Not just the flashy powder

Afton continued to chat with these guys who he now knew as "Powder Gangers", they belonged to a larger group which was located within a former NCR prison that they'd somehow taken over.

Karl sighs and sips the bottle of whisky he'd uncorked, "The Deathclaws are expanding their territory... Know what that means? They're breeding." he states with a dangerous gleam in his eye.

"Surely the NCR will come and deal with them soon, right? Aren't they trying to control the whole Mojave?" Afton asks.

Karl shakes his head, "I suspect they have bigger problems than a Deathclaw infested traderoute right now..." he finishes the bottle and tosses it away into the sand before standing, "I'm gonna get some rest, we'll be headed back to base in the morning so you should do the same." he states as he crawls into a ragged-looking sleeping bag inside the ruined caravan.

Afton shrugs, biting into the cooked Rad-scorpion claw that Karl had prepared. If he had to describe it... It'd be like a firmer, and more disgusting-tasting crab, not to mention his Pipboy would occasionally go off to let him know about the Rads it contained. He couldn't exactly be a picky eater though, he was starving.

Once he'd finished that he laid atop one of the vacant sleeping bags and fell asleep.

The next morning he was awoken, not by the Powder Gangers, but by the blisteringly hot sun that was now shining down on his face through one of the cracks in the caravan. He quickly got up and glanced over to the others, noticing that everyone but Karl was still sleeping.

Deciding to stretch his legs he stepped outside and sat down on some scrap metal that was laid out around the burnt-out fire, he was already beginning to sweat from the heat, but he knew he'd have to get used to this eventually.

"Hm, you're up kid. Thought you'd still be sleeping like that sad lot over there." Karl murmurs as he wipes clean a powerful-looking revolver.

"Nice gun, what is it?" he asks, not knowing its calibre.

Karl gives a small smile, ".44 Magnum, got it from... Back in the day. Try to keep it well maintained, 'as never let me down before."

Afton nods, "I'm more of an Energy Weapon guy myself." he admits, though, that Revolver did look intimidating, more so than any Laser pistol could.

"Thing is son, those sorts 'o weapons have alotta movin' parts. Makes it easier to for 'em to break. This 'ere? Not so much. Easy to repair too, if you got the know-how."

Afton knew the man was right, Energy Weapons weren't known for being all that terribly reliable, this was partly the reason the Brotherhood constantly maintained their armoury. Most ballistics would continue to work even if it was rusted, dirty, or sometimes even completely broken. "So when are we leaving?" he asks, wanting to reach their destination and hopefully get out of the sun.

"I was thinkin' right about now." Karl says as he picks up a rock and throws it inside the Caravan, creating a large *Ding!* as it bounced around inside.

"Alright! I'm up, I'm up! Fuck sake, can't you let us sleep a couple more minutes old man?" Tommy shouts from inside, clearly, this wasn't the first time Karl had done this.

And so the group got moving, as they walked Afton couldn't help but notice the numerous broken vehicles left on the road... He'd asked his parents about it previously and they'd told him that due to them all being Nuclear powered, many safeguards were put into place to prevent a catastrophic chain reaction.

One of these countermeasures would permanently disable the vehicle if it sensed high levels of radiation outside its core. Obviously, after the bombs dropped the whole of America was bathed in it, rendering most automobiles useless.

Due to the oil shortage that led up until the war, all the gasoline-powered ones had been converted... This had been a government order as they claimed any gasoline they could get their hands on, even if it belonged to their own citizens.

Afton idly wondered if he'd be able to repair one of them if he reached 100 points in science and repair.

The group walked for an hour or two, passing a small community called Sloan. Karl mentioned that it was entirely inhabited by Miners who'd been hired by the NCR to work in Quarry Junction, the place most infested by Deathclaws. Apparently, after the prison escape the Powder Gangers seized all of the explosives the Miners were given for the task. Without the NCR coming to help, they were stranded.

Eventually, they were able to see the large prison complex that the Powder Gangers called "Home", it was a huge area surrounded by barbed wire and watchtowers. It looked to be pretty defensible, much more so than Helios One had been for the Brotherhood.

Surprisingly it seemed to be getting power by somewhere, as when they approach the large metal entrance slowly slid open by somesort of motor.

They walk towards the building and Afton notes the single man leaning against with wall with his arms crossed.

Karl tips his stenton to the man, "Dawes." he states as he enters the door beside them.

"Karl." Dawes replies back with equal apathy, warily eyeing Afton as he follows Karl inside.

Inside there were many people in the typical blue jacket and jean prison wears, most greet Karl with nods before getting back to whatever they were doing. Some playing cards, some day-drinking, and some even injecting various drugs.

Their group dispurses as they go to attend their own business but Afton continues following Karl as the man leads him outside and to the largest building in the compound where Eddie, the Powder Gangers leader was.