Family Banquet

Chapter Thirty-three: Family Banquet

The Family Banquet started when the Emperor took a seat beside the Empress and raised his hand.

A Myriad of maidservants appeared from an entrance door with porcelain plates in their hands. Upon the plates were various kinds of delicious sustenance, meticulously plated dishes, fresh fruits, and desserts. The chain of maids was endless along with their strides that were delicate and faint as if years of practice had happened before finally serving the Emperor. As they walked along the sides of each person present at the table, they placed their porcelain plates at the table without any sound made.

That was only the maidservants, yet Haneul was utterly impressed.

'This is crazy! How did they manage to do that?! I hope I learned from them when I was in charge of washing the dishes. A small noise from washing the plates and I'll be labeled as a lazy rebel!'