Chapter 102: Ten Thousand Immunity (Three)

Right now, there was only one step remaining until Jian Chen could refine the Ten Thousand Immunity . This step was also the most important one; whether or not he would be successful completely depended on this step .

By this point all of the most important parts of the Silver Striped Golden Snake's blood had been cleanly gathered by Jian Chen and concentrated in the gallbladder to form a strange substance . The strange substance was the anti-venom and the blood of the Silver Striped Golden Snake combined together .

In accordance to the contents of the books, Jian Chen needed to absorb the anti-venom and blood substance into his own body . And once he had completely assimilated it into his body, only then would he successfully gain the Ten Thousand Immunity .

As long as the substance was absorbed into the body, then Jian Chen's blood would take on a detoxifying property . Not only that, but the body would undergo changes as the blood circulated around the body . After some time, the body would become resistant to poison and grow an immunity to weaker poisons without fear of harm .

With a heavy expression, Jian Chen stood up . This was the final step as well as the most crucial one because the anti-venom substance would only gather within his body if the gall bladder of the snake was present . If there was no gall bladder, then the substance would dissipate uselessly . Before he could digest the snake's gall bladder, he would need to assimilate the anti venom within his blood stream .

Jian Chen calmed himself down and began to control the substance around his body . However, as the substance left the gall bladder, a strange attraction started to happen and began to pull at the substance Jian Chen was trying to control .

Jian Chen bit his lips as he increased the amount of focus he was putting in his control . Although Jian Chen's strength was still quite weak, his spirit was unquestionably strong . Under his increased control, the strange substance had finally left the gall bladder and assimilated into his bloodstream .

However, just as he was assimilating the bloodstream, the strange substance completely separated from the blood, like two opposite poles of a magnet . The two seemed incompatible with each other, and there was no way they could possibly fuse . However, Jian Chen still wasn't discouraged . He once again focused his strength on controlling the strange substance to forcefully merge with the bloodstream . He then watched it from the side; if the strange substance showed the slightest indication of separating again, he would immediately pour all his focus onto it and force it back into the bloodstream .

As the blood flowed throughout his veins, the substance which Jian Chen had forcefully absorbed into his blood was finally completely assimilated . Surprisingly a part of the substance had a green tint to its color, but in the end that had also been absorbed into the blood and disappeared .

As the energy from the substance was absorbed into his bloodstream, Jian Chen felt that his blood had somehow gotten weaker, as if something else had happened .

After a portion of the energy from the substance was assimilated, Jian Chen didn't know how much time had passed, but the gall bladder he had digested had shrunk a bit .

Jian Chen knew that the gall bladder wouldn't be able to survive in his body for long . So without a moment of hesitation, Jian Chen had forcefully broken a part of the substance away and began to try to assimilate it into his bloodstream one more time .

Time after time, Jian Chen had tried again for an unknown amount of time . But in the end, the very last of the substance had successfully been assimilated into his bloodstream as the gall bladder was on the brink of disappearing .

Feeling the noticeable change in his bloodstream, Jian Chen let out a sigh of relief . His heart grew excited as a bright smile took over his face .

"The Ten Thousand Immunity, I never thought I would gain the unpoisonable body!" Jian Chen said inwardly . From his past 20 years of experience, he knew that this new world he was in was even more dangerous, so the Ten Thousand Immunity would bring him a great amount of benefits . At the very least if he was to be captured by his enemies, he wouldn't have to worry about poisoned food .

However, while Jian Chen had successfully refined the Ten Thousand Immunity, it was still in its primary stage and not its perfect stage . While his blood had fused with the anti-venom from the blood of the Silver Striped Golden Snake, this fusion was not yet complete and would need some time before it would reach perfection .

Once his blood and the anti-venom had perfectly fused together, it would then circulate around his body endlessly and transform the bones, flesh and organs within his body . Every part of his body would gain the anti-venom capability . This would be the true extent of the Ten Thousand Immunity .

Slowly, Jian Chen opened his eyes to the first rays of light . In the horizons, the fiery sun was just peeking out, meaning that it was only the start of the morning .

Jian Chen leapt out from the blood filled cask and took out a towel from his Space Belt to clean off the blood on him before wearing a new set of clothes .

After all that time Jian Chen had spent in the cask, the blood within had already been reduced by a quarter . Even the previously bloody smell had dissipated and the color of the blood had started to darken a bit .

Looking at the cask besides him, Jian Chen kicked at the container firmly . The cask overturned and broke on the hard ground, spilling the blood onto the ground .

While the blood of the Silver Striped Golden Snake was incomparably precious, the most important part of the blood had already been absorbed by him . The remaining parts of the blood could only be said to be equal to water and did not have a single use for it anymore .

After returning to Wake City once more, Jian Chen entered a restaurant and ordered a few dishes to eat his fill . After a day and night of not eating, Jian Chen's stomach was a bit hungry .

Right now was the busiest time for the restaurant, the environment inside was already very lively . The people coming and going was like an endless stream and filled up the tables in a flash . Even the waitresses of the restaurant were constantly scampering around busily taking orders and delivering dishes .

"Little brother, the seats here are all occupied already . Could I possibly sit here with you?"