Emergency Meeting

Chapter Forty-three: Emergency Meeting

After their short discussion, the Empress called the concubines for an urgent gathering at the Queen's Pavilion.

The poisoning of the Empress was not being disclosed, and only a few people were aware. Therefore, everyone was confused as to what was the reason for the summon. 

As they marched their way to the pavilion, Wangchul and Haneul passed the training grounds. It was as if she remembered the children that she whipped her gaze towards the secret entrance. Wangchul noticed the gazes of Haneul that were thrown at a vacant space.

Hence, he asked. "It's only been a day, yet you are already missing the youngsters."

It was not a question, it was a fact. It was a rare opportunity to sight some little ones at the Imperial Palace since it was full of grown-ups. Children are refreshing to the eyes, you see. Their laughs are music to the ears, and their tiny figures are the cutest sight to behold.