Chapter 82: Accident at the Restaurant

Hearing what Lang Tian said, the mercenaries in the room all looked each other in the eyes with stunned expressions . None of them could believe what they had just heard .

Lang Tian continued to say, "Captain Bai Fei Yun, I am guessing that you suspect the mysterious stranger and Mu Yun are working together . "

Bei Fei Yun nodded, "If it were not for the fact that Mu Yun had leaked his battle skill at the same time the mysterious stranger showed up, I would not have linked them together . "

'There's logic in your words . " Lang Tian said . "If Mu Yun is really working with the mysterious stranger, then we definitely cannot make a move on him . Otherwise, we would be in grave danger if we were to run into the mysterious stranger . "

"That mysterious stranger would definitely be able to wipe us out with ease . " Bai Fei Yun said .

"Send the order that Mu Yun is not to be touched, and that everyone must pretend that they saw nothing . "

... .

After he bid farewell to Mu Yun, Jian Chen took a stroll in Black Wind City . While it wasn't a big city, it was close to the border fort . So for that reason, all four directions of the city were filled with the bustling traders and travellers, as well as caravans with mercenaries .

After arriving not too far away from the Mercenary Union, Jian Chen walked into a nearby restaurant since it had been a long time since he had last eaten meat . He had been rushing for so many days that the taste was almost forgotten to him .

After eating and drinking to his heart's content, Jian Chen was led to his room by a waiter .

Sitting on the bed, Jian Chen took out some Class 1 Monster Cores in order to cultivate . Right now, Jian Chen didn't want to waste any time and cultivate slowly . He wanted to use every single monster core to help him cultivate to help him grow so strong, that even the Hua Yun Sect would be afraid of him . Then he would be able to return to his family with pride . Although he could secretly sneak back without the Hua Yun Sect noticing, Jian Chen was too prideful for that, so he wouldn't do such a thing .

The energy within the monster cores was rapidly being drained away at a frightening speed and being absorbed into every single pore of his body . However Jian Chen could only absorb the 1% of the massive amount of energy, while the other 99% was absorbed into his dantian . The two glows inside his dantian were like bottomless pits that absorbed all of the energy without a single change .

When it came to his dantian, Jian Chen couldn't do much since it wasn't under his control . Although the two glows within his dantian were taking up all of the energy, what made Jian Chen happy was that his absorption speed was much faster than before . Even his cultivation rate was slightly faster, which comforted Jian Chen just a bit .

During the next morning, the rays of the sun shined down onto the ground as Jian Chen woke from his cultivational slumber . The Class 1 Monster Core he was holding in his hand was completely devoid of energy . He couldn't help but to laugh bitterly, "This consumption rate is too much; I've used up 50 Class 1 Monster Core in a single night . Even if I still have a few monster cores left within the Space Ring, I'll be all out in 10 days at this rate . "

Jian Chen got off of his bed, and moved his feet about . Afterwards, he walked up to the window and looked out at the constant stream of people walking about the main street . He murmured to himself, "Cultivation definitely cannot be stopped . But if I don't have any monster cores and just rely on absorbing the World Essence, the cultivation speed will only be 10% of the normal speed, and undesirable result . It looks like I'll have to think of a way to replenish my monster cores . "

Jian Chen walked out of the room, and went to the restaurant's lower floor to look for an empty table to sit at .

"Customer, what would you like to order?" A cordial waiter welcomed Jian Chen with a smile as Jian Chen sat down in his seat .

"A plate of stir fried flower tiger meat, as well as any two side dishes . I also want a bowl of white rice . " Jian Chen casually ordered a few dishes .

"Alright . customer, please wait for a bit . "

Sitting at the table in boredom, Jian Chen casually looked around the restaurant . It wasn't that large, and within Black Wind City, it could only be qualified as middle sized . However, it was currently breakfast time, and quite a few merchants and mercenaries had gathered within the restaurant to eat . The majority of the 30-40 tables had been filled; only 5 remained open .

The restaurant was extremely noisy, as quite a few mercenaries were speaking loudly to each other, without any consideration for those around them .

"Customer, your food has arrived . " Without giving much time for Jian Chen to wait, the waiter quickly brought over the dishes that Jian Chen had ordered, and carefully placed them on his table .

While Jian Chen ate breakfast, he also listened in on the the idle gossip from the surrounding mercenaries . Although the restaurant was extremely chaotic, the mercenaries gathered here had all traveled extensively, and quite a bit of interesting and up-to-date matters could be learned from their words .

At this moment, a few mercenaries walked into the restaurant . There was a total of five men; three of them looked like 20-30 year old youths, while the other two looked like 40 year old middle aged men . They wore the same cyan colored robes, and identical silver colored emblems in front of their chests . All of them were from the same mercenary group, and judging by their emblems, the group wasn't of a low level either .

Five people entered the restaurant together . They all looked around for seats, however it was currently the peak hours, and all of the restaurants tables were already filled . There were no available spaces left .

"Such bad luck, to think that there are no more seats . " A slim, frail youth wearing a cyan colored robe cursed .

A youth stood on one side, his gaze sweeping across the restaurant . It finally stopped on the table that Jian Chen was currently occupying by himself and he laughed, "Gan Hou, who said there aren't any more spots? Look, isn't that a free table right there? Even though it'll be a bit crowded if we all cram into a single table, it's not impossible . "

Aside from Jian Chen, there were still quite a few people occupying tables alone . However, that group of people could tell the others were not people they could pick fights with . Only Jian Chen appeared to be completely powerless . Thus, the youth's attention naturally locked onto Jian Chen .

The people's gazes all gathered onto the white-clad Jian Chen . After noticing that Jian Chen's appearance didn't look over 20, they smiled evilly . Afterwards, the five walked in together .

Once he arrived in front of Jian Chen, the youth called "Gan Hou" patted Jian Chen���s shoulder, and said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Young friend, this table is now occupied by us . It's better if you switch to another . "

Jian Chen knit his brows and raised his head . His gaze swept across the expressions of the five people . Once his Soul determined that the five weren't actually that strong, his heart immediately calmed, and said, "I'm sorry, but I also need this table right now . " Jian Chen wasn't at all afraid of the consequences . Although two of the people were quite old, their strength wasn't very significant .

After all, the strength of one's power didn't solely depend on age . There were some people with outstanding talent, and had become renowned peak level experts at a young age . On the other hand, some of the more mediocre people would spend their whole lives unable to condense Spirit Weapons and overcome the threshold to becoming a Saint .

Gan Hou's expression sank, and coldly stared at Jian Chen as he said, "Brat, don't refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit . If you're wise, get out of my sight right now . "

TL Note: Don't hesitate do something until being forced to do it .

Although Jian Chen's situation was naturally drawing the attentions of others in the restaurant, however such things happened quite often on Tian Yuan continent, and wasn't anything new . Therefore, everyone watched the situation unfold, as if watching a show, and had no intention to help out .