Who would miss the Chance?

Chapter Nineteen: Who would miss the Chance?

The next morning, the first person to greet the singing of birds was Haneul. Dark circles under her eyes were visible and it was very obvious that she didn't sleep well. On the contrary, Wangchul, whose face looked better is still in a deep slumber with his handsome morning face; still hugging the Empress.

Haneul's blank face stared at the person next to her and looked at him with a sigh before slowly lifting its left arm and pulled it away to silently get out of his chamber.

Even though nothing special had happened to them last night. Haneul still can't sleep well for a reason that she was afraid Wangchul would try something if she were to be in a deep sleep. But it turns out that Wangchul was not thinking of that, she was just completely delusional. In the end, she looks exhausted enough people could take it in the wrong way.

Haneul slowly creaked the door open when she heard a soft groan.

"Where are you going?" Wangchul asked in a croaked voice, his eyes were still halfway as if forcing them to open up. He slightly lifted his head and used his right arm to support the weight of his head mid-air.

Haneul flinched for a moment. It was just a minute when he was sleeping soundly, just how did he know she was gone? 

Haneul, however, responded in a gentle tone; brushing off her thoughts a while ago, "In my chamber. You were sleeping so well, hence, I did not bother to wake you up."

It seems like Wangchul bought it and nodded before answering, "I see. Let's eat breakfast together." 

After Wangchul answered, he flopped his head back to the pillow and closed his eyes once again instead of preparing. Wangchul long knew how a woman would get ready. He can still get back to sleep and get up later; the Empress would still be getting ready preparing. It was an advantage at that moment, leaving Wangchul uninterested in protesting for Haneul to be quick.

"Alright, I'll get ready," Haneul replied before getting out. 

The first person to greet her in the morning was Kyung Mi. She was already outside waiting for Haneul to get out of the Emperor's chamber. Whoever knows how long has she been standing and waiting outside?

Kyung Mi dipped her head, "Good morning your majesty, oh my, heavens." She exclaimed at the morning look of Haneul.

Having no knowledge of putting up layers of clothes, Haneul's attire was in disarray. Her appearance was also disheveled like she was from a crazy battle. The thing that she expected to happen, happened. People would undoubtedly misunderstand. Firstly, she exited with such appearance, lastly, she would be meeting again the Emperor for a breakfast. Who knows what rumors would she be hearing after having breakfast with the Emperor later.

Haneul can't help but heave a deep sigh. "I will be having breakfast with the Emperor. Help me prepare." 

"Understood, your majesty." Even though you would say that the face of Kyung Mi was neutral; not beaming not frowning, her voice was excited. Kyung Mi also misunderstood the situation. 

The cold and distant Emperor asked her for yet another eat together meeting. Although you would see the calm and collected look of the concubines in the Harem, in reality, the competition for being favored by the Emperor was fierce. Even the original Haneul also joined the competition. Because the more favored you are, the more secured your position is; lesser threat would be also possible. That is why the honor of having a time together with the Emperor is a key to survival at the Harem. 

Haneul would like to ditch the Emperor, however, even if it would look bad on the three concubines in the Harem; especially with Concubine Dana who is openly hostile to the Empress, it would still better if she would come.

She was not like the Imperial Prince, Wangmin, who has a lot on his plate to have a valid reason to ditch his brother; she was not like the Emperor's Advisor, An Jiho, who is close enough with the Emperor to bluntly decline his offer; and she certainly was not like the Lord Yoon Yungsoo, who's mouth does not have any filter and would frankly voice out his thoughts; not considering the feelings of the other party.

If she was not like them but still insisted on standing out; refusing to attend just because she doesn't feel like it, then her image as the 'Perfect Queen Mother' would be invalidated and she would be the talk of the town.

In a span of three hours, Haneul finished preparing for breakfast. It was rather a brunch than a breakfast.

"Han-i, you look beautiful." Wangchul greeted her with a compliment; his face beaming.

A slight curve on her lips and a look that's kind of proud was visible on her face. "I am aware, your majesty."



The two of them just stared at each other for a moment pondering. Wangchul thought how could she reply with an unexpected response meanwhile Haneul thought if her response was too full of herself or just an honest tone.

The beaming Wangchul was now a scowling one, "You are supposed to say 'thank you', Han-i."

"Why would I say thank you?" Haneul replied, her brows raised a bit.

Giving up on humoring the unaffected Haneul, Wangchul sighed, "I just complimented you."

Seeing this, Haneul just teased him more by answering in a mocking tone, "Was that a compliment? I thought you were stating a fact, Wangchul-ah. That was a fact though." 

Wangchul's face was back as it is when facing someone else other than Haneul. It was expressionless and cold, but with a frown as if angry. 

Yeona distinctly told him that Haneul is soft for compliments and that if he compliments her, she would be saying thank you with a flushing face. However, what in the bloody hell is this comeback? Her face was not flushing but it was instead a proud one. 'I know I am beautiful, no need to point it out' is even written on her face!

True enough that the horse Yeona suggested worked, but not this time! The time at the Hunting Competition; when he saw Yeona, Wangchul suddenly remembered how the latter helped her cousin, Haneul, to get close to him. He then approached the Concubine and asked everything about Haneul. Yeona suggested for more but seeing this kind of development, would he even dare to spill those cheesy lines Yeona taught him?

Seeing this, Haneul felt agitated and immediately stopped the teasing. "I was just jesting. You look handsome as well, Wangchul-ah" she laughed.

Hearing that Haneul complimented him back, Wangchul's beaming face was back on the track and they both started to eat.

Dining in, they were both quiet as if focused on eating. You can only hear the clanking of the plates clashing with the spoon. Wangchul was high-spirited while Haneul was exhausted, she can't possibly be able to get used to preparing. Even in her past life, three hours of preparing is too much; she only prepares herself for an hour or a half.

"Right, Han-i..." Wangchul broke the silence.

Having some food on her mouth, Haneul just looked at Wangchul as a response.

"The expedition would be two days from now."

Haneul finished the food on her mouth and softly cleared her throat. "Two days? Why was it so sudden?" Haneul asked as if ignorant.

"The case of people involved doubled overnight. We can't possibly delay it more. Are you still going to come?" there was a hint of concern on his face. Although he saw the potential in Haneul, his initial plan was to train with her for a week. Now he is thinking whether to let her come or not.

Haneul, however, responded in an excited manner, "Of course, I would love to. Who would miss the chance?" 

'Right, who would miss the chance to see action and the real power of Diety's Blessing? Rather than staying at the palace with nothing to do, I would love to see the live-action of the novel.'

Seeing the anticipation on Haneul's face, Wangchul can't possibly leave her behind. He is strong enough to protect her anyway. The main reason he invited her to come is to spend time with her, why would he miss the chance?

That day was also the day Wangchul oriented her about the journey and the detailed information about the monsters. 

"This is the forest we are going to raid," Wangchul said as he pointed out a sparse forest on the map of the town that they were going.

Haneul nodded and listened carefully. The exciting part of her new life is coming, all the actions and magic is two days from now. Throughout the orientation, her face was serious and excited at the same time.

The next two days, Wangchul personally trained Haneul all about bow and arrow. It was not as if Haneul is a genius at archery, of course, she was still lacking and the Emperor earnestly taught her everything she wanted to know and learn.