it's the new year, Fa'idah has decided to go home to celebrate the new year with her family.
When she got home, her mom was happy to see her, and at the same time angry at her.
" Fa'idah I'm so happy to see you " her mother said.
" where are my siblings? " she asked as she used her eyes to scan the house.
" did you forget?, they are all married, and spending their new year with their husband and children, unlike you. Last month Atikah gave birth to her third child, and your brother Habibah ( meaning : beloved, tribe : Hausa) is having his forth child soon" her mom smiled then went to sit down.
" mummy, are you still doing this?, this is a new year and I've not been home for years, and now that I've come back, you can't give me a hug" Fa'idah said. Just then, her father entered the room.
" daddy" Fa'idah smiled then rushed to hug him. As she hugged him, he pushed her away, then gave her a hot slap that turned her face to the other direction. She then turned to him holding her cheek and staring at him with those angry eyes.
" don't you dare look at me with those eyes. Turn your face " he ordered. Fa'idah stared at the ground.
" do you think you can live this house as you like and come back as you like?. In our family tree, you're the only one who didn't marry at the age twelve. And since you want to study, your mother and I have decided to disown you " he said. Fa'idah became surprised, she turned to her mom, who wasn't even looking at her.
Fa'idah's flashback
" if your dad doesn't support, your mum will support " Kohwo said as he put his hands on her shoulder.
" how do you know? " she asked.
" that's because when fathers are opposing, mothers are supporting. What children can't tell their father, they can tell their mom, and if it's bad, they will advise and make sure you do the right thing " Kohwo explained.
" do you think my mom will support me? " she asked.
" studying is good, so she will support " Kohwo replied.
end of flashback
Fa'idah smirked at her mother...
" some mother you are " she said as tears rolled down her eyes. " you're disowning me just because I said I want to study? I did different kind of work to pay my school fees up till now, I even got good results and always sent them here so you guys will change and be proud of me. But instead, you guys are disowning me " she burst into tears.
" about those results, we burnt them" her father said. Fa'idah just stared at her mother and crying at the same time.
" our ancestors will be upset if we don't do this " he mom said.
" is the ancestors more important than me, your child? " she asked.
" you're no longer our child " her mom yelled.
" I'm really disappointed " Fa'idah cried the more.
" we are even more disappointed in you " her father said. Fa'idah cleaned her tears.
" I won't beg, I won't change my decision, and I won't stop fulfilling a good dream because of you. I'm leaving, tell my nieces and nephews their aunt says hi" she smiled.
" I'm not even sure they know you " her father said. Fa'idah didn't say anything, she just stared at them, and stared at the house...
" Atikah, I want to eat biscuits " little Fa'idah said as she ran to Atikah, who was almost twelve years old.
" Fa'idah, I don't have money, go and meet Habibah " Atikah said.
" you had two hundred, where is it? " Habibah walked in. Fa'idah rushed to him.
" Fa'idah, she has money " Habibah said as he pointed at Atikah. Fa'idah just stood there with her hands folded.
" when I big, I'm gonna work and have money, then I'm gonna buy all the biscuits I want. And I will not beg you guys for your money " Fa'idah said with childish anger.
" and we will support you " Atikah said as she quickly carried Fa'idah, and was turning around.
end of flashback
Fa'idah cleaned the tears that rushed out of her eyes, then left the house. When she left the compound, she saw Atikah coming out of her car, with her children. Atikah saw her, and they both just stared at each other with teary eyes. Fa'idah then cleaned her tears then walked away. Meanwhile...
" don't tell the children that Fa'idah was here" Fa'idah's father told his wife, who was feeling pain in her heart.
After seeing Fa'idah, Atikah called Habibah...
" I just saw Fa'idah " she started crying.
" what? where? " Habibah asked happily.
" she was coming out of mom's house, and she was crying " she replied.
" mom and dad might have told her their decision " Habibah said. " did you guys talked " he asked.
" no. Maybe she's also upset with me, because I had told her that I would support her in accomplishing her dreams, but I did nothing. She doesn't even know our children, neither do they. We've been bad to her" Atikah cried out, then cut the call.
" don't cry mummy " Atikah's little girl said, as she dragged her mummy down to clean her tears.