Her Last Commission

Chapter Sixty-eight: Her Last Commission

A bustle of people outside the window woke Haneul once again. She peeled her eyes open and got out of the bed to kick off another commission and finally meet the Guild Master.

Haneul checked herself on a whole body sized mirror before creaking the door of her room open and locking it outside. She then walked her way downstairs and met the inn owner, who was busy sweeping the front door.

Greeting the old Lady, she smiled and dipped her head slightly. "Good Morning, Granny Shan."

Hearing this, the inn owner halted and slowly turned around to see the owner of the voice who greeted her first thing in the morning. 

When she saw that it was Haneul, her lips stretched a smile and greeted her back. "Good morning to you too, Sena. Are you going to the guild again without having breakfast?"