The Queen Mother's Gift

Chapter Thirty-six: The Queen Mother's Gift

Right after the disappearance of the two young lads, Haneul abruptly rose to her feet and marched towards the office of the Emperor.

Right at that moment, she does not give a damn if Kyung Mi would nag her for not finishing her paperwork and leaving everything behind just like that. The only thing that occupies her mind was to ask the Emperor one thing.

"Her Majesty, the Empress has arrived!" As soon as the Imperial guards opened the door, Haneul barged in while walking at a fast pace.

Happy to see the Empress visiting him, Wangchul shoved away all of his works to the busy An Jiho beside him. "Han-i! What gives rise to you here?"

"Blessings and Glory upon the Empire of Han. An Jiho greets the Moon of the Empire." A Jiho immediately followed as soon as he heard the Emperor.