Tea with the Concubines

Chapter Nine: Tea with the Concubines

"Now, now. My name is 'I love you'. Han-i, say my name!"

Haneul couldn't count how much she rolled her eyes just because of this annoying guest she half-heartedly welcomed earlier. 

She glared at Yungsoo and sighed a deep breath in vexation, "Your face is unsightly."

Yungsoo pouted and continued scribbling; earnestly doing Haneul's paperwork. Haneul may not be able to reciprocate his feelings, but he is fine with that. Either way, he was still amazed by how she handled his confession without making things awkward between the two of them. Even though he is openly expressing his feelings in a jesting manner, at the very least, it was sincere.

"I came here because I'm not yet done talking with you. You just left me a while ago when you can do that at any time. Say, soo-yah how long are you planning to stay?" Haneul continued.

They are currently at the Imperial Library. Haneul checked the Chrysanthemum Garden a while ago to confabulate with him but he was not there. The servants who were assigned to cater the Lord later said that Yungsoo picked up all of her paperwork and started to march towards the Imperial Library. She almost forgot that Yungsoo loves the smell of books, of course, he'll be working in an environment opposite to hers.

Yungsoo pressed his temples and shut his eyes closed as if thinking deeply. "I'm going to participate in the hunting competition for fun before going back, and the competition is a week away thus, I have a week to bother you." He snickered.

Haneul stuck her tongue out, "Oh no, you cannot do that. This week, I'll be busy with the Harem because of the upcoming hunting competition. In fact, I'll be meeting everyone today. They are probably waiting for me now."

"You just came all the way here for a question? My, my what an honor I'll be bringing along in my grave." Yungsoo then looked at her feeling moved.

Haneul scoffed, "Of course I'm also checking if you're working hard. I'll be off then."

Before she exited the library, Yungsoo shouted, "After you meet with the concubines, I'll go look for you so that we can eat supper together!"


After leaving the Imperial Library, Haneul slowly paced down the chilly streets of the Harem's extensive area. She pretended to be busy sight-seeing the place when in fact she doesn't know where the meeting place is.

'I just said that we will meet in the Queen's Pavilion because Kyung Mi said it's mine and it's an ideal place to meet the concubines. But I forgot to secretly research where the heck the Pavilion is erected!'

She just followed where her feet brings her and enjoyed the view. The bamboo dancing along with the whistling of the wind, leaves falling slowly like fairies. The hanging lanterns along the way shone brightly to guide their path. The pale orange color dominating the sky, and the chilly wind dancing and brushing against her pale, white face.

"Your majesty, we just passed the Queen's Pavilion." Kyung Mi commented behind her.

She flinched and laughed lowly, "I didn't notice. I was enjoying the scenery and thought for a moment that I was just taking a stroll." 

'I almost forgot that I'm not alone. Let's talk about being so silent to the point I forgot their existence and I'll be presenting Kyung Mi!'

Haneul is again proud of herself as to how she can naturally and professionally make up a lie without even batting an eye. She looked back and spotted a sign 'Queen's Pavilion' and silently thanked her feet for bringing her to the right place.

When the guards noticed her presence, they greeted and bowed before announcing, "Her Majesty, the Empress has arrived!"

Everyone stood up and greeted while bowing, "Blessings and Glory upon the Empire of Han, Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress."

In a table set, they were all aligned side by side based on their rank. She eyed her place, it is the Hostess's seat therefore it is not a surprise that it was the most elegant and the only thing that screams royalty. 

Kyung Mi assisted her in taking a seat while everyone remained quiet and careful as if they'll get executed if caught making a noise.

The first concubine, Myung Yeona, poured her a cup of tea. Haneul nodded as a thank you. 

Myung Yeona is Myung Haneul's cousin and the daughter of a Grand-duke that pledges loyalty by making Yeona as a tribute. Yeona, on the other hand, made it an opportunity to take care of her little cousin, Haneul. Every time Haneul got into trouble, Yeona is always there for her. She was away during Mo Jieun's occurrence and got back just today thus, it was a great excuse to use the observing of concubines meeting as a welcoming celebration.

She raised her cup of tea. "I summoned everyone here to welcome back my cousin, Concubine Yeona after she took care of the orphans at the Olso City in a month under my order. Cousin Yeona, I sincerely thank you for going there in my stead."

Yeona chuckled lowly and smiled, "I'm happy to be at her majesty's service."

They exchanged chuckles that made everyone at ease, "Now then, this is Concubine Yeona's safe arrival." Haneul drank the tea and the rest followed.

Everyone chattered in a graceful manner. Sitting straight, covering their mouth while laughing lowly despite how funny a joke is, and sips their tea gradually.

Haneul silently observed everyone while joining their conversation.

It's been two years since Wangchul ascended to the throne but he only managed to gather six concubines. It is but a small number compared to the Harem his father had.

As she analyzed everyone's behavior, she comes up with a conclusion. The three of them are hostile; one openly while the other two are only seconding the motion, to her while the other three are not; aside from Yeona, the one seems to adore her while the other one is either just shy or is scared of her.

"Your majesty, do you know what beast would his majesty release for this year's hunting competition?" Concubine Myunghee excitedly asked Haneul. She was the one that seems to adore the Empress.

Haneul pondered for a moment and replied, "It is rather a confidential information."

She paused for a bit, "However, I remembered the Emperor ordering for a huge cage that would fit either the golden boar or the snow deer."

The shy concubine mumbled, "I wonder which of those two would be released by his majesty."

Everyone looked at her like they're asking for more information. Even the three concubines who harbor hostility towards her are curiously listening. Thus, she continued and come up with an answer. "The golden boar is quite the aggressive beast and doesn't stay still in a cold temperature."

"The snow deer, on the other hand, despite having a name snow— because of its skin as white as snow, could not survive in even the least cold temperature." She added.

She drank a cup of tea and ended her conclusion, "I assume the beast of the year is the golden boar."

The crowd softly 'Ah-ed' and nodded meaningfully apart from the Concubine who openly shows her hostility. 

The latter raised a brow and smirked, "You seem to know quite a lot, your majesty." she made a sneering comment but is disguised with such flatter.

Aware of her ill-intention, Haneul showed off a smug and answered coolly, "Not at all, Concubine Dana. You're flattering me. It just seems that you don't know that much."

And it was at that moment, she knew, she made her more belligerent than before.