The Empress of Han

Chapter Fifty: The Empress of Han

After a knock, when Wangchul was about to open the door, the two of them immediately fixed themselves and schooled their expression. Hence, Wangchul saw the Empress lying down on the bed and the lady physician checking her pulse. 

Wangchul was about to act cold towards the lady physician when the latter began speaking first.

Acting, Ko Yumi looked at the Emperor and stood up. "Perfect timing, Your Majesty. Her Majesty is now all right. I advised her to breathe some fresh air. Furthermore, I would be back tomorrow for a follow up examination of Her Majesty's health."

Wangchul was speechless. He was about to say times up, yet Yumi cut him off. And what's with the professional aura? What exactly happened?

Nevertheless, hearing that the Empress is already well, he was beyond glad. Wangchul then nodded and replied. "Very well."