarrassing... Does this count as cheating on RIn?

"What are you acting all shy? Are you a girl?" She took a detailed glance at me, who sat in the bathtub all shy; and pulled out something from her apron and is steadily reaching towards me.

"I said NO, don't come close."

"Ara... Didn't we always take a bath together?"

"That was when we were kids... We are grown now." I am splashing water towards her, but she is showing no sign of stopping. She tore the plastic wrapper off whatever was in her hands.

"You were a bit forceful whenever you used to drag me to the bathtub to take a bath together but it's not like I hate it..." she is getting shy.

"Are you even listening to me? Stop blushing, you are giving the wrong message." I poured an enormous splash of water on her and her apron got soaked with water. Since both the apron and the pajamas she is wearing are thin fabric, they soaked the water and got stuck to her bosom.

"Aah! Stop splashing water on me. It will be of no use if it gets soaked." She stopped and sat right beside the bathtub. "Now show me your hand." She opened a roll of bandage.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"Isn't your arm bleeding?" She directed her finger towards the part of my upper arm, which I didn't notice. Maybe I got hurt when I climbed down the fence.

[Wait! When did she notice I got hurt?]

I showed her my upper arm, which had a slight scratch, and then noticed that the water around my arm grew a bit red.

"Umm... Onee-Chan how did you know I got hurt?"

"Oh, you see. I was coming to wash your back, but I noticed the scratch on your hand and you see now I am bandaging it... It could have turned septic if we don't give it a proper care." and she started to bandage my arm gently.

"Since it's a minor scratch, I won't apply any medicine, and also because Touya-kun hates it when it stings, right." and she stood back to go outside.

"Thank You, Onee-chan."

[Hopefully, she didn't ask me about the source of the scratch yet.]

"By the way, Touya-kun..." She stopped midway in the bathroom.

[Here it comes... What should I say? Should I say that I got hurt when I checked who stood outside the window?]

"Were you probably thinking something pervy?" She asked.

[Huh? Wait... Something was standing, and it wasn't the statue of liberty.]

I grew red, more red, even more red in embarrassment.... "GO AWAY, Onee-Chan..."


(25 mins later)

"By the way, Onee-Chan."


"Why didn't you ask me how I got hurt?"

"Because you won't say the truth, anyway."