The Unforeseen Move

Chapter Fourteen: The Unforeseen Move

The rustling of the beech trees and the cries of the untethered birds awaken Haneul's mind. Unable to open her eyes yet, she subconsciously moved a finger.

A few moments later, Haneul mentally groaned and sorted out her mind, forcibly peeling open her eyes. The scene before her was billowed and blur, it took a while for her vision to finally be focus and clear.

She was lying on an unfamiliar bed.

Above her was the tester of a canopy bed painted in blood red. It was the same as hers but was more masculine and simple. 

"Your majesty, you're awake." Kyung Mi said in a soothing voice.

Haneul did not reply as she felt a grip on her right hand. It was a soft grip yet stubborn; refusing to let go. She looked down sliding her gaze at the owner of the hand.

It was a sleeping Wangchul. He was in a deep sleep as if it was the first time in the last few days. Dark circles under his eyes were visible and his thin lips were pale however, despite the haggard look, he was still handsome.

When Kyung Mi noticed Haneul staring at the Emperor, she dipped her head and uttered in a low voice, "Ever since her majesty passed out during the Hunting Competition, his majesty refused to meet the government officials and stayed inside his room waiting for you to regain consciousness."

"How long have I been unconscious?" Haneul asked in a hoarse voice, not breaking her gaze at the sleeping Emperor.

"Three days, your majesty." 

"What about his work?" 

"The emperor's paper works are also done here inside."

Haneul finally stopped staring and roamed her eyes inside the Emperor's chamber. It was a spacious room without much furniture and fixtures, but not too far away on the emperor's bed was a small table with a pile of papers and writing equipment on top of it.

Haneul raised her left arm and pinned her elbow on the bed to get up. Kyung Mi moved to help but was refused by Haneul. After she got up and her back was completely glued on the headrest, she lightly tapped Wangchul's face.

"Wangchul-ah." She called in a hoarse yet gentle voice.

It was done for almost five times before Wangchul groaned and tighten the grip on Haneul's hands. He blinks still in a daze until he recognized the person lightly tapping his cheeks.

Wangchul sprung, eyes wide open, "H, han-i?"

"Why are you sleeping on the floor? Your bed is quite spacious, you should've joined me here." Haneul said half-jesting.

The statement made Wangchul flush pink but instantly replied, "Surely you jest. I do not wish to bother a sick patient. Regardless, are you hurt elsewhere? Kyung Mi, quickly calls the royal physician."

Kyung Mi bowed. "I heed your command, your majesty." She then immediately exited the Emperor's chamber.

Haneul caressed Wangchul's hand that was gripping hers and smiled, "Wangchul-ah, I'm feeling well now. No need to summon the royal physician."

Wangchul stared at their piling hands for a second and looked at her with an uneasy expression. "That was what the royal physician reported too. He said that your body is healthy and nothing is wrong but if that is true then what really happened?"

The gentle arch on Haneul's lips suddenly froze. "That... I don't know either." she sighed.

Looking at the down Wangchul, she replied cheerfully, "But all is well now!"

Seeing the cheerful Haneul, Wangchul can't help but to let out a faint chuckle.

The royal physician examined her and announced that she was healthy and well. After it passed at the last person's ears, the people who wish for the Empress to wake up celebrated her recovery.

Haneul, who felt suffocated and felt like she was under house arrest, asked Wangchul for her to go outside and get some fresh air. She was permitted to stay at her garden but of course, under the Emperor's watch.

"Sister, I'm really glad you're okay." Wangmin genuinely said while smiling in relief.

"My apologies for worrying you, Wangmin-ah. Anyway, is Yungsoo around?" Haneul looked around while responding.

Wangchul gritted his teeth, "Why are you looking for someone who is not around?"

Afraid that the Emperor might cause a fit, she soothed him. "I was just asking. Of course, we are old friends, I was expecting to see him the moment I open my eyes."

Wangchul humphed, "There was an urgent matter he cannot delay no matter how that is why he cannot possibly wait for you to regain consciousnesses and got back home."

Yungsoo only mentioned that he was to stay until the hunting competition but stayed for a day or two because of Haneul. No wonder she can't see him around, she was faintly expecting to see his face but to no avail.

Haneul then clicked her tongue, "Right, what happened at the Hunting Competition?"

"It ended right after you fainted. It turns out that the person responsible for the boar to fly into a rage are Wangmin and Lord Yungsoo themselves."

Haneul sips her chamomile tea, "How so?" she asked. Her elegance and gracefulness are also back on the track.

"Both of them wanted to win. Wangmin scored ten points higher than Lord Yungsoo that is why Lord Yungsoo targeted the boar. Both of them chased the boar and unexpectedly goes towards the direction of the border." Haneul poured him a cup of tea and he gladly emptied it before he continued, "Unexpectedly you killed it, hence, the winner was Wangmin."

Hearing the results, Haneul nodded with approval and patted Wangmin's head. Blissful with the head pats, Wangmin 'tehee-d'. "I'm so glad you won."

Wangmin beamed and excitedly replied, "I brought the Imperial brooch with me. Here, I hope sister loves it."

Wangmin handed her a small box, Haneul then opened it and was wow-ed by what's inside.

It was a Sword and a Bow forming a V shape and in the center was a dragon. The brooch was pure gold while the three objects were well detailed and well refined.

Haneul slowly whipped her head towards Wangmin while smiling, "Many thanks, I will take it with utmost care. Such beautiful brooch."

Wangchul was about to say something when one of his attendees approached him and whispered something. 

Wangchul cleared his throat to suppress his excitement. "Very well, Han-i I'm going to take my leave first for I have matters to attend to. Let's dine together once I got back."

Haneul nodded and smiled, "I see, do take care."

Wangchul hesitated for a bit but then caressed Haneul's face and softly left a kiss on her forehead. Feeling embarrassed, he immediately exited, leaving the blushing and dazed Haneul and the giggling Wangmin.

Haneul, still dazed at the exit of the garden where Wangchul left off, asked, "What in the world was that?"