Chapter 79

Seventy-nine: Dining with the little girl

"Now, now, Ari. What do you want to do?" Haneul asked the little girl as soon as she came closer towards her.

The Empress thought that it would be best to spoil Ari before they start looking for her parents. 

Hearing this, Ari looked at Haneul with a beaming face as if she was about to say that she wanted to have fun, but something else had happened. The timing was so perfect when Ari opened her mouth to say something, her stomach cut her off by growling.

Despite the young age, the little girl's face flushed that it was almost as red as a tomato. Her stomach growls one more time that even made her blush more. Haneul merely chuckled out of amusement, seeing that the little girl was embarrassed with something like being hungry.

Looking at the ground, Ari replied in a low voice; it was almost a mumble. "Ari's hungry…"