The Winter Competition

Chapter Twelve: The Winter Competition

Because of the upcoming Winter Competition,  Haneul and Wangchul were both busy doing their respective task and contribution. After the Dance Performance at the night market, they decided to go back and rest as it was already quite late. The entrance of the Empress and the Emperor at the palace gate shook everyone and immediately spread countless rumors saying that they sneaked out and spent time together like a pair of teenage lovers, or the Empress escaped the palace to go to the night market and was caught by the Emperor.

Hearing those rumors sent chills on Haneul's nape. The escaping Empress did happen in the original novel, she took advantage of Yoon Yungsoo's love for her and asked him if he could help her escape. Haneul was then helped by Yungsoo and both of them were caught by the Emperor. Haneul caught the Emperor's interest and the cannon fodder slash love interest Yungsoo was executed for such an act.

But at this timeline, she was escaping from Yungsoo himself and the Emperor happened to be at the Bamboo forest. Was this a mere coincidence or simply put, she can't possibly escape some routes? Sure she can defend herself from thousands of threats, but it was as if no matter what, she can't change the fact that the story is a Romance Novel.

"Han-i! Where's my share of the handkerchief? That brat- I mean, Prince Wangmin is proudly showing off his handkerchief! Where's mine?" Yungsoo showed up in disdain.

They are at the outside border of the hunting grounds wherein the opening ceremony would take its place. Haneul and Wangchul were sitting at a grand tent together with their personal attendees; An Jiho and Kyung Mi in the middle of the tents that nobles erected for them to have a resting place.

Haneul chuckled at the thought of Wangmin and teased Yungsoo, "Do you really think I have time to make yours? Of course, I don't. But Kyung Mi doesn't have much on her plate so she made you one."

That night when she returned, it seems that Kyung Mi was the one who accompanied Yungsoo in her stead. 

'What a match.' She thought and immediately ordered Kyung Mi to make a handkerchief for Yungsoo.

Kyung Mi dipped her head lowly and offered Yungsoo a handkerchief, "My Lord."

It was a white like pearl handkerchief with a black howling wolf embroidered on it. Yungsoo, that was amazed by the skills but was unable to show it, instead scoffed, "It's ugly! But I'll still keep it, at least you made effort. You don't think that I can't catch a wolf? Just you watch!" 

Yungsoo then disappeared in front of them and was later spotted at the group of representatives showing off his handkerchief.

Wangchul propped his lightly tilted head on his right hand while Haneul chuckled, "Seems like you made him have his goal for this year's hunting competition." Wangchul commented.

Kyung Mi only shook her head lightly, "It was all an order from the Empress, your majesty."

Haneul let out a light laugh, "What? It'll be fun. Besides, you already left an impression on Yungsoo. On the other day, he rambled how silent and cold you are when you are both dining in together and how every time he opens up a conversation, you cut him off."

Haneul talked with the three of them while waiting until everyone has arrived and it was time for the Emperor to bless the hunting competition.


Many years ago, the Han Empire was originally named the Yanu Empire. Years after the accession of a tyrant Emperor, he was cursed by the Empress herself.

"I curse you! Should you kill my child and your Empire will be done forever!" 

With a cold and blank expression, the tyrant Emperor killed the Empress. He didn't take the Empress' last words and also killed the Princess. 

"If you were born as a man to succeed the throne, you're life would be a little better. Blame your mother." It was a cold and unfatherly voice.

Just as the first year after the death of the Princess, the Yanu Empire was overwhelmed by dreadful demons. The first to be dead was the tyrant Emperor, and then everyone who was connected with the Palace.  It was a period of scarcity and nightmare. Everyone was full of fear for their lives and their families.

Before the common citizens got completely annihilated, a mysterious young soldier possessing a 'Diety's Blessing' took the lead to defeat the demons. The annihilation of the demons took a decade, and at that span of time, the empire once again rose its feet and restored its safety, and made the young soldier their Emperor. Bearing the name of Han Soonyoung, the Yanu Empire became the Han Empire.

Because of the old practice, hunting for demons, stopped when they were under control by the Demon Lord. The Emperor, Han Soonyoung released a verdict about a hunting competition during winter.

From generation to generation, the hunting competition changed. Using the 'Diety's blessing', the Emperor would summon a beast and make it a grand prize to spice things up. And as of this year, Haneul's hunch was right.

It was the golden boar. 

Its eyes fierce as if raging with resentment. Its whole body is golden living up to the reputation of its name but it wasn't made of gold nor dyed in gold. The only thing unique about this golden boar is its strength and agility making it difficult to catch. It would also occasionally let out a snort and a pile of smoke would escape its big, golden nose.

"Your Majesty, the ceremonial blessing is done. It is now your turn for the winter flame." Kyung Mi reminded her and handed her a bow and an arrow that is covered with a piece of cloth at its end.

Haneul picked it up with excitement and rose on her seat. "Where do I stand?"

Kyung Mi hesitated for a bit and whipped her head towards a certain direction. Haneul followed her gaze and it turns out that the stand was placed meters away from where they are seated.

The three concubines snickered, especially Dana. She ordered the three of them to be in charge of the winter flame, from its golden plate where the woods that is to be lit up are being placed to the golden stand where the Empress would position herself.

The original Haneul only knows how to hold a bow and an arrow but doesn't know how to hit a bullseye. The reason why the last two years were successful was all because Han Wangchul helped her by using his Diety's Blessing and the stand was always placed beside the seat of the Empress and the Emperor.

Wangchul was anxious as he gazed at the walking Empress slightly stretching her arms. The distance between the stand and their seats was calculated and everyone could say that it was pure intentional to humiliate the Empress. Wangchul clenched his fist and glared at the ones responsible but Haneul wasn't showing any signs of feeling nervous at all.

She looked at the agitated Emperor and showed him a reassuring smile before looking at the distance between the golden plate and the golden stand. She placed the arrow and stretched the bow and focused on her target, measuring every move until she stopped. Her back was straight and dignified, her arms were stretched reaching a certain angle and her eyes were sharp and fixated. Her posture was perfect as if she was familiar with withholding both the bow and the arrow.

Everyone was looking intently, they have known the Empress for having a lack of knowledge about archery but they let it pass since it's not truly befitting for an Empress and turned a blind eye about the Emperor helping the Empress. They were holding their breaths and anxiously waiting as their hearts are racing like crazy.

When she felt that it was the correct calculations, she nodded and Kyung Mi immediately showed up beside her to lit the piece of cloth at the end of her arrow. 


She released the arrow and it swiftly charged towards the woods with flammable gas above the golden plate.

The crowd was cheering and applauding whilst the representatives looked at her with admiration before they made their way to the hunting grounds. Concubine Dana was pissed off and gnawed her nails, she failed to humiliate Haneul and even made her the center of the attention. 

Emperor Wangchul looked at Empress Haneul proudly. Haneul looked back and mouthed while smiling,  "Bullseye."