Sun in the bears eye

Slowly the Chapter was getting comfortable in their new "permanent" home, it was much, much more comfortable than living underground, and the opportunity the Initiates got to train outside was invaluable. They were no longer hiding and as such, they were allowed outside for a limited time.

Afton used this to start thoroughly training his cardio, there was only so much you could do in a small metal-reinforced room after all. During his spare time he'd done a lot of running... He might've actually run a couple marathons around Helios One.

His studies continued as well, it took a while for a firing range to be set up, but it was a lot easier to do outside than it was underground. Plus, the additional distance would help him get better, faster.

Not everything was buttercups and roses though, Veronica had been terribly busy and wasn't able to spend any time with either him or Christine... The Elder had apparently taken an interest in the underground facility that was accessible behind Helios One, apparently you would be able to access the spire and solar panels from down there...

The only problem was that everything needed massive repairs, nuclear bombs had for some reason left the Mojave relatively unscathed, maybe the Chinese didn't think it was worth bombing a desert? But, that doesn't really make sense as Las Vegas was untouched as well.

Afton had no idea what could've so heavily damaged the technology under Helios One, but if he had to guess it'd probably be the scientists that were working here... A precaution in-case someone stumbled across the place? If what Elder Elijah was saying was correct, then something important was clearly hidden here.

How long would it take to fully repair? He had no idea. Most of the free Scribes were working overtime down there, occasionally returning to the main building covered in oil and metal shavings. The Paladins and Knights were constantly sent on patrols to gather materials that the Scribes requested...

Fortunately, there was apparently a scrap yard owned by an old woman that contained many discarded technologies. The Brotherhood couldn't figure out why so much would be tossed away like trash, and only Afton knew the amount of waste produced by the pre-war society, after all, it was the same in his old world.

Head Paladin Mcnamara managed to make a deal with the old lady named Gibson, they'd trade her bottlecaps, the current times premium currency and she'd let them scavenge in her backyard. Some of the members of the Brotherhood wanted to just take whatever they needed without bothering with her, but it seems Mcnamara hadn't lied when he said he wanted to find peaceful solutions for everyone.

It'd only been a few months since they'd started staying in Helios One when something big happened... Afton was outside and had just completed his daily run, walking to return to the base when suddenly the stars in the sky dimmed...

He wondered if it was a natural phenomenon for a moment, but realised it was simply light pollution... Light pollution from behind Black Mountain where the super mutants were living.

The next day he found out what'd actually caused it... Las Vegas had reopened... Well, it's now called "New Vegas". Afton preferred the latter as it was easier on the tongue. The scouts reported a rumour that the NCR had made a deal with someone named Mr House.

It took the Brotherhood some digging, but they eventually managed to discern who the man was... The founder of RobCo and numerous other industries. They were all confused as he'd be over two hundred years old now if that were true, and if that were the case then he must be using some sort of advanced technology to keep himself alive.

Afton had seen the Elder marching through the hallways after the news broke, he imagined the man was salivating at the thought of technology that could make you immortal. But, for some reason, he chose to ignore it and the fact the NCR had completely taken Hoover dam.

This would rapidly ramp up the conflict between the Chapter and the NCR, Afton could see why they were so eager to control the region now... New Vegas would most likely be an economic powerhouse, and if they controlled it then they'd control the Mojave.

Head Paladin Mcnamara had started sending out patrols to scout for potential safe houses, not mentioning his preparations to Elder Elijah as the man would likely force all resources into Helios One instead of their own safety.

A year passed and Afton had turned twelve, the repairs of Helios One were slowly progressing, but the difficulty of restoring a facility that had unclear functions was terribly difficult.

Veronica had eventually managed to persuade the Elder to give her some breaks, and she used them to complain to Afton and Christine about how annoying it was to work on this project without knowing what you were actually doing.

Elder Elijah kept whatever this place held to himself, not even telling Veronica, the person he was closest to when asked.

Afton was slowly becoming resentful of the Elder, the man was completely disregarding the lives of everyone in the Chapter was supposed to protect. NCR scouts had already been spotting lingering around the area, telltale signs that they were plotting something, otherwise they wouldn't hang around for so long.

Neither had attacked the other yet, Head Paladin Mcnamara feared that it'd only escalate the inevitable conflict with the NCR. And the rangers hadn't made a move due to their orders, probably along the lines of "Wait, Observe, Report".

Afton was thankful Mcnamara was so keen on keeping them all safe in the Elders absence, those hidden bunkers they'd found and started to restore were looking mighty welcoming with the NCR breathing down their necks...