Pursuing the Emperor

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-eight: Pursuing the Emperor

"How could you dare say such words when your body is not merely your alone, Han-i?" He added.

Seeing that the Emperor seemed to misunderstand her defense, the Empress also looked at him with a cold expression on her face and replied. "I know, and I can also protect my son."

She did not forget the fact that she was pregnant. It was that she was proving that she could protect her baby even without the prowess. She helped so many people countless of times. And that includes helping an infant that was being held hostage by some goblins. How could she not be able to protect her own kin? The Emperor simply thought that she could not do anything without him. He may have some sort of Deity's Blessing that she does not have, but she also happens to possess some Prowess in which the Emperor does not. Yet again, she could do fine without it.