The Merciless Emperor

Chapter Forty-five: The Merciless Emperor

When she felt like she was reclining down on the grass, her face exposed to the sun, and the air was fresh and relaxing, Haneul already knew that she was in a dream again.

It was as if she anticipated for her dream the last time to continue. And this time, she would definitely have a heart to heart talk with the little girl.

She wandered through the forest until she saw the little village that she assumed was the home of the little girl. Just like before, it was lively and peaceful. The children who were playing hide and seek the last time were now playing catch. Cute giggles echoed through her ears as she passed by the little kids running and avoiding the person who was 'it.'

Haneul continued to stride towards the village as she saw no signs of the mysterious little girl. She looked at every house she passed and would sometimes peek inside, hoping that one of the cabins was her residence.