Sheriff outta town

Afton doesn't decide to offload the rest of the loot, instead electing to try and sell it off at the Mojave Outpost, he'd likely get better prices there than here. "Hope you guys don't mind but, we're going to stay here the night. I need to clean this blood off of me and get some sleep." he states and no one argues with him.

He spots a nice looking couch in the corner and is about to walk over and drop unconscious atop it but is stopped by Johnson, "So Deputy Beagle, since you're back you can become the new Sheriff right?"

"W-what? No... My days in the law are finished, there's no way I'm putting another target on my back." Beagle quickly says.

"But Primm needs a Sheriff! Who'll stop another group of thugs from coming in and taking the town over?" Johnson exclaims, his happiness from earlier slowly fading.

Afton sighs, these people really were useless... But... He checks his Pipboy.

[Find Primm a new Sheriff]

... Atleast there was some EXP as a consolation he supposed. He glanced over to the robot nearby and wondered if he could reprogram it... Shaking his head, even if he did it wouldn't be able to properly defend the town, or even put up a fight against another group of criminals. "Karl, wasn't your friend Meyers a former-sheriff? Couldn't he set up shop here, wasn't like he had anywhere else to go."

Karl looks thoughtful before nodding, "I think he'd gladly take the offer." he looks to Johnson, "When you can, ask the NCR to send a message to Meyers who's currently helping out in the NCRCF. He'll be your new Sheriff."

Afton nods and prepares to fall asleep on that almost irresistable looking couche when time stops just as he's about to reach it... "Fuck!"



Seems like he'd completed the quest by suggesting Meyers, he'd have thought that maybe the man would have to arrive, but he must've been wrong in that assumption. Whatever the case, he was now given the choice of what to do wit his new skillpoints.

He'd already maxed out Guns and gotten [John Wick Style] from it, so he was curious to see what maxing Speech would do. He put all his points into Speech and raised it to 59.

Next, he was presented with the new Perks he could potentially take.

[Quick Draw] : Makes weapon equipping and holstering 50% faster. This looked rather useless, and if he were playing Fallout he'd not give it a second look... But, in a world were one bullet could mean death, being able to draw as quickly as possible would be as big a boon as a damage increase perk.

[Stonewall] : +5 DT against melee and unarmed attacks and cannot be knocked down during combat. The 5DT was negligible, but being immune to getting knocked down would be ridiculously powerful in the real world.

[Strongback] : +50 Carry Weight. If he had an inventory system then sure, this would be useful... As of now he has to manually carry everything, which makes taking rediculous amounts of weight impossible to take.

These three were the only new Perks he could take, the choice was between the first two as both could potentially be incredible... In the end he decided to take [Stonewall], he imagined a scenario where someone slammed a sledgehammer into his chest and are surprised to see him take it as if it were nothing...

He selected it and confirmed, causing time to start again and allowing him to drop into the couch, passing out almost immediately as he hit its cushions.

The next day he was shaken awake by Karl, he had no idea how long he'd slept but it felt like only a couple hours judging by how tired he was. He waved his hand at the man, mumbling "Five more minutes".

Karl didn't seem to listen to him and slapped him on the cheek, the sudden pain caused Afton's eyes to shoot open, unfortunately awakening him completely.

"Bro... Couldn't you just let me sleep a little longer? It's not like we haven't got time."

Karl shook his head, "The NCR worked through the night and removed the mines, let's get going... They have a bar at the Mojave Outpost, drinks are on me." he states, adjusting his Stenton and walking away, "I'll wait outside."

Afton rubs his eyes and only now realises he'd never cleaned the blood covering him, it'd begun to smell and had completely coagulated... This fortunately made it slightly easier to wipe off, but the stains to the leather were rather noticeable.

He didn't use any water to clean himself, instead just using a dry cloth that he'd occasionally spit on to remove any annoyingly resistant stains.

In the end Afton stood, still with small bloodstains on the leather of his recon armour. The holsters on his hips held Lucky on the right, and his other 357 revolver on the left, along with Eddie's plasma pistol.

On the makeshift badoleer on the front he had the laser pistol and sawed-off shotgun attached to it... His deathclaw leather satchel had many mines, medicine and other supplies held within it. To be honest, if anyone searched him they'd assume he was going to war...

He received grateful nods as he exited the casino, spotting Karl with the huge backpack filled with all the Guns they'd stolen from the criminals. "You alright carrying that Karl? We could split it some." he says.

Karl shakes his head, "This was a typical day back in the rangers, I'll manage. Let's get moving, I wanna reach the Outpost before nightfall." he says, walking towards the NCR outpost. The place had soldiers milling all over the place, crates and other things were slowly being filled with various supplies. Seems like the NCR have no reason to stay here any longer, and were moving shop.