An errand to do

Chapter Seventy-two: An errand to do

Shortly after, Haneul exited the office with the papers on both her hands and a determined look on her face.

Of course, the guild master was on point. She needs to fulfill his demand as a compensation with the information. The work may be an exertion of effort, but at least she could finally distinguish the whereabouts and the location of the sentinel residing in this town. The errand was even more straightforward than the commissions she accepted. It would not hurt handing the papers to its owners.

She then started to walk downstairs and saw that Lady Nana was waiting upon her arrival.

Lady Nana, who was leaning against a wall, straightened her back as soon as she spotted Haneul going downstairs. She was like a mother waiting for her daughter outside the school on an entrance exam day. And with that thought, Haneul mentally laughed.