The Sudden Visit

Chapter Four: The Sudden Visit

"Y-your Majesty!" Haneul flinched and reacted by stuttering. She quickly brushed her hair by using her fingers.

'What are you doing here, dude?! I can't recall Wangchul personally visiting Haneul! Without prior notice at that!'

Wangchul stepped forward and impatiently asked, "How long are you planning on hiding behind those curtains?"

Haneul replied, "Your Majesty, forgive my rudeness. I'm afraid I cannot face you at the moment for I am only wearing a nightgown." 

Haneul was lucky enough to have the curtains hide her flushed face. She's so embarrassed that she wished for the ground to eat her alive.

Wangchul scowled, "Does it matter? I am your husband and you are my wife. We are married, are we not?"

Haneul thought about it for a while. Of course, what is there to be embarrassed about? Pretty sure the Emperor and the Empress shared the same bed a few times already. 

She gets off the bed and greeted Wangchul in a nightgown, "What brings you here, your majesty?"

They both sat on a table set and Haneul offered him a tea. Because of the Emperor's words, she's now calm and collected. Now it is Wangchul's turn to be embarrassed. He looked away and took off his outer robe then wrapped it around Haneul. Aside from confusion, Haneul felt more pissed. She purposely locked herself up to avoid heavy robes then there's Wangchul's robe much heavier than her hanbok.

Wangchul placed the Dragon Seal on the table before answering, "Here. If you wish to spectate the execution of the Mo Family and their lackeys, it is three days from now."

By lackeys, he meant Concubine Jieun's attendants, her imperial guards, and Governor Mo's people who helped him embezzle funds.

Haneul opened the box to see the shining golden dragon seal. It is the seal that controls the Harem's affairs and it is for the Empress to handle. She would love to hand over the responsibility to some concubine if she could, but giving up the Dragon Seal is an act of treason; contradicting the Emperor's order.

Haneul half-sincerely replied, "Thank you so much for personally bringing over the Dragon Seal to me, your majesty."

'Please go back to your palace. Thank you!'

Wangchul sipped his tea before opening a question, "Mo Jieun confessed everything. Empress, you did not mention earlier that she pushed you at the lotus lake yesterday. How are you feeling?"

She let out a fake laugh before answering his question, "I'm not ill enough to warrant your concern, but thank you, your majesty."

Haneul was still foreign with Wangchul's attitude. Based on the novel, Wangchul only associates himself with Haneul during Banquets and public affairs that needs both of their presence. He will only show interest at the time when Haneul was in the midst of escaping the palace with a help of a cannon fodder. The two of them would be caught by the Emperor and that is the beginning of the new route —Haneul x Wangchul—. 

Of course, Haneul already throws off the idea of escaping because it will just trigger a route so she already crossed it out. 

Was it because of today's event? In the Novel, Haneul was peacefully sleeping when the Emperor visited Jieun and interrogated her. If not for Jiho who investigated everything related to the Concubine, they won't know that the Dragon Seal was stolen. But she personally barges in to get an act of small revenge. In any case, she hopes that this is the Emperor's last visit.

"If you are feeling well then have an early rest and come to my palace tomorrow," said Wangchul.

Her jaw slightly dropped. 'It was seconds ago when I hoped for a zero encounter with the Emperor, what the chicken is this?!'

"May I ask why?" Despite the urge to flip the table, Haneul remained calm.

Wangchul released a 'hah?' and looked at her, "I do not need to have a reason to summon the Empress, do I?" The side of her lips twitched.

'Heh, what a sarcastic scumbag!'

Wangchul continued in a serious tone, "Come at my palace during the discussion in regards to Governor Mo and Mo Jieun's crimes. It is also to officially stripped Mo Jieun of her title, and for her to perform a public apology. I would like everyone to know that the Imperial Family is not someone they can trouble with. You must come."

Even though this was not part of the novel because the 'Concubine harassing the Empress' was originally kept a secret, Haneul didn't pay much attention. The public apology would gain her an advantage. It would also boost her reputation in the Harem by making Jieun as an example. She was kind of sorry for a cannon fodder like Jieun because it was not her that was being harassed in the first place, it was the original Haneul. But it was still wrong and she doesn't have a talent for tolerating other people's attitudes.

Haneul nodded and smiled, "Yes, your majesty."

When Wangchul stands up, she was also about to do the same thing only to hear him say, "No need to see me off. Get some plenty of rest for tomorrow."

Haneul nodded in response. And just like the last time, the Emperor looked at her before closing the door.

'Wow, watcha lookin' at huh?! Aren't you thinking so highly of yourself? I won't see you off, I just want to go to bed!'

Just as he said, Haneul threw herself on her bed and had a beauty rest. She was mentally tired after today's event. The revenge on Jieun, obtaining a brother named An Jiho and the bumptious Han Wangchul. A triple combo welcomed her on her first day in this world. 

When Kyung Mi entered together with the refreshments, the Empress was already in her dreamland. Looking at the bowl of food, she shrugged and helped herself.

"Thou shall not waste any food~" Kyung Mi joyfully hummed while digging in.