Her Favorite Character

Chapter Six: Her Favorite Character

The Chrysanthemum Garden was Myung Haneul's personal and private sanctuary. The name itself was the clearest evidence of what you need to expect if you get the chance the enter the Empress' garden. It was full of well-maintained chrysanthemum flowers that are spirally aligned, and because of the flower's presence, you could notice different kinds of butterflies flapping their wings having auspicious charm. The garden was a sight for cooling down one's anger and to also accomplish work more effectively. If you get to reach the middle of the maze-like garden, you could catch a glimpse of the expressionless Empress who was currently doing her paperwork. 

She was squatting in a mannerless way, a brush pinned on her left ear and chin rested on her right hand when she suddenly scratched her bottom like it was nothing. It was so unpleasant to the eye that it would not come up into your mind that Myung Haneul was the mother of the Empire since that time, she got no poise at all, and to avoid getting scold, she sent Kyung Mi away.

She reached a scroll and boredly mumbled, "Financial..s.d..huh? ah.. for the.. what? hunting.. ah okay."

Since it was winter season, Haneul was not surprised that the hunting competition's just around the corner. It is an exciting event wherein every household presents a representative to join the competition and a lady representing the family name. The lady will be personally making a handkerchief and show off their embroidery skills to offer it to the person they put their trust on. Afterward, the winner will be given an imperial brooch and will pass it to the person they like. The Emperor will act as the Judge and manage the hunting grounds while the Empress is in charge of the noble lady's tents.

The most exciting part for Haneul is the ignition of the winter flame that would be conducted by yours truly, Myung Haneul.

She giggled at the thought, "I can't wait~"

Haneul leaned back before getting up and straightened her light dress. 

"Alright! Let's go find my favorite character!" she cheerfully said while walking in a direction as if already aware of where to find the person she was searching for.

A few walks and she halted at the sight in front of her. Under a Beech tree was a prince with a gentle face and a book in his hands. Enamored by the book, he didn't notice Haneul getting close to him.

'In yellow sunlight on the golden road 

I stand alone. 

All, all are mine—rice fields and golden road, 

All but the one thing I desire.'

"In a tree by the road, two yellow birds are mating. Why must they sing so gaily?" Haneul read it out aloud that made the Prince to be startled.

"Sister! Why are you dressed like a maidservant?" the Prince shrieked.

Haneul scoffed, "Quite exquisite dress for a maidservant. This is just a light dress. However, I am not feeling cold if that is your concern." She rests assured the worried face of the Prince.

The Prince smiled gently, "If sister says so."

"Anyway, why are you reading here all alone again, Wangmin-ah?" she ruffled Wangmin's hair. 

Han Wangmin was the younger brother of Han Wangchul. He was a seventeen-year-old boy who loves and is into poetry. Because of his gentleness and no interest in the throne, Wangchul loves his brother dearly and took care of him up until now. 

Wangmin smiled gently, "It is peaceful here, people tend to avoid this place because of the Yew trees."

It is not just the kind and pure personality that made him Haneul's favorite character but because of the fact that Han Wangmin is a cut-sleeve with a very interesting side story.

Haneul pouted and poked his cheeks, "Baby brother, you can stay with me at my garden. Don't you want to spend time with me?"

Wangmin, as expected, looked away with hesitation in his eyes. He was anxious to be found out by Haneul since he knows her as being opposed to cut sleeves. She has a cut sleeve cousin and when the original Haneul knew of that matter, she cried and cut ties with him up until now. Wangmin was trying to avoid the same fate as Haneul's cousin.

Seeing Wangmin's reaction, Haneul patted his shoulder, "What are you worried about? Are you perhaps reading a vulgar poem and is afraid to be exposed?"

Wangmin's eyes immediately widened and his face was as red as a tomato, "N, no sister! I do not dare!"

Haneul laughed nonchalantly, "Is that so, then what are you hesitating for? If you wish to read in peace then I will be silent as a wind. Come along now."

Wangmin bit his lower lip and picked up his other books laying on the ground. If he would be careful, then he would not be revealed, and he loves her sister that he can't turn her down.


"Say, Wangmin-ah, you are to represent the Imperial Family to this upcoming hunting competition right?" Haneul asked while writing something, not even meeting Wangmin's eyes.

Unlike a while ago, she is now gracefully sitting and acted like the pile of paperwork is not bothering her. In front of her favorite character, she needs to save face.

Wangmin gently answered, "Yes sister, I was attending my archery class before having leisure time with my books."

Haneul put down her brush and looked at Wangmin with a smile and a thumbs-up, "Well then, do your best because I will be making you the most beautiful handkerchief!"

Confused, Wangmin titled his head and asked while looking at Haneul's hand, "Sister, what is that supposed to mean?" 

Haneul immediately withdrew her hand and slapped the air while nervously chuckling, "T-that... Haha. It is a gesture to say 'I believe in you'."

Wangmin, in a gentle yet suspicious voice, replied, "Sister, you are being weird after Mo Jieun pushed you. I heard what happened yesterday."

Wangmin is quick at catching things up which is why he is not a good target for assassins. They'll just end up having their heads roll. 

Haneul was about to open her mouth when Kyung Mi hurriedly rushed in. "Your Majesty!"

When she saw that there are two people in front of her, she greeted while catching her breath, "G, greetings his highness, Prince Wangmin."

Wangmin replied in panic, "Oh no need for gettings! Kyung Mi, what happened?"

"Mo Jieun escaped!"