Myung Haneul and Kwon Sena

Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen: Myung Haneul and Kwon Sena

The lad then nodded and replied abruptly. "Yes, your Majesty."

That being said, Haneul did not press the thought of him being a Sentinel but instead asked another question. "Why Patche, though?"

As far as Haneul's knowledge could go, she does not have any knowledge about the name's meaning. Perhaps it was a name that came from an ancient god? Or maybe a name that resembles anything? 

The Empress was hoping that she could have an answer to her question. However, the lad merely shook his head and looked at the Emperor. "It was the Emperor who gave me my English name. As for the reason? I do not know."

Seeing this, the Empress also looked at the Emperor and was expecting for an answer. What could it possibly be? Does Patche mean mystery? Like how mysterious and unpredictable the Sentinel was?